Objecting to Satanic Defilement Now Qualifies as Hate


from Moonbattery:

When a crime has been committed that is perceived to express hostility toward a group favored by the liberal ruling class, it constitutes a “hate crime.” Unsurprisingly, given the moral caliber of our rulers, these favored groups include satanists.

To stick it to Christians, the Satanic Temple was allowed to set up a shrine to Baphomet in the Iowa State Capitol as a Christmas decoration. Kudos to veteran Michael Cassidy for tearing down the obscenity.

Everyone knew Cassidy would be punished. But who would have guessed that authorities would be so obvious as to charge him with a hate crime?

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Cassidy, a former congressional candidate from Mississippi, was charged the following day with fourth-degree criminal mischief, a misdemeanor. …

Now, Polk County prosecutors have accused Cassidy of a more serious offense. A charging document made public Tuesday charges him with felony third-degree criminal mischief and notes that the act was committed “in violation of individual rights” under Iowa’s hate crime statute.

According to Lynn Hicks of the Polk County Attorney’s Office, Cassidy made statements to the effect that he attacked the statue of Baphomet because it was satanic. That’s why he faces the more serious charges. That is, the main crime isn’t that he damaged a statue, but that he does not approve of devil worship.

What makes the charge a felony, Hicks said, is the hate crime statute.

Cassidy now faces 5 years in prison.

Probably to avoid getting the Kyle Rittenhouse treatment from the libs at GoFundMe, Cassidy is raising money for his defense via GiveSendGo.

Allowing ourselves to be governed by degenerates who are sympathetic to the literal worship of evil is not going to end well.

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