Yes, Virginia (Dare): The 2020 Election WAS Fraudulent—and GA GOP Leadership (Among Others) Are Complicit.


by Patrick Cleburne, The Unz Review: Editor Peter Brimelow writes: When the 2020 election controversy erupted, I decided that would not focus on it.’s Letitia James-drained resources, I thought, should be concentrated on our key issue: Immigration and the survival of the Historic American Nation.

The MSM and Big Tech, of course set up an echo-chamber of sloganeering and shadow-banning. But the major Conservative Inc. outlets, to my surprise, did very little.


Meanwhile, by eliminating Border enforcement, the Biden Administration has embarked on what must be most sweeping flouting of law by any Administration in U.S. history. And the most consequential.

I ask myself: if they can do this to Immigration law, why wouldn’t they have done this to election law?

And what about 2024?

For anyone not a rabid Democrat, late on election night November 3rd/4th 2020, the strong stench of fraud swirled across America:

As Mr. Trump walked out to speak to the media in the early hours of November 4, TV news tickers showed the President with a comfortable lead over Joe Biden in nearly every key battleground state.

Pennsylvania, 56-43, a lead of just under 700,000 votes. Georgia, 51-48, a lead of nearly 120,000. Michigan, 53-45, a lead of nearly 295,000. Wisconsin, 51-47, a lead of more than 116,000.

[US election: What happened in key battleground states on election night? by Frank Chung,, November 22, 2020. Links in original]

The impression then was given by the MSM that counting was stopping for the night. Subsequently, this was disputed. Some stoppages were partial, in some cases all that was stopped, for some reason, was the reporting of the vote.’s Frank Chung, cited above, provides this Tweet:

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