New World Order Icon Henry Kissinger Dead At 100, Was Mentor To Klaus Schwab And WEF, And Founding Member With David Rockefeller In Bilderberg Group


by Geoffrey Grinder, Now The End Begins:

Henry Kissinger is dead at 100, but his New World Order legacy continues in the form of his mentee Klaus Schwab, the World Economic Forum and the Bilderberg Group

This is a tale so unbelievable and fascinating that we will need the entire Podcast tomorrow to bring it all to you. New World Order icon Henry Kissinger died yesterday, but what he built will last all the way to the revelation of the coming kingdom of Antichrist. In 2023, we all know how evil Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum are, but did you know that all that comes from Henry Kissinger? It’s a trail with connections that go all the way back to WWII, Adolf Hitler and the atomic bomb! Henry Kissinger is the common thread everywhere you look.


Regular listeners will remember all the clips we’ve played about the New World Order, the CFR, the Bilderberg Group and all the other key players over the last half century, and Henry Kissinger is the ‘coach’ behind all of them and all of it. The wicked WEF and the Young Global Leader program come from Klaus Schwab, but Klaus Schwab was the handpicked person by Kissinger to do all this end times intrigue. Tune in to the Podcast Friday at Noon where we will show you all of it, from the very beginning in the aftermath of WWII, to what’s coming next. It will blow your mind.

The man who runs the World Economic Forum you know nothing about, and it all starts with Henry Kissinger

FROM MEDIUM: Klaus Schwab indeed has succeeded beyond his wildest dream in building World Economic Forum where the world’s most powerful t line-up in Davos every year in search of material salvation. It’s an extraordinary journey which began with his birth in 1938 in Ravensburg, Germany, in the household of Eugen Schwab, a mechanical engineer who was on the wrong side of history in aiding Adolf Hitler’s atomic bomb effort through his company, Sulzer Escher Wyss. For good enough reason, this Nazi connection has been scrubbed clean from public attention.

Schwab Sr had no doubt that Klaus would only be something if he attends Harvard which the latter duly did in the 1960s and his life was never the same.

His professor in Harvard was Dr Henry Kissinger, also born in Germany, who had been earmarked for bigger role by the American establishment, keen as the US was to hold sway over Europe at a weak moment of its history after the Second World War.

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