Monday, January 13, 2025

How Has Russia Used Gold to Support Its Wartime Economy?

by Mike Maharrey, Gold Seek:

Russia’s use of gold during its war with Ukraine reveals one of the reasons why so many countries are stockpiling the yellow metal.

Central banks around the world have bought thousands of tons of gold over the last several years. The pace of buying picked up after the U.S. and its allies froze Russian dollar assets and locked the country out of the SWIFT payment system.

This weaponization of the dollar was a wake-up call for many countries, especially those with strained relations with the U.S. and the West. Worried that the United States and its allies could use the dollar against them, many countries have attempted to diversify their reserves to minimize that possibility. An Indian economist summed up the thinking of many, telling the Times of Indithat the “reliability” of the U.S. dollar has “diminished” and noting the “noticeable decline” in confidence in U.S. dollar assets.

Happy New Year: A Toast to 50 Years of Legalized Gold


by Stuart Englert, Mises Institute:

Gold enthusiasts can celebrate a golden anniversary on New Year’s Eve and simultaneously mark a market manipulation milestone. Fifty years ago, President Gerald R. Ford legalized private gold ownership, allowing Americans once again to stack the regal metal as a wealth-preserving asset and safe haven against monetary inflation and dollar depreciation. Gold futures trading and market meddling also began in the United States a half-century ago.

On December 31, 1974, Ford issued an executive order revoking President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s 1933 decree that criminalized gold hoarding and prohibited American citizens from owning more than $100 worth (about 5 troy ounces at the time) of the demonetized metal. President Ford signed the order without celebratory remarks or public fanfare. He simply released an official statement citing the legal authority he had to take the action.

Proposed Texas Bill Would Create State-Issued Gold and Silver-Backed Transactional Currencies

by Mike Maharrey, Gold Seek:

A Texas Republican has introduced bills that would create transactional currencies backed 100 percent by gold and silver. The passage of this legislation would open the door for people to easily use sound money in everyday transactions and create competition for rapidly depreciating fiat dollars.

Rep. Mark Dorazio filed HB1049 and HB1056. The language in both bills is nearly identical, but they add the provisions to different sections of the Texas code.

Under the proposed law, the Texas Comptroller would issue gold and silver specie (coins) through the Texas Bullion Depository and establish gold and silver transactional currency defined as “the representation of gold and silver specie and bullion held in the pooled depository account.”

ALL THAT GLITTERS — Sofia Smallstorm

from SGT Report:

Sofia Smallstorm is back with her year ending newsletter about all that glitters: SILVER and the suppression schemes to keep the world’s most undervalued tangible asset demonetized forever. Is it finally beginning to fail? And what about CBDC’s and Bitcoin? Lots to discuss in this one, thanks for tuning in!

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Gold Clause & CBDC

by Martin Armstrong, Armstrong Economics:

QUESTION: Regarding CBDC, will they convert all the savings/cash in your bank account, will they convert everything in your brokerage accounts (all stocks etc.) will they go after gold and silver you have in storage (Brinks, for example)?


ANSWER: Everything will be converted to the new CBDC. The money in your bank account is already just an electronic book entry. This is why banks are closing branches everywhere in the USA as well as Europe. They are preparing for CBDCs, which means without physical paper money, bank branches are no longer needed. You can deposit a check on your phone. The only thing left for a branch is safe deposit boxes, and the government assumes you are hiding cash there anyway. So kiss your local branch goodbye. The local bank I used because it was the closest has closed, and it is now a 30-minute ride to the closest one still open.

“Gold, Bitcoin & Oil Prices Will Spike As Global Economy Crashes!” – Trend Analyst Gerald Celente

from The Jimmy Dore Show:


Critical Warning: Silver Is the Showstopper


by SilverWars, Silver Seek:

SilverWars’ research team indicates that silver is a Critical Raw Material that is needed for every nation’s security, current energy infrastructure and towards ensuring the global green-energy transformation. By all respects, except by a lack of current official classification, silver is the most critical resource on our planet for the foreseeable future. The severity of the silver supply deficit is estimated to be the ‘SHOWSTOPPER‘.

HUGE! Gold & Silver Legal Tender Announcement + 2025 Predictions – Dr. Kirk Elliott


from ZeeeMedia: