Friday, July 26, 2024


from SGT Report:

Harley Schlanger is back with analysis and commentary about Dealey Plaza 2.0 and the deep state’s attempt to assassinate Donald J Trump.

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Nature’s Morphine? Medical scientist Clint Winters reveals the 100% Drug Free way to relieve pain! Conolidine:

READ: STOP The International Assassination Bureau!!

The Rise Of The FALSE False Flag And Curated Narratives For Social Control

by Matt Agorist, The Free Thought Project:

(Off-Guardian) In my previous article, Why you should never believe your eyes, we discussed new technologies that make the creation of literal “fake news” more possible than ever. In this follow up we’re going to discuss the potential benefits of faking the news vs creating the news.

A false flag operation is generally defined as ”an act committed with the intent of disguising the actual source of responsibility and pinning blame on another party”

The phrase originates in naval warfare, when ships would literally fly a flag of another nation’s navy.

BREAKING: Colorado Gov. @jaredpolis declared a state of emergency because H5N1 Bird flu has been “detected” with the fake PCR test

Israel Killed Their Own Under ‘Hannibal Directive’ On October 7, Israeli Media Admits

by Chris Menahan, Information Liberation:

Israel killed many of their own people under the Hannibal Directive on October 7, the Israeli media outlet Haaretz admitted Sunday after eight months of cover-ups and disinformation.

From Haaretz, “IDF Ordered Hannibal Directive on October 7 to Prevent Hamas Taking Soldiers Captive”:

… [T]he message conveyed at 11:22 A.M. across the Gaza Division network was understood by everyone. “Not a single vehicle can return to Gaza” was the order.

Mark from NewsTreason on 9/11 Disclosure

from Patriot Underground:


Don’t Let The Elite Get Away With Gaslighting That They Didn’t Know About Biden’s Senility

by Andrew Korybko, Andrew Korybko’s Newsletter:

The country is being ruled by a shadowy network of transnational and domestic elites that are united by their radical liberal-globalist ideology.

Biden’s disastrous debate performance last week made it impossible to deny his senility, yet the Western elite is gaslighting they were supposedly oblivious to this until now. Time Magazine published a piece titled “Inside Biden’s Debate Disaster and the Scramble to Quell Democratic Panic”, which was complemented by CNN’s about how “Foreign diplomats react with horror to Biden’s dismal debate performance”. Both make it seem like Biden’s senility is a surprise for everyone who knew him.

The Israeli Media Company Haaretz Reports that Official Documents Reveal that Israel Had Prior Knowledge of the October 7 Hamas Attack

by Paul Craig Roberts, Paul Craig Roberts:

This confirms what I reported at the time, but there is more to the story. Not only did Israel know in advance, Israel participated in the attack upon itself. Several Israeli intelligence officials and commanders of sections of the barrier separating Israel from Gaza have made it clear that it is impossible to even approach, much less penetrate, the barrier without detection. For the October 7 Hamas attack to succeed, the barrier’s alarms had to be turned off and barrier patrols stood down.

Professor Jim Fetzer addresses Alex Jones, Sandy Hook and the Games

from Sarah Westall:


Report: New Evidence Reveals IDF Had Detailed Prior Knowledge of Hamas Plan to Raid Israel

by Rachel Fink, Haaretz:

A never-before-seen IDF document surfaces startling new details of Hamas’ operational plans to invade Israel; The report outlines Hamas orders to take between 200-250 Israelis hostage

A newly surfaced document reveals that Israel Defense Forces and Israeli intelligence systems had detailed knowledge of Hamas’ plan to raid Israel, including the number of hostages to be taken and specific instructions for their treatment while in captivity.

FALSE FLAG dirty bomb radioactive materials now routinely shipped to Ukraine

by Ethan Huff, Natural News:

The world’s power brokers are secretly sending loads of radioactive substances to Ukraine so a “dirty bomb” can be created and detonated “under someone else’s flag,” it has been confirmed.

Lt. Gen. Igor Kirillov of the Russian armed forces said that “available operational information” shows that radioactive substances continue to be sent by the West into Ukraine, which he described as a country that has become “a dumping ground for spent nuclear fuel and waste from hazardous chemical industries.”




MAXIMUM ALERT: Alex Jones Warns Globalists Planning Massive False Flags To Frame Trump And His Supporters, Triggering Civil War

Wow .. USS Liberty survivor says that Israel killed American soldiers in 1967 deliberately..

Debunked Lies About “Revised” Gaza Death Toll Go Viral, Corporate Media Refuses To Retract

by Matt Agorist, The Free Thought Project:

(The Last American Vagabond) Fox News published an article on May 13, which they have failed to retract and that ended up going viral on social media, falsely claiming that the United Nations had decreased its recorded Gaza death tolls by around 50%. Another claim has been that the death toll was revised down by 10,000. Both are blatant lies that have been spread across various corporate media websites.

The two key claims, manufactured by the corporate media and then pushed online by pro-Israeli social media personalities, are that both the Gaza death toll and the number of women and children killed, have been revised down by the United Nations (UN). The implication is that the Gaza Health Ministry’s (GHM) death toll statistics, which have been reviewed by independent human rights organizations, and the UN itself, are not trustworthy and that Hamas is artificially inflating the numbers in order to demonize Israel.