Sunday, September 1, 2024


from SGT Report:

Melody K returns to SGT Report to share the REAL news about the pure evil in the oval office, and the race to enslave humanity. And stay tuned for some of the most unimaginable woo we have ever shared. Thanks for tuning in.

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Fauci to Testify Before Congress

by Martin Armstrong, Armstrong Economics:

Pandemic orchestrator and former NIH Director Anthony Fauci is set to testify before the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic on January 8-9. Fauci has yet to appear before the 118th Congress for his involvement in the pandemic as his legal team successfully delayed the hearing for nearly a year. “Americans deserve trusted public health leaders who prioritize the well-being of our people over any personal or political goals. Thankfully, retirement from public service does not shield one from Congressional oversight nor accountability to the American people. During Dr. Fauci’s upcoming testimonies, honesty is non-negotiable,” declared subcommittee Chairman Brad Wenstrup (R-OH).


from Citizen of Gotham:


New World Order Icon Henry Kissinger Dead At 100, Was Mentor To Klaus Schwab And WEF, And Founding Member With David Rockefeller In Bilderberg Group

by Geoffrey Grinder, Now The End Begins:

Henry Kissinger is dead at 100, but his New World Order legacy continues in the form of his mentee Klaus Schwab, the World Economic Forum and the Bilderberg Group

This is a tale so unbelievable and fascinating that we will need the entire Podcast tomorrow to bring it all to you. New World Order icon Henry Kissinger died yesterday, but what he built will last all the way to the revelation of the coming kingdom of Antichrist. In 2023, we all know how evil Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum are, but did you know that all that comes from Henry Kissinger? It’s a trail with connections that go all the way back to WWII, Adolf Hitler and the atomic bomb! Henry Kissinger is the common thread everywhere you look.




Businesses in ‘George Floyd Square’ in Minneapolis Sue Over Rampant Crime

by Mike LaChance, The Gateway Pundit:

As far back in April of 2021, black business owners were complaining about crime in George Floyd Square.

Now lots of businesses in this neighborhood are feeling the pain and are suing over it.

Do the people who are committing all of these crimes think they’re honoring Floyd’s memory by behaving in this way?

Foreign-Born Population Hits 49.5 Million Under Biden – Largest Ever in American History

by John Binder, Breitbart:

The nation’s foreign-born population has hit an unprecedented 49.5 million, the largest ever recorded in American history, under President Joe Biden.

Analysis by Steven Camarota and Karen Zeigler at the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) revealed that in October the foreign-born population reached almost 50 million, increasing by 4.5 million foreign-born residents since Biden took office in January 2021.

Antibiotic Resistant Pneumonia Still Hammering China


by Mac Slavo, SHTF Plan:

Hospitals are overflowing with children suffering from mysterious antibiotic-resistant pneumonia or similar severe ailments in large cities across China. The Chinese government continues to claim that no new pathogen has been found and that the surge in chest infections is due simply to the usual winter coughs and colds.

The ruling class also claims that the infections are “aggravated” by the lifting of the stringent COVID-19 restrictions in December 2022. The World Health Organization (WHO) has dutifully repeated this reassurance as if it learned nothing from Beijing’s disastrous cover-up of the COVID-19 outbreak, according to a report by Foreign Policy.

Children All Over The United States Are Starting To Develop “White Lung Syndrome”

by Michael Snyder, End Of The American Dream:

What in the world is going on?  Last week, we were getting reports that hospitals in China were being absolutely overwhelmed by sick kids that had developed a condition known as “white lung syndrome”.  Unfortunately, now we are learning that large numbers of children in the United States and Europe are also developing “white lung syndrome”.  In many of these cases, “white lung syndrome” is being caused by “a bacterial infection that many antibiotics cannot fight”

Big Pharma and Big Government link up for a Winter ‘Tripledemic’ sales spree

by Jordan Schachtel, The Dossier:

Triple the vaxxes for the “tripledemic,” for the sake of $cience.

The White House and the corporate media are buzzing about the latest respiratory season, and boy do they have a chock-full of “cures” advertised for the occasion.

On Tuesday, top White House officials met with pharmaceutical executives today, expressing mutual concern with the availability of RSV vaccines for infants and young children.

Dr. Ana Mihalcea joins Maria Zeee to discuss silicone and other transhumanism synbio materials found in the COVID shots

from nonvaxer420:


Data from US Medicare and the New Zealand Ministry of Health shows, beyond any doubt, that the COVID vaccines have killed millions

by Steve Kirsch, Steve Kirsch’s newsletter:

It’s finally here: record-level data showing vaccine timing and death date. There is no confusion any longer: the vaccines are unsafe and have killed, on average, around 1 person per 1,000 doses.

Executive summary

Today you will get to see the data that nobody wants you to see. FINALLY.

No State or country has ever released record-level public health data on any vaccine.

Privacy is not the reason for this; the data can be easily obfuscated (which we did on this data) so that no record entry would match that of any person, living or dead.

Hollywood Tropes and Real Life Wisdom


by Donald Jeffries, “I Protest”:

Life imitating art or art imitating life?

I watch a lot of movies. I used to watch a lot of television. And I seem to notice things that most others don’t. My tendency to critically question everything ensures that many people close to me, especially my female loved ones, leave the room when I’m watching something. The males, however, appreciate my running commentary.

At one point, I wanted to write a script for a prospective sitcom or film comedy, which incorporated all the common tropes seen onscreen. But where would I send it? Hollywood doesn’t take unsolicited screenplays or manuscripts. Half the restaurant servers in Tinseltown are peddling them. And they can’t get someone to read their work, except perhaps if they wait on the right big shot who finds them physically attractive enough to invite them to the casting couch. I’ve never been in a position to wait on anyone who’d be willing to consider my work in return for sexual favors. I probably wouldn’t be their type, anyways. And now I’m way too old for any of them.