Sunday, May 5, 2024

When All Crimes Are Those Against the State

by Jeff Thomas, International Man:

The above principle is a simple one, yet it’s the basis for all criminal law. In turn, criminal law is the basis for Common Law, the legal system for English-speaking peoples and much of the rest of the world.

The idea is a simple one: If party A aggresses against party B, party B is entitled under the law to restitution or compensation to be paid by party A to party B.

Well, that seems straightforward enough. But at some point along the way, two fundamental changes have been made that don’t reflect the original principle.

D E V O L U T I O N — Todd Callender & Dr. Lee Vliet

from SGT Report:

Attorney Todd Callender and Dr. Lee Vliet are back to discuss current events, the Karen Kingston situation and the possibility that DEVOLUTION is real. Pedo Joe Biden is the President of the bankrupt US Corporation and Donald J. Trump is the rightful President to the Republic of the 50 states. And the evidence and truth about the 2020 election coup will soon be known to all.

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Whole Foods Now Scans Your PALM For Payment – Not Kidding!

from The Jimmy Dore Show:


‘He Was Alive’: Tormented Chinese Doctor Recounts Harvesting Organs in Back of Van

from The Epoch Times:

Stepping into the van guarded by armed soldiers with five surgeons and nurses, Zheng Zhi didn’t know he was entering into a world that would haunt him for the next quarter of a century.

Dr. Zheng, then a resident doctor at one of China’s largest military hospitals, knew little more than they were on a “secret military mission” near a military prison located around the northeastern Chinese city of Dalian.

A light blue fabric covered the four sides of the vehicle, shielding it from any curious glances.

New Global Internet Censorship Tool Kit – By GOOGLE

by Michael McKay, Activist Post:

Google’s new global censorship tool’s purpose (found HERE) is to eliminate dissent on any topic Google selects.

Google’s partners are the United Nations (UN), World Health Organization (WHO), plus 71 PAGES of other partners listed in the fine print on this website.


from SGT Report:

BANANA JOE is a hopelessly corrupt career criminal masquerading as a politician. And everyone in the country who can think hates his guts. Crypto Blood joins me to discuss our banana republic & much more. Thanks for tuning in.

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The Deafening Silence About the Vax

by Paul Craig Roberts, Paul Craig Roberts:

Here is a small collection of reports from the last day or two documenting the extreme danger of the Covid “vaccine.”  Independent medical scientists, which means medical scientists not on Big Pharma’s payroll, grant list, or subject to control or influence by Big Pharma-associated colleagues, administrators, employers, have proven conclusively that the Covid “vaccine” is far more dangerous than the Covid virus engineered by Tony Fauci’s NIH grants to the University of North Carolina and the Wuhan Laboratory in China.

America’s globalist leaders are psychologically programming the public for World War III, nuclear Armageddon and climate LOCKDOWNS

by Ethan Huff, Natural News:

The world is being prepped by the globalists for some very soon, and very extreme, changes to the global economic order.

Lately, there has been a lot of talk about a “nuclear armageddon” and another round of lockdowns, this time to fight climate change and global warming. The daughter of Klaus Schwab, Nicole Schwab, has been pushing the idea of “climate lockdowns” for some time now, and many others are calling on fake president Joe Biden to implement the same.


from SGT Report:

Bronny James’ basketball career ended last week thanks to what’s most likely a vax induced heart attack. His father Billionaire basketball superstar Lebron James has been silent about the cause of his son’s near fatality despite the tangible documents proving that Pfizer and the CDC KNEW this is exactly what would happen to healthy young men who took the jab. Attorney Todd Callender & Dr. Lee Vliet join me to talk about this and much more.

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Confiscation: Why Isn’t the Far Left Honest About Their End Game On Guns?

by D. Parker, American Thinker:

Leftists keep on lying about their true goals on guns to get everyone to accept the intermediate steps to confiscation.

What is the far left’s end game on guns? Anyone on the pro-freedom right side of the political spectrum has known this answer for years. Gun confiscation has always been the ultimate goal of every collectivist authoritarian down through history since firearms were invented, from the Bolsheviks, and National Socialist German Workers’ (Nazi) Party, to the Democrats and every leftist extremist in between.


from SGT Report:

Guess what? The enemies of humanity who prey on us and on our children are driven by a darkness and evil so all consuming that it can only inhabit those who are no longer human. Dustin Nemos joins us with the quantifiable, Biblical proof that ‘thy are not human’. When you are ready to go down the rabbit hole, begin here:

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Digital Services Act: A Framework to Gain Global Control of the Internet

by Daisy Luther, The Organic Prepper:

Frameworks for control are being put up all over the world. Daisy wrote recently about the implementation of FedNow, a framework for ending financial freedom and privacy as we know it.  A few months ago, we wrote about the WHO’s Pandemic Treaty, which, if signed by all parties, will put in place a framework for global health mandates.  And Europe will shortly begin enforcing its Digital Services Act, which will put in a framework for intense control of online speech.

Jill’s ex-husband: ‘Biden crime family’ has threatened me for decades!

from WND:

Bill Stevenson: ‘I was on the wrong side of them, and they have literally come after me for 35 years’

First Lady Jill Biden’s ex-husband, Bill Stevenson, accused the Joe “Biden Crime family” of threatening him to win divorce concessions for her, and ultimately using the corrupted legal system to punish him when he fought them in court.

Chase Shuts Down Bank Accounts of Mercola and Key Employees

by Dr. Joseph Mercola, Mercola:

  • July 13, 2023, JP Morgan Chase Bank informed me they are closing all of my business accounts, along with the personal accounts of my CEO, my CFO and their respective spouses and children
  • My CEO was informed his young children also will never be allowed to bank with Chase in the future
  • No reason for the decision was given, other than there was “unexpected activity” on an unspecified account