Friday, July 26, 2024

Christian Man Who Destroyed Satanic Displays in Iowa Capitol Receives Hate Crime Charges

by Shane Trejo, Big League Politics:

Michael Cassidy, a Christian veteran who decapitated a Satanic shrine on display in the Iowa State Capitol building, has recently received ‘hate crime’ charges.

In December, Cassidy beheaded the caped figure that was placed in the building by The Satanic Temple, and tossed the goat skull that functioned as its head in the trash bin.

According to Cassidy, he took this action to “awaken Christians to the anti-Christian acts promoted by our government.”

The Secret Rulers Of The World – The Satanic Shadowy Elite

Taylor Swift ‘Murdered a Fan’ In Satanic Blood Ritual To Join Illuminati, Insider Claims

from The People’s Voice:


Objecting to Satanic Defilement Now Qualifies as Hate

from Moonbattery:

When a crime has been committed that is perceived to express hostility toward a group favored by the liberal ruling class, it constitutes a “hate crime.” Unsurprisingly, given the moral caliber of our rulers, these favored groups include satanists.

To stick it to Christians, the Satanic Temple was allowed to set up a shrine to Baphomet in the Iowa State Capitol as a Christmas decoration. Kudos to veteran Michael Cassidy for tearing down the obscenity.

Everyone knew Cassidy would be punished. But who would have guessed that authorities would be so obvious as to charge him with a hate crime?


from SGT Report:

Author and survivor of a Satanic Illuminati family, Nathan Reynolds returns to SGT Report with a message of hope amidst the darkness of the new world order’s Luciferian agenda to extinguish human life on earth.

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from SGT Report:

Dr. Jason Dean joins me to blow the World Economic Forum-Gates-UN-UK-CIA lab created ‘Disease X’ bio warfare agenda out of the water. The choice has never been more clear, either humanity rises up and arrests these enemies of humanity or eventually they’ll kill us all.

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from SGT Report:

Crrow777 returns to SGT Report to share good news about the rift between the satanic elite and humanity. There has been a quantifiable shift in the matrix as human beings in the United States and around the world wake up to the evil which actively seeks to destroy us all. And remember, all of the evil and all wars lead directly to the bankers.

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“J Christ”: Lil Nas X is Not Trolling, He’s a Pawn of Demonic Industry

from Vigilant Citizen:

In “J Christ”, Lil Nas X takes on the role of Jesus Christ in the most disrespectful ways possible. While some say that he’s “trolling” his Christian haters, the symbolism of the video sends out a deeper message: We’re in modern-day Sodom and Gomorrah.

The story of Lil Nas X exemplifies how the music industry shapes and molds celebrities according to the long-term goals of the occult elite. And these goals include turning young people into highly confused degenerates.


from SGT Report:

Friends, the global atheists and satanists who control the world are doubling down on their efforts to extinguish humanity and usher in the global slave plantation engineered by Lucifer himself. They want you land, air and water – and after watching this one you will realize what they have put in the water we drink. The Devil is in the water. Dr. Diane Kazer and a special guest join me to shine the light of truth.

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Satanic Jews Exposed in Brooklyn Underground Tunnels where Children are Subject to Satanic Ritual Abuse – Lady Liberty’s Last Dance

by Brian Shilhavy, Health Impact News:

And so it begins.

For those who have eyes to see and ears to hear, events prophesied in the Bible thousands of years ago are unfolding right in front of our eyes every day now.

One of the latest fulfillments of prophecy to be revealed to the public in recent days, are these words spoken by Jesus Christ:

For whatever is hidden is meant to be disclosed, and whatever is concealed is meant to be brought out into the open. (Mark 4:22)


from SGT Report:

The ruling genocidal predator class wants YOU dead, but if you somehow survive, they want you broke, desperate and living on their global slave plantation under a Draconian, Satanic world order. Fortunately people around the world are waking up to this evil agenda and they’re screaming NO, NEVER – we will not comply. As the pedophiles continue to roam free and run wild, Jason Bermas returns to SGT Report to process the tyrannical REAL news of the day. Thanks for tuning in.

The REAL NEWS is found here:


from SGT Report:

Nathan Reynolds had to escape his illuminati family in order to save his soul – and his children, so he knows a thing or two about the agents of evil who are hell bent on destroying us all.

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Tucker Carlson Sounds the Alarm: ‘Hostile Demonic Entities Control Humanity’

by Sean Adl-Tabatabai, The Peoples Voice:

Tucker Carlson has warned that “evil” inter-dimensional demonic entities are influencing humanity in such a profound manner that the controlled environment where mankind exists can be compared to an “ant farm.”

Answering a question about extraterrestrial’s, UFOs, and the spiritual war many are now finding themselves in, Carlson delved into what he believes is the true nature of these hidden entities.

The satanic roots of the left’s all-out war on Christian America

from WND:

Back in 2009, President Barack Obama scandalously claimed that Americans “do not consider ourselves a Christian nation.” He was lying, of course. But then, throughout his presidency Obama lied as easily as breathing, just as his puppet “successor” Joe Biden does today.

For in reality, America was founded as an explicitly Christian nation, and for many generations remained the freest, most prosperous, powerful, altruistic and Christian country on the face of the earth.

Here’s Why Tearing Down Satanic Statues Is Perfectly Acceptable In Our “Constitutional Society”

by Brandon Smith, Alt Market:

In recent articles I’ve been discussing the ways in which the political left exploits the principles of a society as a shield to destroy that society. In other words, if a nation has a certain historic regard for freedom, they will try to destroy that nation while under the protection of those freedoms. If you point out what they’re doing and try to stop them, they then argue that you are “violating your own principles,” the same principles which they are trying to tear down.

It’s a form of psychological warfare designed to create a Catch-22: If the target population sits back and does nothing in the face of the cultural onslaught, their heritage and their beliefs are systematically dismantled. If people take action to disrupt the saboteurs, they are accused of being hypocrites who don’t actually value the freedoms they claim to value.