Monday, March 3, 2025

IDF top rabbi explains how official military policy encourages Israeli soldiers to rape women in order to “boost fighting morale”.


New York’s Speech Crackdown Shields ISRAEL From Public Criticism

from 21st Century Wire:

Recently, under intense pressure from the Israel Lobby, Harvard University capitulated to Zionist billionaires and media pressure by dramatically expanding its “guidance” for applying so-called Non-Discrimination and Anti-Bullying Policies and Procedures – specifying protections for Zionists and alleged victims of so-called “antisemitic” speech. This has already caused chilling effect on political speech and political protests on university campuses across the United States. These are some of the most draconian and arbitrary bylaws ever seen, and will almost certainly fall foul of the U.S. First Amendment once a challenge makes it to the high court.

Another Journalist Arrested In Another Western Nation For Wrongthink About Israel

by Caitlin Johnstone, Caitlin Johnstone:

They’ve arrested another pro-Palestinian journalist, this time in Switzerland.

The Electronic Intifada’s executive director Ali Abunimah has reportedly been detained by Swiss police in Zurich, after having been interrogated for an hour and released the previous day when entering the country. Abunimah, who is Palestinian-American, has played a leading role in exposing and critiquing the apartheid abuses of Israel for many years.

In October of last year, Electronic Intifada’s associate editor Asa Winstanley saw his home raided by British “counterterrorism” police in response to his social media posts about Israel’s western-backed abuses in the middle east. Multiple electronic devices were seized. No charges were ever filed.

CAUGHT on TAPE: DC Reps Admit to Caring More about Israel than America!

from Stew Peters Network:


We went to DC with a simple question for our “elected representatives”.


Here we go.


TikTok, Banned by U.S. for Allowing Criticism of Israel to Go Viral, Preparing for Shutdown From Sunday

by Chris Menahan, Information Liberation:

Social media giant TikTok, which was banned by the US government last year for allowing criticism of Israel to go viral, is reportedly planning to shutdown for US users from Sunday.

From Reuters, “TikTok prepares for US shutdown from Sunday, sources say”:

TikTok plans to shut its app for U.S. users from Sunday, when a federal ban on the social media app could come into effect, unless the Supreme Court moves to block it, sources familiar with the matter said.

Trump Shares Video Calling Netanyahu ‘Deep, Dark SOB’

from InfoWars:

“He’s gotten us into endless wars.”

Relations between the incoming US president and the Israeli PM have often been rocky

US President-elect Donald Trump has shared a video of an interview with Jeffrey Sachs in which the American economist calls Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu “a deep, dark son of a b***h.”

Looks like the Governor of Montana has turned his official office into an Israeli embassy. Tells you where their loyalties lie…


Who are the true Semites? Are modern-day Israelites connected to ancient promises?


from State Of The Nation:


Submitted by Revisionist Historians for World Peace
SOTN Exclusive

Please, every reader, take some quality time right now to very slowly and very carefully read the preceding quote from President Woodrow Wilson.

Now, sit for moment, and deeply contemplate exactly who it was that the stealthily controlled (Federal Reserve Act & Income Tax Legislation of 1913) and terribly manipulated (World War I & League of Nations) Wilson was really talking about.  Because President Wilson knew in his bones who the barbarians inside the gate were since he was forced to learn the hard way—REAL HARD!

Another Expert Report Finds Israel Is Committing Genocide. the West Yawns

by Jonathan Cook, The Unz Review:

Amnesty, Human Rights Watch, and Medecins Sans Frontieres are all agreed. But the Gaza genocide is now just another routine news item, buried on the inside pages

Three separate reports published this month by leading international human rights and medical groups have detailed the same horrifying story: that Israel is well advanced in its genocide of the Palestinian population in Gaza.

BREAKING! Pedophile Jews RE-KIDNAP Child Victims from Safe House!

from Stew Peters Network:


BREAKING: Guatemalan jewish compound raided for child trafficking, 160 children saved


Netanyahu Pushes Golan Heights Expansion Plan Amid Regional Tensions

from Sputnik News:

TEL AVIV (Sputnik) – Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government has unanimously approved a plan for the development of the Golan Heights, including strengthening local settlements and doubling the population in the region, the prime minister’s office said on Sunday.
“The government unanimously approved prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s plan to promote demographic growth in the settlements in the Golan Heights and Katzrin, with a total budget of more than 40 million shekels [$11 million],” the statement read.