Monday, May 6, 2024

Now They’re Coming for Me

by Stephen Kruiser, PJ Media:

Here is an opinion of mine that at one time in this country’s history wasn’t controversial: I am not a fan of censorship.

When I was a young comedian, we didn’t have to worry much about what we said onstage. I could — and did — get away with some outlandish material. People weren’t actively seeking to be offended in those days. Americans all over the political spectrum placed a high premium on free speech. If you had told me back then that half of the country would be actively cheering on censorship in 40 years, I’d have suggested that you see a neurologist.


from SGT Report:

Ray Vahey the founder and CEO of Bitchute joins me to discuss YouTube and Google’s tyranny, Bitchute, free speech and the war against humanity. Thanks for tuning in.

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UN launching cyber ARMY to aggressively push Agenda 2030 while suppressing everything they label “disinformation”

by Ethan Huff, Natural News:

The United Nations Peacekeeping division has launched a program to recruit a “digital army” of young people whose job it will be to detect “false information” online and replace it with “real facts.”

Known as Kinshasa, the program was designed to appeal to people like Blessing Kasasi, a 15-year-old “women’s and children’s rights activist” who was trained in Kinshasa alongside 30 other young people from a relay club who gathered back in June to learn about how to censor content.


from SGT Report:

Harley Schlanger returns to SGT Report to discuss the panic in the Rothschild’s City of London as the BRICS expands and the move away from the Dollar accelerates. Will the demons take us into WW3 after they take out Donald J. Trump? Join us as we dig in to the REAL news.

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Police Dept Will Send Drones to Investigate Outdoor Parties When Neighbors Complain

by B.N. Frank, Activist Post:

Not everybody likes drones.  They’re loud.  They’re privacy invasive.  In addition to their potential for crashing, they can create other dangerous situations.  Nevertheless, the NYPD plans to put them to use this holiday weekend for “non-priority calls and priority calls.”

From Ars Technica:

Biden will use Covid to rig election – Trump

from RT:

The former US president has urged his supporters not to comply with lockdowns or mask and vaccine mandates

Former US president Donald Trump has claimed that President Joe Biden’s administration will take advantage of the reemergence of Covid-19 to rewrite election rules in order to prevent him from winning the upcoming election.

Rex 84: FEMA’s Blueprint for Martial Law. The Roadmap Towards “Police State America”

by Allen L Roland, Global Research:

It brings to forefront of debate the ongoing road map towards “Police State America”.

Civil liberties are being arbitrarily repealed. There is a crackdown on freedom of information.

The Lie has become the Truth.

A fear campaign is accompanied by media propaganda.

Under the Biden administration, there is a process of social submission to higher authority.

The derogation of fundamental rights is being carried out Worldwide.

UN Publishes Final Draft of Declaration That Targets “Misinformation,” Backs WHO Pandemic Treaty

by Tom Parker, Reclaim The Net:

Another global power grab.

The United Nations (UN) is no fan of free speech and one of its plans to “address” so-called “misinformation, disinformation, hate speech and stigmatization” is on the verge of being finalized.

This unelected intergovernmental organization, which wields significant influence over its 193 member states, recently published the final draft of its Political Declaration of the United Nations General Assembly High-level Meeting on Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response.

JUST IN – EU to seek “global deal” at COP28 climate summit on “phasing out” fossil fuels, according to a draft seen by Reuters.


from SGT Report:

Researcher and activist Deborah Tavares returns to SGT Report to discuss Maui, the UN agenda to depopulate and enslave us with “smart cities”, which Deborah calls “death cities”, and UN agenda 2030 policies which will turn the people’s property into depopulated Hunger Games style UN zones.
Find the truth here:

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Maui, Mayhem, Murder & Supernatural Evil – Steve Quayle

by Greg Hunter, USA Watchdog:

Renowned radio host, filmmaker, book author and archeological dig expert Steve Quayle has been warning of very hard times coming for America.  The Maui incineration is just another sign that hard times and evil have come to America.  Let’s dive in on what Quayle says is “ The Maui Mess.”  Quayle explains, “The very first thing this drone operator had to deal with was federal government agencies and agents that basically stopped him from flying his drone and wanted everything (pictures/videos) he had taken from them.”

How the U.S. Government Targets Websites for Destruction

by Eric Zuesse, The Duran:

Within just the past few weeks, two more websites that had been publishing some of my articles were shut down by the U.S. Government, and so I now am writing here about the various ways they do this (for any news-site that’s bold enough to publish it).

In both of the latest two instances — the sites and — the blockage appeared to be the same. On 18 August, I received this notice from South Front:

Debanking Gold Dealers

by Martin Armstrong, Armstrong Economics:

I reported previously that a dealer I knew suddenly had his credit line closed. I have warned that besides banks preparing for the coming CBCDs closing local branches in the USA as well as in Britain, I seriously question if they will allow people to buy precious metals and use cryptocurrencies post-CBDC. This is about control, and they want to shut down what they view as the underground economy, which they estimate is 20%-35%, and this is about increasing their taxation to automatic theft. This is the net result of Direct Taxation, which the Founding Fathers warned would happen, so they prohibited any form of Direct Taxation in the Constitution. The Socialists seized power and pushed for the income tax in 1913, and that has been a slow grinding process that led to eventually owning nothing and being very miserable – not happy.

Elite Crackdown On Free Speech Worldwide Intensifies

by Michael Shellenberger, Activist Post:

From North America to Australia to Europe, elites seek censorship, privacy invasions, and the prosecution of wrongthink as “pre-crime”…

The leaders of nations, representatives of international organizations, and philanthropists say they are committed to creating free and open societies. Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg says Facebook has independent fact-checkers, is open to all perspectives, and doesn’t interfere in elections. And, in response to questions from a colleague at Public, a representative from George Soros’ Open Society Foundations insisted the philanthropy supported free speech.


from SGT Report:

The UN Agenda 2030 looting of Maui via contrived “wildfires” and the MURDERS of probably more than 1,000 residents of the island, many of them children, remains the most ignored story in the mockingbird mainstream media “news”. SGT contributor Matt is back to discuss it and ALL of the REAL news the CIA mockingbirds see fit to omit.

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