Wednesday, May 8, 2024

“Why Shouldn’t the Election Be Called Into Question?” Greg Gutfeld Breaks with Fox News Narrative Over 2020 Election Interference

by Kyle Becker, Becker News:

The Five’s co-host Greg Gutfeld unleashed a powerful diatribe in the aftermath of Monday’s Durham Report revelations detailing a full-fledged election interference operation carried out by the FBI and CIA in concert with the knowledge and approval of the Obama White House and driven in part by a Clinton Plan to ‘stir up a scandal claiming interference by Russian security services.”

Gutfeld defended Americans who continue to be skeptical about election integrity in the wake of the contested 2020 election that saw Joe Biden officially elected president over Donald Trump.

Globalist Elites Fear You

by Jim Rickards, Daily Reckoning:

Globalist elites like to talk about democracy. But in reality, they don’t believe in democracy.

When the U.K. voted for Brexit in June 2016, the globalists were stunned. They couldn’t believe it. They then did everything they could to delay and fight Brexit.

Then when Donald Trump won the election as president in November 2016, the globalists were even more stunned. They went into complete denial and put their heads in the sand.

They comforted themselves with the convenient myth that Russian interference lost them the election, not a popular rejection of their ideology.

Filmmaker Mikki Willis talks with Mike Adams about THE GREAT AWAKENING and the truth revolution sweeping across America

from Health Ranger Report:


German MEP Urges Citizens Worldwide To Peacefully Disobey Covid Tyranny

from InfoWars:

‘I would really like for you, the people, to not go along. Simply say no,’ Christine Anderson urges humanity.

‘Tell them all to go to Hell,’ she says of authoritarian governments.

German European Parliament member Christine Anderson told the group this week she’d continue fighting for the freedoms of people across the globe, but asked that in-return citizens everywhere peacefully reject the incoming wave of Covid mandates and lockdowns.

Anderson said, “It’s all coming back. The first countries are already starting about talking mask mandates in Israel. I’ve heard of a few universities in the United States. They’re already bringing it all back, and I would really like for you, the people, to not go along. Simply say no. They want you to wear a mask? Say no. They want you to put in another mRNA shot? Say no. They want to impose a curfew on you? Say no.”

Getting Jacked and Connected To Survive and Prosper During The Apocalypse

from DollarVigilante:


‘Sound of Freedom’ Projected to Hit $100 Million at Box Office This Week


by Frank Bergman, Slay News:

The anti-child trafficking movie “Sound of Freedom” has been beating all expectations at the box office.

The film, starring actor Jim Caviezel as real-life hero Tim Ballard, opened at select theaters on the 4th of July across the United States.

Caviezel, who is most famous for his role as Jesus in “The Passion of Christ,” plays Ballard in the true story about saving children from international child sex trafficking.

The true story exposes the evil of child trafficking that is often ignored by the corporate media and has cast news attention on the issue.

U.S. Supreme Court: Above and Beyond the Reach of Congress?

by Joe Wolverton, II, J.D., The New American:

U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts issued a one-page letter refusing an invitation by the Senate Judiciary Committee to testify about Supreme Court ethics. The committee is investigating alleged corruption on the part of U.S. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, who is accused of having accepted vacations from a wealthy Republican donor.

Roberts’ letter demonstrates the chief justice’s attitude that his branch of the federal government is superior to its sister branches: the legislative and executive.

Oregon Liberals Risk an Ugly Legacy as Another County Joins ‘Greater Idaho’ Movement

by Mike Landry, The Gateway Pundit:

Here’s a solution for Oregon residents suffering from bad government in their state — just leave. And take much of Oregon with you.

A thirteenth Oregon county will be voting on a citizens’ resolution to escape Oregon liberalism and join the state of Idaho, KTVZ reported.

Voters in Crook County, Oregon, will participate in advisory balloting next May, joining a dozen other counties in the state which have already approved starting the steps to attach eastern Oregon to Idaho.

Your Privacy Is Almost Gone – Five Ways You Can Fight Back!

by Derrick Broze, Activist Post:

Derrick Broze breaks down recent latest article titled, “Five Ways Your Privacy Is Under Attack – And How To Protect It”.

Source: Five Ways Your Privacy Is Under Attack – And How To Protect It

The Conscious Resistance Network is an independent media organization focused on empowering individuals through education, philosophy, health, and community organizing. We work to create a world where corporate and state power does not rule over the lives of free human beings.

Mel K & James Howard Kunstler | Individual Sovereignty & Decentralization Counters Globalist Dystopian Reset

from The Mel K Show:




from Computing Forever:


A Huge Backlash Against Climate Change and Immigration Madness Has Started

by Mish Shedlock, Mish Talk:

I am pleased to report a global backlash against woke madness, climate change silliness, and immigration polices is underway in the US, Europe, and Australia.

The New Moral Order Is Crumbling

Globalism, climate-change alarmism, and cultural self-annihilation have all come under serious challenge. It’s a welcome start to a Well-Deserved Thrashing of the New World Order.

North Carolina Bill Would Launch Study of a State Gold Bullion Depository

by Michael Maharrey, Schiff Gold:

A bill making its way through the North Carolina legislature would mandate a cost-and-benefit study on creating a state precious metals bullion depository. A bullion depository would not only create a safe place to store precious metals; it could also facilitate the everyday use of gold and silver in financial transactions in North Carolina and set the stage to undermine the Federal Reserve’s monopoly on money.

Trump Takes a Hammer to the Carefully Maintained Delusions Inside the Left-Wing Bubble


by William Sullivan, American Thinker:

Despite an audience that was friendly to the candidate, CNN’s recent town hall hosting Donald Trump was anything but an effort to inform independent and Republican voters about the candidate’s position on the substantial issues faced by struggling Americans.  It was a hedonistic exercise to satiate its left-wing producers’ and viewers’ desire to emphasize all the criticisms that CNN talking heads have been levying against him since 2020.

“I became a Bitcoiner when I saw what Canada did to the truckers”

by Dave Hodges, The Common Sense Show:

Robert F Kennedy Jr, who is seeking the Democratic nomination to run for President of the United States of America, just came out as an unabashed Bitcoiner in a historic keynote delivered at the seminal #Bitcoin2023 Conference in Miami, FL.

In front of the standing-room-only crowd in the Satoshi Nakamoto hall, the presidential contender said he saw the necessity for Bitcoin last year during the #FreedomConvoy protests when the Trudeau government invoked the Emergency Act (basically declaring martial law) and began seizing the bank accounts of ordinary citizens.