Trump Takes a Hammer to the Carefully Maintained Delusions Inside the Left-Wing Bubble


by William Sullivan, American Thinker:

Despite an audience that was friendly to the candidate, CNN’s recent town hall hosting Donald Trump was anything but an effort to inform independent and Republican voters about the candidate’s position on the substantial issues faced by struggling Americans.  It was a hedonistic exercise to satiate its left-wing producers’ and viewers’ desire to emphasize all the criticisms that CNN talking heads have been levying against him since 2020.


CNN certainly didn’t expect that Trump would simply concede to all the nonsense that they’ve been unsuccessfully peddling to Americans these past few years.  He wasn’t going to say that he’s really sorry for purposefully stoking an insurrection that was worse than 9/11, or that he’d suddenly come to realize that the 2020 election was all on the up and up, or that, despite the worst inflation in decades, a massive invasion of aliens illegally crossing our borders, and the planet being on the brink of World War III, his successor is actually doing a bang-up job in the White House.

The CNN brass got exactly what they expected, though, which was peak ratings.  As a medium for information delivery, cable news is clearly dying.  But for a brief moment, CNN got to feel like Fox News felt nightly in the Tucker Carlson hour of prime time.  Over three million Americans tuned in to watch Trump do what Trump has always done, which is to defend himself against hostile corporate media.  Most of them tuned in to be entertained, and they weren’t disappointed.

But there was a minority among the audience, including several talking heads with the network, that was furious that CNN even allowed the spectacle.  How dare they host a town hall for the Republican presidential frontrunner, they fumed.  After all, people might hear what he has to say!

They’re right to be worried about people hearing what Trump has to say.  But not for the reasons that they once imagined.

They once imagined that they’re righteously defending the truth against a radical fringe minority.  That fantasy has now tumbled like a house of cards.

A forlorn Anderson Cooper tells his audience that it was “indeed disturbing” that Trump was given a platform to “answer questions” only to proceed to tell “lie, after lie, after lie.”  And it was “certainly disturbing to hear that audience, young and old, people who love their kids and go to church, laugh and applaud his lies.”  He continues.

But here’s what I also get.  The man you were so disturbed to hear from last night, that man is the frontrunner for the Republican nomination for president.  And according to polling, no other Republican is even close.  That man you were so upset to hear from last night, he may be president of the United States in less than two years.  And that audience that upset you?  That’s a sampling of about half the country.  They are your family members, and your neighbors, and they are voting.  And many said they’re voting for him.

Just two months ago, Anderson Cooper’s show occupied the 8PM CNN timeslot in which the Trump town hall appeared.  It garnered, on average in its first week, 584,000 viewers.  It’s safe to say that he’s not speaking to “MAGA Republicans,” as Trump supporters are frequently called in an effort to make them seem like fringe radicals.  No, he’s specifically speaking to his audience, which we can safely assume is the minority among the 3.1 million people who tuned in to watch that town hall.

He and his viewers are members of a sect of left-wing elitists who are so ensconced in their gated communities and left-wing echo chambers that they believe that it could only be a fringe minority of Americans that refuse to understand that Biden rescued the economy from Trump’s disastrous policies, or that only racists and xenophobes could see any problem with the unprecedented invasion by foreign nationals occurring at our borders, or that the average American could have any questions about the legitimacy of the 2020 election.

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