by Selwyn Duke, American Thinker:

It’s funny, the discussions we never have, even when they involve that proverbial elephant in the room. Here’s one:
Since the U.S.’s population is only increasing because of immigration, when do we decide we have enough people and end it?
Our population is now 343.6 million, up from 338.3 million in 2021. This itself is up from 311.2 million in 2010, 282.4 million in 2000, 223.1 million in 1980, 176.2 million in 1960, and 148.3 million in 1950. Oh, I know we Americans are sometimes concerned with being number one, but we’re already the world’s third most populous nation. Will we only be happy when our population exceeds India’s 1.451 billion? (Yes, India seized the title from China a while back.)