Friday, July 26, 2024

Dutch researchers are hounded for suggesting covid injections contributed to excess deaths

by Rhoda Wilson, Expose News:

A recent paper by Dutch researchers reviewed the excess mortality in the Western World for the years 2020 to 2022.  The paper had been submitted a year ago but was only published last month.

Since it has been published, the authors have been subjected to coordinated attacks and requests for the paper to be withdrawn have been made by the usual “pharma shills” because it “wrongly inferred” covid injections contributed to excess deaths.

Putting these obvious silencing tactics to one side, Professors Norman Fenton and Martin Neil discuss the limitations of the paper in the manner that those who follow the scientific method should do.

Top Doctor Blows Whistle About Bill Gates Plan To Force Vaccinate 500 Million Children by 2030

by Sean Adl-Tabatabai, The Peoples Voice:

A leading doctor has blown the whistle on Bill Gates’ plan to force vaccinate over 500 million children with experimental jabs by the year 2030.

Dr. Paul Thomas, a pediatrician and co-author of the upcoming book, “Vax Facts: What to Consider Before Vaccinating at All Ages & All Stages of Life,” said in a recent interview that the global vaccination programs continue to use the dangerous whole-cell DTP formulation instead of the less risky acellular version.

Pediatrician Raises Alarm over Bill Gates’ Plan to Vaccinate 500 Million Children by 2030

by Frank Bergman, Slay News:

A prominent pediatrician is speaking out to warn the public about Bill Gates’s $11.9 billion plan to vaccinate a staggering 500 million children over the next few years.

The multi-billion dollar plan was recently announced by Gates’s organization Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance.

Gavi revealed that the $11.9B plan, which includes $9 billion in new funding, aims to vaccinate 500M children by 2030.

The organization says the kids will be vaccinated with existing shots and “new vaccines” that are currently in development.

PSYOP-DISEASE-X Rising: CDC Fearmongers Bird Flu Followup Scamdemic

by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World, 2nd Smartest Guy in the World:

The wholly captured Center for Disease Crimes (CDC) has been ordered to issue yet another H5 press release:

The state of Colorado has announced that three people have tested presumptive positive for highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) A(H5) (“H5 bird flu”) virus infection.

Three people tested with a fraudulent test, with the specimens sent to the very same “experts” that were in on PSYOP-19 scam, and the associated slow kill bioweapon Modified mRNA “vaccine” payloads; how exceedingly convenient:

The deep state is behind the biggest cyber attack in history! I predicted this would happen days ago. I am breaking it down now on air.

Merck Was Injecting Girls With Aluminum But Told Them It Was A Saline Placebo: This Is Why It’s Called “Big Pharma”

by Arjun Walia, The Pulse:

The HPV vaccine is one of Merck’s highest-grossing products, bringing in annual global revenues of billions. But new information sheds light on some shady practices.

I’ve seen some people scoff at the word “Big Pharma.” To someone like me, it refers to the documented criminal activities we’ve seen take place for decades by large pharmaceutical companies.

For example, from 2002 to 2010 Pfizer was assessed $3 billion in criminal convictions, civil penalties and jury awards and set records for both criminal fines and total penalties. This type of thing is disturbingly common, yet it was only during the COVID era that more people came to be aware of such facts.

Moderna-Vaccinated Deaths Up to 50% Higher Than Pfizer, Official Czech Data Show

by Dr. Clare Craig, Daily Sceptic:

Steve Kirsch has made a critical finding in the record-level data from Czechia obtained via Freedom of Information request.

First, let’s just toy with an idea.

If a widely given drug caused death in one in 1,000, what would the impact be?

For young people the impact would be astounding. There would be a huge number of extra deaths and a stunning number of total deaths compared to those who did not take the drug. For 100,000 people there would be only 55 background deaths and 100 extra deaths. Comparing two similar sized populations the overall mortality would be 155 ÷ 55 = 2.82 times more, i.e., 182% higher.


from Dr. Jane Ruby:


Did DEI Almost Get Donald Trump Killed?

by Michael Snyder, End Of The American Dream:

All throughout human history, leaders of nations have been guarded by elite warriors.  That only makes sense, because there is so much to lose if a king or a president is killed.  So considering the fact that we are currently the most powerful country on the entire planet, you would think that the people that are protecting our national leaders would be extraordinarily impressive.  But actually the opposite is true.  On Saturday, we had a bunch of obvious DEI hires trying to protect Donald Trump, and he almost died.

Moderna Covid Shots Cause 30% More Deaths Than Pfizer, CDC Data Shows

by Frank Bergman, Slay News:

Official data from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) shows that Moderna’s Covid mRNA injections are even more deadly than Pfizer’s equivalent offering.

According to the CDC’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), Moderna’s shot causes 30 percent more deaths per dose than Pfizer’s.

VAERS is a database that accepts reports of adverse events that occur following vaccination.

1,000-plus doctors, scientists sign Hope Accord calling for SUSPENSION of all mRNA jabs

by Ethan Huff, Natural News:

The Hope Accord is moving forward after cardiologist Dr. Aseem Malhotra tweeted a video of himself explaining that more than 1,000 doctors, scientists and concerned citizens have thus far signed the document, which calls for the immediate suspension of all mRNA jabs.

In order for health professionals to reclaim any semblance of medical ethics and set the record straight that mRNA technology is dangerous an unsuitable for use in medicine, Dr. Malhotra is urging everyone who cares, including our readers, to sign the Hope Accord.

Microscopic Menace — Scientists Discover Plastic Nanoparticles in Men’s Testicles

by Dr. Joseph Mercola, Mercola:

  • Scientists discovered microplastics in men’s testicles, raising concerns about their potential impact on reproductive health
  • Researchers were surprised to find microplastics in the testicles, given the tight blood-tissue barrier in the male reproductive system, known as the blood-testis barrier
  • The study found microplastics in all the testes examined, with polyethylene (PE) being the most common type of plastic

Stunning Admission: Former CDC Head Dr. Robert Redfield Calls Covid mRNA Vaccines Toxic in Senate Testimony (Video)

from RAIR Foundation:

Senator Ron Johnson directly questioned former Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) head Dr. Robert Redfield (2018-2021) about the COVID-19 mRNA injections during a U.S. Senate hearing on Thursday. Redfield made some astonishing admissions regarding the mandated mRNA injections. He highlighted the dangers of the injections and the significant differences between what the public was told and the actual nature of the shots at the time of their rollout and subsequent mandates.

Criminal Medical Device Industry shows FDA Corruption at the Highest Levels – The FDA Protects Stockholders, NOT the Public

by Brian Shilhavy, Health Impact News:

While many in the U.S. public are just now starting to wake up to the fact that the criminal Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is corrupt due to the horrible amount of deaths and injuries caused by COVID “vaccines” and other protocols given emergency use authorization from 2020 through 2023, the fact is that the FDA has always been corrupt, protecting stockholders on Wall Street and in Silicon Valley, and not the public.