Friday, July 26, 2024

Biometric Surveillance Options Increase for US Police

by Jim Nash, Activist Post:

Proving that it is not always good to be right, public and private video surveillance is gaining critical mass in U.S. cities and towns, just as privacy advocates have warned.

Sensors over highways, on food delivery robots and police vests, hanging from public buildings and convenience store awnings, and attached to porches and doorbells are feeding faces and sounds to the cloud, where law enforcement strains it through biometric recognition software for coordinated action.

Skeptical observers for several years have warned that if biometric surveillance evolves unchecked, life in even modestly populated areas everywhere in the United States will be a real-time 360-degree searchable record.


from Citizen of Gotham:



from SGT Report:

Crrow777 returns to SGT Report to share good news about the rift between the satanic elite and humanity. There has been a quantifiable shift in the matrix as human beings in the United States and around the world wake up to the evil which actively seeks to destroy us all. And remember, all of the evil and all wars lead directly to the bankers.

Here’s Crrow’s site!

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Local news outlet confirms Israel ordered the “Hannibal directive” on Oct. 7, as IDF forces proceeded to kill Israeli civilians en masse

by Belle Carter, Natural News:

The “Hannibal” protocol is a procedure where Israeli forces unleash a lethal force that kills their own people. This was what happened when Israel responded to Hamas’ October 7 attack, as confirmed by Israel’s leading newspaper.

According to an investigation by Yedioth Ahronoth, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) implemented the said directive, which killed Israeli civilians and soldiers alike, just so they could prevent the militant group from taking them as captives back to Gaza. The Hebrew edition of the news outlet reported on Jan. 11 that “the IDF ordered all of its combat units in practice to use the ‘Hannibal Procedure’ although without clearly mentioning this explicitly by name.” The said protocol ordered to stop, at all costs, any attempt by Hamas terrorists to return to Gaza. This is despite the fear that some of them have abductees,” the paper wrote.

Sports Illustrated Went Woke and Goes Broke

from Moonbattery:

The liberal establishment insidiously exploits sports media to inculcate moonbat ideology into audiences that let down their intellectual defenses because they are not expecting politics. The most egregious examples are ESPN (e.g., hereherehereherehere) and Sports Illustrated. The former has Disney’s vast fortunes behind it. The latter is learning the truth of the maxim “Get woke, go broke”:

An Amish Farmer’s Food Rights Battle

by John Klar, American Thinker:

The January 4th raid on Amish farmer Amos Miller’s Pennsylvania establishment, reflects a growing tension between government regulation of food safety and liberty-minded individualists distrusting industrial food production.  Pennsylvania State Police secured Miller’s farming premises for search by the state’s Department of Agriculture for “illegal raw milk and raw milk products, including eggnog,” following reported cases of E. coli in New York and Michigan, allegedly linked to Miller’s products.  This curious dispute has far-reaching implications for Americans’ food rights.

DeSantis Drops Out Of 2024 Race, Backs Trump


from ZeroHedge:

Update (1520ET): Shortly after Bloomberg broke the news, DeSantis dropped out of the Republican presidential primary Sunday.

In a video message, he endorsed Trump.

After coming up short, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and his top aides are reportedly having internal discussions over when and how he should drop out of the 2024 presidential race, according to Bloomberg, citing people briefed on the campaign’s conversations.

WEF: Dutch Queen Demands ‘Digital IDs’ Track ‘Vaccination Status’

by Frank Bergman, Slay News:

Queen Máxima of the Netherlands has called on globalist elites at the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) Davos summit to expand plans for global “digital IDs” to ensure they can track individuals’ “vaccination status” and other private information.

The Dutch queen made the demands during a panel discussion at the WEF’s annual event in Switzerland this week.

Queen Máxima has served as United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres’s Special Advocate for Inclusive Finance for Development (UNSGSA) since 2009.

You Will Own Nothing – Because They Will Steal Everything – David Rogers Webb

by Greg Hunter, USA Watchdog:

David Rogers Webb (DRW) is a financial expert and former global money manager who lives in Sweden.  Recently, DRW revealed the game plan of globalists like Klaus Schwab who publicly predicts, “You will own nothing . . .”  According to DRW, this is not some idle threat but a complicated active plan demonic Deep State globalist central bankers have been working on for decades.  DRW has explained this theft in a free book and documentary called “The Great Taking.”  It is a stunning plan to steal almost all wealth and legally not be required to pay one red cent for it.  The plan is in the process of unfolding now. DRW explains, “The core of what I am showing here is about securities, stocks and bonds.  I also go into the good old fashion way of doing it, which is taking anything encumbered with debt.  That’s been done for centuries.  They create a cycle where there is a fall in price, and then anyone who is in debt is in trouble, and the collateral is taken.  This was the big hammer in ‘The Great Taking 1.0,’ which was the Great Depression.  In this go-around, ‘The Great Taking 2.0,’ that is taking things that are not encumbered with debt. . . .There is very sophisticated subterfuge that has been put into place. . . . They have worked for half a century to put this in place.  So, it is quite deliberate.  This is not an accident.”

Trudeau CONFRONTED By Angry Canadian!

from The Jimmy Dore Show:


World Economic ForThem: Cocaine, Hookers, War, Disease X and the Great Robbery Reset

from DollarVigilante:


What we learned at Davos 2024: global aristocracy intends on ‘Rebuilding Trust’ through censorship and surveillance

by Jordan Schachtel, The Dossier:

A rundown of the annual World Economic Forum gathering in the Swiss Alps.

Another Gathering of the Ghouls is behind us, as the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) 2024 Davos confab has come to an end.

Here’s what we learned about the plans our technocratic tyrant overlords have for us, along with a series of highlights (the good, the bad, and the notable) from the annual Swiss mountain retreat.

Episode 3331: The Comeback Of Trump: Three Years Later

from Bannons War Room:


Bill Gates Funding Ebola Vaccine Trial In United States That Sheds Live Virus 30% Of The Time

from The Alex Jones Show: