from Bannons War Room:
from Bannons War Room:
by Jim Hoft, The Gateway Pundit:
The Pennsylvania Commonwealth Court has issued a 4-1 ruling that blocks the enforcement of a crucial law requiring election officials to reject mail-in ballots with missing or incorrect handwritten dates on their outer return envelopes.
The case, brought forward by a coalition of organizations including the Black Political Empowerment Project, the League of Women Voters of Pennsylvania, and Common Cause Pennsylvania, challenged the legality of rejecting mail-in ballots solely based on the absence or inaccuracy of the handwritten date on the return envelope.
by Jim Hoft, The Gateway Pundit:
Election Day in Pennsylvania has been marred by a wave of voting machine malfunctions and ballot scanning problems.
Reports from multiple counties, particularly Cambria and Bedford, reveal that voting issues are leaving countless voters frustrated as they attempt to exercise their rights in this crucial election.
from SGT Report:
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Clay Clark joins me to expose the truly evil nature of the plot against humanity, and those behind it. Thanks for tuning in.
from SGT Report:
Sam Anthony the CEO of YOURnews,com returns to SGT Report to help break down the latest REAL NEWS as we hurdle towards the most important election in human history, this is make it or break it for the USA and the CIA wants their MK Ultra communist asset in the white house. Get ready for some ground breaking news.
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from The National Pulse:
Election officials in Montana have identified a significant overcount of votes during June’s primary, leading to the incorrect declaration of winners in two races. A post-canvassing audit of the Butte-Silver Bow County election revealed that 1,131 additional ballots had been cast compared to the total voters who participated. The vote inflation appears uniformly across the county’s various precincts.
The errors resulted in an incorrect winner being declared in a Republican precinct committeeman race and the wrong candidate being named in a county attorney general race as vote leader heading into a run-off election. State election officials have yet to determine the exact cause of the discrepancy.
by Hannah Knudsen, Breitbart:
The political persecution of former President Donald Trump is “backfiring,” Trump pollster John McLaughlin, CEO and partner of McLaughlin & Associates, said during an appearance on Breitbart News Daily.
McLaughlin discussed some of the changes that are being seen in the polls, as things certainly seem to be moving in former President Donald Trump’s direction.
It shouldn’t be hard for very wealthy people of both political persuasions to make a logical leap from Trump’s rigged show trial to “Hey they are going to take my wealth next.”
Rubicon has been crossed and anyone with any sense knows it.
— Edward Dowd (@DowdEdward) June 1, 2024
from SGT Report:
Dr. Peter Navarro join me to discuss his new book ‘Taking Back Trump’s America’ and the steps we must take to do just that as the Biden administration continues to gut our once great nation.
I have zero faith in election integrity at this point.
The bureaucratic state had to get rid of Joe because selling the steal was not possible.
Gear up for the greatest propaganda campaign ever to sell Harris (or whoever) to the people then election night shenanigans.
— Edward Dowd (@DowdEdward) July 21, 2024
by Athena Thorne, PJ Media:
Whether it’s because they have no fear of consequence or because they really are that stupid, Democrat operatives regularly stuff ballot boxes in full view of cameras. The pattern is nauseatingly familiar at this point: First, Big Left’s candidate comes from behind to win an election with a handful of mail-in or absentee votes. Then, video, sworn testimony, and/or official complaints of ballot harvesting and ballot box stuffing emerge. The matter is referred to law enforcement, which opens an investigation.
from The Gateway Pundit:
6 weeks ago, Georgia and Florida citizens asked Fractal to gather official Georgia 2020 election data, provided by the Secretary of State, to determine who won Georgia in 2020.
The Fractal team applied quantum-result Fractal technology, delivering insight impossible with obsolete SQL relational systems – currently used by every secretary of state in America – and every national voter integrity organization.