Friday, July 26, 2024

Jesse Watters: “There is Something Very Fishy About How Judge Merchan Came to Preside Over This Case”

by Margaret Flavin, The Gateway Pundit:

Just before the jury returned a guilty verdict in corrupt Judge Juan Merchan’s kangaroo court, without even specifying what crime President Trump committed, Fox News host Jesse Watters highlighted serious concerns about communist New York Judge Juan Merchan.

The Gateway Pundit reported that GOP Congresswoman Elise Stefanik (R-NY) filed a misconduct complaint with the New York State Unified Court System related to the “random” assignment of far-left radical and conflicted Judge Juan Merchan to Trump’s NYC ‘hush money’ trial.

It’s Happening: Voting Machines Down in Several Districts in Pennsylvania Due to “Votes Getting Flipped”


by Anthony Scott, The Gateway Pundit:

Election Day got off to a rough start in several districts in Northampton County, Pennsylvania.

Lehigh Valley News has reported several voting machines in multiple districts across Northampton County are down due to “votes getting flipped and not recording properly.”

Voting machines went down in Palmer Township, Bethany Wesleyan Church in Lehigh Township, College Hill Presbyterian Church in Easton, and at the Allen Township Fire Hall.

James Woods Kicks off with the Real Result of Trump’s Historic Trial

by M Dowling, Independent Sentinel:

Mr. Woods notes that the absurd Trump trial is historic in its 248-year history, and explains why. It’s not what the Left thinks.

“Here’s the real result of this absurd show trial worthy of Stalin that embarrassed America in the eyes of the world: Republicans can now rally around a “convicted criminal” devoted to neither political party, but rather to a nation he loves deeply, or they can submissively crawl back to some weak, limp RINO candidate the Democrats approve of and can beat handily in yet another rigged election. Short version: America is left with two choices: a one-party system of corrupt socialist thugs or an all out revolution in our political structure.”

VOTE SWITCHING Uncovered In PA Voting Machines!


from The Jimmy Dore Show:


More Than 300 Machines Flipped Votes in Tuesday’s Elections

from The New American:


Voting Machines Shut Down in Swing State County After Reports of ‘Votes Getting Flipped’


by enVolve, Global Research:

Multiple voting machines in Northampton County in the swing state of Pennsylvania have been shut down due to reports of voting errors, including “votes getting flipped.”

The election issue surfaced in the early hours of Tuesday, which impacted the contest for the Pennsylvania Superior Court between Judge Jack Panella and Judge Victor Stabile.

The Northampton County Elections Office reports that the malfunction seems to manifest itself when a voter chooses between “Yes” and “No” in regard to a candidate vying for a seat on the Superior Court of Appeals.

Yes, Virginia (Dare): The 2020 Election WAS Fraudulent—and GA GOP Leadership (Among Others) Are Complicit.


by Patrick Cleburne, The Unz Review: Editor Peter Brimelow writes: When the 2020 election controversy erupted, I decided that would not focus on it.’s Letitia James-drained resources, I thought, should be concentrated on our key issue: Immigration and the survival of the Historic American Nation.

The MSM and Big Tech, of course set up an echo-chamber of sloganeering and shadow-banning. But the major Conservative Inc. outlets, to my surprise, did very little.

EVIDENCE TAMPERING? Jack Smith Admits FBI Messed with Boxes Containing “Classified” Documents They Seized from Trump

by Cristina Laila, The Gateway Pundit:

Special Counsel Jack Smith on Friday evening responded to Trump’s co-defendant Walt Nauta’s motion to extend a deadline for disclosures in the classified documents case.

Recall that Walt Nauta, a former White House employee and Navy veteran who worked valet for Trump and served as a personal staffer at Mar-a-Lago was indicted along with Trump last year.

In a motion filed late Friday, Jack Smith admitted the FBI messed with the boxes containing “classified” documents they seized from Trump and can’t be sure the order or the placement of the documents.

In a May 1 filing, Walt Nauta’s attorney claimed he had difficulty in cross-referencing materials in classified and unclassified discovery because “certain items in the seized boxes he reviewed were in a different order from where they appear in the scans of the boxes’ contents produced in discovery.”


from SGT Report:

Former film producer, activist and survivor of childhood abuse John Paul Rice returns to SGT Report with a dire warning about cultural Marxism, wolves in sheep’s clothing and the fall of the Republic which very much mirrors the fall of Rome. Thanks for sharing this one far and wide.

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from SGT Report:

This is a 2030 year end wrap up: Gaslighting the Great Awakening – and 2024 will be even bigger. Merry Christmas to you and your family friends.

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Klaus Schwab Has the Solution for Elections

by M Dowling, Independent Sentinel:

Klaus Schwab is the CEO and founder of the World Economic Forum. The Forum pushes the 16 sustainable goals of the United Nations, one of the most authoritarian organizations on the planet.

The UN has united with many globalist organizations, and they have tremendous power in every sector of society. They are elitists who were once regarded as kooks. They are still kooks, but they are now kooks with formidable funds and power. As one of the leaders – who admires Maoist China – Klaus Schwab gives himself away.


from SGT Report:

Mark Anthony Taylor returns to SGT Report with an update about bankers, assassinations, manipulation and pedo networks. You can discover the truth about how deep the rabbit hole goes, here:

Get the FREE video report from Dr. Gundry here:
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Renowned Attorney John Eastman Delivers Blistering Speech on Illegitimate 2020 President Election – John Describes Complete Breakdown of the Election Process Like No Other (FULL VIDEO)

by Jim Hoft, The Gateway Pundit:

Brilliant scholar and former Trump attorney John Eastman, traveled to Michigan on Friday night.

Attorney Eastman delivered a powerful speech on lawfare and how it’s being used against President Trump and his supporters. Mr. Eastman addressed a large crowd in Lansing, Michigan, at an event that was hosted by Michigan’s top election integrity group, MI Fair Elections, which was created by the incredible author and patriot extraordinaire Patrice Johnson.

Boom! White House confirms Trump trial is ‘related to 2024’ elections

from WND:

‘Did a little truth just slip out?’

Supporters of President Donald Trump long have considered the multiple lawfare cases brought by Democrats against him to be political.

It appears now that the White House has admitted that essentially is the case.

The World Is On Fire As Lord Of The Flies Type Violence Spreads, Captured On Video For All To See, While ‘Vax Caused’ Rage, Psychotic Breakdowns And Deaths Keep Exploding

by Stefan Stanford, All News Pipeline:

Back on October 9th on ANP, we published this story titled “Like ‘A Clockwork Orange’ With A Twist, Despotic Leftist Governments Are ‘Engineering Ultraviolence’: Mayhem Reigns As Leftist Cities Spiral Into A Vicious Doom Loop” within which we gave more proof the total destruction of American society was pre-planned long ago by those working to bring in a tyrannical global govt which they control completely, warning within that story, “to create their ‘socialist utopia,’ leftists must first destroy our existing society.”