Sunday, September 1, 2024

The indoctrination of our military using DEI and CRT – Violating Civil and Constitutional Rights

by Edward Haugland, America Outloud:

This is a shocking recollection of events and chronology that involves me and two instructors at the Army War College (AWC), the DOD IG, DOJ, US Army IG and FOIA office, and two US Senate offices regarding my concerns and belief that not only my civil and constitutional rights were violated, but also those of the two instructors that invited me to speak at the Army War College as a guest lecturer for the fifth year – given my expertise in Cognitive Warfare.

NEW – EU now calls for “gendered language” such as “no man’s land” to be abandoned, urging policymakers, legislators, and the media to use gender-neutral alternatives such as “unclaimed territory” instead.


Disney Pixar Movie With Non-Binary Character And Woke Themes Bombs

by Paul Joseph Watson, Summit News:

One of the lowest box office debuts for a Pixar movie ever.

A new Disney Pixar movie that features a non-binary character using they/them pronouns has completely flopped at the box office.

The production titled Elemental, which also features characters ‘tackling’ racism and xenophobia, ranks as one of the lowest box office debuts for a Pixar movie ever.

They spent around $200 million making it. It opened with a $29.5 million recoup.

You do the math(s).

What Climate Change Zealots Refuse to Listen To

by Martin Armstrong, Armstrong Economics:

Milutin Milanković was a Serbian geophysicist and astronomer who, in the 1920s, calculated what has become known as the Milankovitch Cycle, describing the collective effects of changes in the Earth’s movements on its climate millions of years. He hypothesized that variations in eccentricity, axial tilt, and precession combined, creating cyclical variations in the intra-annual and latitudinal distribution of solar radiation on the Earth’s surface. This cycle has greatly influenced climate, resulting in major climatic patterns.

Oops, Drudge Did It Again

by Stephen Green, PJ Media:

Ever since PJ’s own managing editor, Paula Bolyard, gave ur-blogger Matt Drudge a virtual black eye, I’ve made it a point to visit the Drudge Report once or twice a week, just to keep an eye on lefty cray-cray over there. Today was one of those Drudge days and — as happens almost without fail — I found a cringeworthy instance of the site’s increasingly laughable lefty bias.


from Sarah Westall:


UN Chief: ‘The Era of Global Warming Has Ended, The Era of Global Boiling Has Arrived’

by Chris Menahan, Information Liberation:

The “climate change” cult has shifted back to whining about “global warming” now that it’s summer and the weather is hot again.

“Weather is not climate” — unless it’s hot outside.

“The era of global warming has ended, the era of global boiling has arrived,” UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres said during a speech on Thursday.

Neil deGrasse Tyson takes pride in “communicating science”.

Son of Hamas Leader Blows Whistle: ‘They Are a Globalist Psy-Op Group’

by Sean Adl-Tabatabai, The Peoples Voice:

The son of a founding leader of Hamas has blown the whistle on how the terror organization doesn’t really care about Islam, but is actually a globalist psy-op designed to terrorize the world into accepting more forever wars in the Middle East.

Mosab Hassan Yousef has broken his silence on the decision to denounce Hamas and blow the whistle on his own family.

Post Verdict Polling Shows No Movement – Trump Still Leads Biden and Media Are Not Happy

from The Conservative Treehouse:

The linguistic contortions the New York Times needs to give an acceptable narrative to their audience is funny. The NYT/Sienna did a poll of Trump and Biden supporters to see if the New York guilty verdict against Trump made a difference. It did not.

The Times just resurveyed the same people they previously surveyed, and the result was essentially nothing, given the original margin of error which transfers to both efforts.

COVID Mask Mandates Are Starting To Reemerge As Government Insiders Begin Whisper Campaign Of New Lockdowns And Restrictions In September

by Geoffrey Grinder, Now The End Begins:

The recent upturn in COVID-19 cases in some regions has spurred a handful of entities around the country to reinstate mask mandates, reigniting the debate over what place masking requirements have in an era of living with the coronavirus.


from SGT Report:

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from SGT Report:

The UN Agenda 2030 looting of Maui via contrived “wildfires” and the MURDERS of probably more than 1,000 residents of the island, many of them children, remains the most ignored story in the mockingbird mainstream media “news”. SGT contributor Matt is back to discuss it and ALL of the REAL news the CIA mockingbirds see fit to omit.

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The DNC’s woke war to destroy America

by Edward Haugland, America Outloud:

We’re not going back” says it all. They do not want to go back to freedom, independence, opportunity, peace, etc. They do not want to go back to when America was great. Believe them, for they do not want that, as it will lead to their being held accountable, causing a loss of power and a major setback. This is the message that was delivered by Kamala Harris, Tim Waltz, and the Democratic royalty at the DNC.


from SGT Report:

Nathan Reynolds returns to SGT Report to discuss the history of the Jews, Zionism and the state of Israel as the world moves ever closer to WW3 by the day and Americans are told they should sacrifice their blood and treasure for the benefit of “our greatest ally” Israel. Who really are the “Jews’ who occupy Israel today?

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