Saturday, July 27, 2024

US Air Force Does Not Want Trump Supporters

by Martin Armstrong, Armstrong Economics:

(Above: Far-right domestic terrorists)

The government is watching what you do and who you support. They are first alerting military service members that their political alliance could jeopardize their futures. This will be common practice once digital IDs and corresponding social credit scores are implemented. The Air Force has alerted service members not to attend any rallies for Donald Trump if they want to remain in the military.

There’s only one way to deal with the cultural marxist revolution destroying the American Republic today and that is to…..


from State Of The Nation:

…crush it before it crushes US out of existence forever.
SOTN Editor’s Note: The following analysis represents the grim reality that the Patriot Movement faces today.  It also presents the ONLY way out of the rapidly devolving predicament throughout the 50 states.

Disney’s ‘Wish’ Is A Theatrical Bomb And The Latest In A String Of Woke Failures


from ZeroHedge:

Is it time to declare the Disney brand dead?  Only a couple weeks ago the entertainment giant suffered one of its worst box office showings ever with the failure of The Marvels, a feminist driven girl-boss movie which was widely applauded by social justice advocates but ignored by the vast majority of the public.  The film is expected to lose $200 million to $300 million once receipts are totaled and marketing costs are accounted for.

Escape from New York: Technocratic Marxist School Indoctrination & Power To Detain Anyone Without Due Process on Mere Suspicion of a Communicable Disease

by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World, 2nd smartest Guy in the World:

This Substack has been vehemently against the globalist sociopath puppet “Governor” Hochul since she was first illegitimately installed.

New York’s Democrat Marxist governor Kathy Hochul recently won an appeal over a lawsuit against her administration’s criminal Covid-19 quarantine rules and regulations.

Maoist Revolution Survivor Exposes Parallels Between China’s Cultural Revolution and Wokeism

from The Epoch Times:

The real goal of the woke revolution sweeping America today is “to change the [American] culture and to destroy everything [of] the past: the traditional value,

Although communist China and America have different cultures, a Chinese Cultural Revolution survivor said that when the Maoist Cultural Revolution in China and what is happening in today’s America are put in a broader perspective, one can see commonalities between the two.

NEW – Pope Francis hosts transgender group for Vatican luncheon.


Evidence ‘Transhumanists,’ Who Claimed ‘Humans Are Hackable’ & ‘No Longer Have Free Will,’ Are Causing Bizarre Deaths, Rage, Crime And Widely Spreading Insanity via Injected Nanotechnology

by Stefan Stanford, All News Pipeline:

– Voice To Skull Technologies Help To Usher In Tyranny

When taking a look out at the world today and witnessing the near-total breakdown of society, including people suffering bizarre, sudden deaths, captured on camera, often accompanied by the ‘victim’ looking out at their surroundings and seemingly ‘seeing’ things that are not there; massive crime sprees spreading from the East Coast to the West; and widely spreading ‘insanity’ among the population, it’s necessary to take a look back a few years to help us understand what’s now unfolding.


from SGT Report:

Dr. Jerome Corsi returns to SGT Report to expose the enemies of humanity and our beloved Republic of the United States: The neo-Marxist and cultural Maoists who do the bidding of their criminal satanic bankster masters.

Get the FREE video report from Dr. Gundry here:
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from The Salty Cracker:


Your Credit Card Company Might Be Bankrolling Left-Wing Activism

by Robert Schmad, The Daily Caller:

Charitable foundations funded by credit card companies and managed by their executives are pouring millions of dollars into liberal advocacy organizations, tax filings show.

The American Express Foundation and the Visa Foundation, philanthropic arms of two of the largest credit card companies in the world, gave grants to several major left-wing groups between 2019 and 2021. Executives from Visa and American Express sit on the boards of their respective foundations, both of which have taken millions from the corporations that established them.

US-based NGO confirms running Russian opposition troll farm

from RT:

The organization, however, denies links to Alexey Navalny’s FBK and that it used network to target rival Russian opposition groups

The Free Russia Foundation (FRF), a Washington-based NGO, has confirmed running a network of paid online commenters focused on influencing Russian current affairs and the Ukrainian crisis.

The pro-opposition troll farm was exposed in an explosive report published on Wednesday by SVTV, an online outlet created by Russian libertarian activist Mikhail Svetov. The report claimed, citing a trove of documents received from ex-employees of the network, that the FRF-payrolled troll farm has collaborated with FBK (Anti-Corruption Foundation), founded by jailed Russian opposition figure Alexey Navalny, and has also routinely targeted critics of FBK and the government alike.

EXCLUSIVE: Leaked NSA Doc Reveals Massive Woke Glossary Pushing Critical Race Theory, Gender Ideology At Intel Agency

by Spencer Lindquist, Daily Wire:

The National Security Agency, responsible for monitoring threats both foreign and domestic for the U.S. military, assumed a new responsibility under the Biden administration — creating a massive glossary of woke terms for employees, ranging from “anti-racist” to the gender-neutral pronouns “ze” and “zir.”

A copy of the NSA’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Glossary obtained and verified by The Daily Wire shows the agency now provides definitions for terms such as “queer theory” and “white fragility,” as part of its expansive guide to 327 social justice terms that blame “white Europeans” for engaging in “settler colonialism” and warn of “transmisogyny.”

In stark contrast to dogma propagated by #ClimateScam cultists, the Earth’s current CO2 concentration, just 0.04% of the atmosphere, is only a sixth of the Earth’s historical average

“My testicles don’t make me less of a woman” – Caster Semenya