Thursday, October 24, 2024

NATO’s Proxy War Has Officially Escalated Out of Control Threatening To Engulf The Planet In A New World War


Martial Law Plans Thwarted By Patriots? – Maria Zeee on Infowars

from ZeeeMedia:


German News Publication Claims Zelensky Boasts Of Being “Ready” To Launch Nuclear Weapons In Weeks

by Belle Carter, SHTF Plan:

According to Bild, a German tabloid/newspaper, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky claimed that they could have nuclear weapons within weeks. If NATO would quickly take Kyiv in as a member so it could be protected from Moscow, then any nuclear incident would be prevented.

“Either Ukraine will have nuclear weapons, and then they will be our defense. Or do we have to enter into a kind of alliance? Apart from NATO, we do not know any effective alliances today,” Zelensky allegedly said while in a conversation with Republican presidential nominee and former President Donald Trump a few weeks ago, according to the news outlet’s article which was translated from German into English.

The Cuban Venezuelan Conquest of the United States of America

from PatrickByrne:


HERE WE GO: The Guardian Drops Hit Piece Alleging Trump Groped Model (Who Became an Activist For Obama) at Trump Tower 31 Years Ago (VIDEO)

by Jim Hoft, The Gateway Pundit:

Another fake news hit piece has dropped on Trump with less than two weeks to go until Election Day.

The media is desperate.

Kamala Harris is desperate.

The Guardian is now reporting that Trump groped a model 31 years ago at Trump Tower after the smear campaign from The Atlantic accusing Trump of praising Hitler didn’t work.

A model named Stacey Williams (who became an activist for Obama) claimed Trump groped her breasts in early winter 1993 at Trump Tower as part of a “twisted game.”

More Than 24 Million Americans Have Already Voted, And The Numbers Are Telling Us A VERY Interesting Story

by Michael Snyder, End Of The American Dream:

It appears that the outcome of this election is likely to completely shock a lot of the experts.  I have spent quite a bit of time today going through the numbers on the University of Florida’s early voting tracker, and I have noticed some very intriguing trends.  First of all, turnout is off the charts.  In 2020, 49 million Americans voted prior to Election Day.  So far in 2024, a whopping 24,981,629 Americans have already voted, and we still have almost two weeks to go until we reach November 5th.  There is so much energy on both sides, and both sides fully expect to win.  Once it is all over, the losing side is going to experience a flood of negative emotion.

Pfizer hid SV40 from Regulators – Peak Prosperity

from Peak Prosperity:


The HPV Vaccine Tragedy Was a Test Run for COVID-19

by Midwestern Doctor, Lew Rockwell:

Prior to the COVID-19, I considered Gardasil (for HPV) to be the most dangerous and unjustifiable vaccine on the market. In turn, it’s truly remarkable how many parallels can be found between it and how the COVID-19 vaccines were handled so I feel it’s critically important for this forgotten story to be unearthed.

Help Pay for Vioxx (HPV)

Before there was Gardasil, there was Vioxx,” said Mr. Kennedy after filing a Gardasil lawsuit with Wisner Baum in 2020. “Merck paid billions to settle civil allegations that it purposely hid Vioxx’s cardiovascular risks. The company also paid $950 million in fines as a result of their criminal conduct. When Gardasil came along, the boardroom at Merck joked that its HPV vaccine could ‘Help Pay for Vioxx.’ Sure enough, some of the same shadowy cast of characters who were involved in the Vioxx scandal worked on Gardasil, and they employed the very same methods of manipulating science and obscuring risks as they did with Vioxx. And just as with Vioxx, Gardasil has left a calamitous health disaster in its wake.

The British Are Coming! (To Interfere In Our Elections)

from The Ron Paul Liberty Report:


Dumping US dollar ‘keeps politics out of economic development’ – Putin

from RT:

The use of local currencies in trade among BRICS members reduces geopolitical risks, the Russian president has said

Boosting trade settlements in national currencies between members of the BRICS group is a strategic necessity, Russian President Vladimir Putin has said, adding that a shift from the US dollar would strengthen financial independence and reduce geopolitical risks.

DIDDYGATE! The “October Surprise” You Will Never Hear Much About Unless……

from State Of The Nation:

…The Hidden Perps Decide To Blow
It Wide Open To Further Engineer The Predetermined 2024 POTUS Election Outcome.

SOTN Editor’s Note: If you thought Pizzagate and Pedogate, Epsteingate and Maxwellgate were BIG, you ain’t seen nothing yet. And, you may not see anything for the rest of this campaign season if the reptilian perps at the top of the planetary food chain don’t feel they need to show it to the American body politic before November 5th.

Clock ticking, DEMS losing JOY, Witch HUNT blocked, MSM showcasing minority support for TRUMP, PRAY!

from And We Know:


“Once You Know, You Cannot Unknow”: Whistleblower Reveals Fed-Funded Industrial-Sized Staffing Firm Shipping Migrant Kids Around US

from ZeroHedge:

A contract specialist from the General Services Administration (GSA) spoke with investigative reporter James O’Keefe about the federal government awarding a massive contract to an industrial-sized staffing agency to transport unaccompanied migrant kids across the country.

“My line in the sand moment was when I found out that GSA had awarded a contract to a company to transport unaccompanied minors,” GSA Senior Contract Specialist Clarissa Rippee told O’Keefe in a sitdown interview shared on X.


by Jim Quinn, The Burning Platform:

“No evil dooms us hopelessly except the evil we love, and desire to continue in, and make no effort to escape from.” – George Eliot

I might be mistaken, but I’ve been noticing behavior and observing economic and financial data which leads me to believe a shadow of doom enveloping the nation and the world is causing excessive risk taking behavior. I’m no psychologist, but I have stayed at a Holiday Inn Express. The examples of doom behavior are numerous.

We Found Miss Beryl’s Mother… Kamala Lied Again! | Candace Ep 89

from Candace Show Podcast: