Saturday, August 31, 2024

Top Doctor Blows Whistle: Monkeypox Is a Side Effect of Covid ‘Vaccines’

by Frank Bergman, Slay News:

A renowned German doctor has spoken out to warn the public that the monkeypox “outbreak” is a hoax and the “symptoms” are actually side effects of Covid mRNA vaccines.

Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg issued the warning in a new whistleblowing interview with the Austrian outlet AUF1.

He explains that reports of a monkeypox “global emergency” from the World Health Organization (WHO) are part of a fearmongering campaign designed to scare the masses.

I certainly hope the Covidians are aware that the FDA has just approved the 10th Covid mRNA booster recommended by the CDC

All Covid-Vaxxed Children Now Have ‘Altered Immune Systems’

by Frank Bergman, Slay News:

A bombshell new study has revealed that all Covid-vaccinated children are at a massively increased risk of deadly diseases such as cancer after the mRNA shots left them with “altered immune systems.”

A team of leading German researchers conducted a long-term study that analyzed a group of healthy children before and after they received Covid mRNA injections.

The study analyzed 14 children aged between 5 and 11 years old.

Did the COVID vaccines really save 20M lives worldwide?

by Steve Kirsch, Steve Kirsch’s newsletter:

No. But that doesn’t keep people from saying that. The reality is no lives were saved which is why there aren’t any success anecdotes.

Executive summary

paper published in The Lancet in 2022 entitled Global impact of the first year of COVID-19 vaccination: a mathematical modelling study, estimated that COVID vaccinations prevented nearly 20 million excess deaths.

Here’s what I and others I respect think of this modeling study.

Study: COVID mRNA shots ‘dramatically increase the risk of becoming severely ill or dying’

from WND:

‘Injections carry such a high risk of dangerous adverse events, it would be safer to catch the virus without being vaccinated than to take one of the shots’

Those mRNA COVID-19 shots, turned out in double time by an industry in the pay of the federal government at the time, are “far more” dangerous to those who took them, including those forced by government officials to take them, than getting COVID, a new report explains.

New Comprehensive Study Reveals Severe Health Risks from COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines, Including Heart Damage and Increased Cancer Rates

from Your News:

A recent study highlights the extensive health risks posed by COVID-19 mRNA vaccines, surpassing those associated with the virus itself.

By yourNEWS Media Newsroom

A comprehensive study published on Friday has revealed alarming health risks associated with the COVID-19 modified mRNA gene therapy injections. The study outlines six serious types of harm to the body, including a 37% higher risk of myocarditis—heart inflammation—compared to the risks posed by the COVID-19 virus itself. This finding is consistent with results from another recent study.

Infanticide in Gaza: UN to Vaccinate Over Half a Million Children with Deadly Polio Vaccine Over Fake Polio “Outbreak” Total Views : 1,005

by Brian Shilhavy, Health Impact News:

In addition to the almost daily news of children being murdered in Gaza, such as an entire family, including six children, who were killed in Gaza over the weekend, this past week scary headlines appeared in both the corporate media as well as in the alternative media stating that there was a new outbreak of the polio virus among children in Gaza, after polio had been eradicated there for 25 years.

Whistleblower: Bill Gates Inserting HIV in Monkeypox Vaccine

from The People’s Voice:


CDC Says ‘Very High’ COVID-19 Levels Reported in 32 States

from The Epoch Times:

Two new variants of the virus account for more than half of all reported U.S. cases, the agency said.

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said that COVID-19 levels across the United States are currently “very high” in more than half of the states, with Omicron variants KP.3 and KP.3.1.1 accounting for about half of all cases.

Citing wastewater data as of Aug. 15, the CDC said that “very high” COVID-19 levels are being observed in 32 states and the District of Columbia, and “high” levels are being observed in 11 states. All of the states along the West Coast and the Mountain states are in the “very high” range, according to the CDC.

Vaccination “Convenience” For Who Exactly?

by Dr. Will Falconer, DVM, The Tenpenny Report:

There’s a common practice in many conventional veterinary practices that’s probably age old.

It’s one you as a pet owner should be proactive to prevent, as it sets your pet up for vaccine injury.

It’s this: Vaccination while under anesthesia.

This is not pure convenience for you or your pet, but it is pure convenience for vets, and there’s no way you’ll get bitten by even the baddest actor in the practice, right?


from SGT Report:

Tedros the homosexual war criminal and Bill Gates puppet at the World Hell Organization just declared a global health emergency over boogie man “virus” ‘Monkey Pox’. My guest Dr. Robert Young calls it MONEY POX because the “virus” does not exist so this bogus ‘health emergency’ is nothing more than a money grab combined with Great Reset lockdowns and depopulation. God help us if Americans comply with this bullsh#t.

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We got Google AI to finally admit the truth about the COVID vaccines and the US childhood vaccine schedule

by Steve Kirsch, Steve Kirsch’s newsletter:

We found a way to have a frank discussion with Google AI. I’m sure it will be re-programmed so it will never tell the truth again. So this is an important reference point to judge AI veracity.

Executive summary

We found a way to get Google AI to tell the truth on politically charged topics like:

  1. Is the US childhood vaccine schedule safe?
  2. Is the COVID vaccine safe?
  3. Is Steve Kirsch a misinformation spreader?

Why One Rancher Will Never Use mRNA Vaccines

from The Tenpenny Report:

Original article reprinted with permission from Joel Salatin and Polyface Farms

Our Tenpenny Report writers ran across the blog from Polyface Farms, started in 1961 by William and Lucille Salatin in Virginia’s Shenandoah Valley. We’re so glad we did. This farm represents America’s premier non-industrial food production oasis. The family believes that the Creator’s design is still the best pattern for the biological world and their environmentally-friendly farming practices are the gold standard worldwide. They don’t use mRNA vaccines on their cattle, and here’s what they have to say about it.

Both eye and vision issues skyrocketed after the COVID vaccine rollout.