Monday, June 17, 2024

Have You Ever Wondered Why There Is An Endless River Of Sewage Coming Out Of Washington D.C.?

by Michael Snyder, End Of The American Dream:

If you don’t understand how broken the system has become, you will never understand what is necessary to fix it.  Every election cycle the American people just keep sending the same faces back to Congress, and then they are shocked that those politicians just keep doing things that are against the interests of the American people.  The reason why we see key votes go a certain way time after time is because most members of Congress have been compromised in one way or another.  If members of Congress that have been compromised get out of line, their dirty little secrets will be publicly exposed.  During a recent interview with Benny Johnson, U.S. Representative Tim Burchett explained how this works


from SGT Report:

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What researchers Lisa McGee & Dr. Diane Kazer have discovered in the patents regarding the J&J Covid “vaccine” (which like Pfizer’s Covid-vax product is a bioweapon) is ghastly and truly horrifying. The war against humanity is a depopulation plan involving hundreds of corporations globally, scientists, doctors and traitors at the highest levels of government.

California Lawmakers Push Online ID Verification Bill That Would Require Platforms To ID “Users With Large Audiences”

by Didi Rankovic, Reclaim The Net:

Also those posting spreading large amounts of “AI-generated content.”

The presidential election fever in the US is rising, and from pretty much every corner its participants are trying to “stack the chips” in their (candidate’s) favor.

Much easier to do, isn’t it, when you’re already in power.

With that in mind, never discount California Democrats, and now Alejandro (Alex) Padilla is attempting to charge ahead with “election misinformation” legislation.

Something Is Terribly Wrong in Maui-Part 1

by Fed Up Texas Chick, The Tenpenny Report:

Something is terribly wrong in Maui. These fires are not normal wildfires. I can feel it. Can you? Maui is currently in the fog of war. The people of Maui are in a surreal state of trying to find lost loved ones and trying to grapple with what has just happened to their beloved island home. That will take time.

The rest of us are hearing theory after theory. What’s real? What’s not? What is truth and what is fabricated or embellished? Was this a natural disaster or was this an energy weapon attack? We all certainly want to know what caused the fires, but a more important question at this juncture might be: “Who benefits?”

The 4 BOOMS? August HOT! It’s unraveling for ALL! PRAY!

from And We Know:


The Supreme Court Has Finally Defended the First Amendment

by Paul Craig Roberts, Paul Craig Roberts:

The Supreme Court ruled against corrupt New York state officials who used bribes and implied threats to stop NY financial organizations from doing business with the National Rifle Association, just as corrupt federal officials coerced and bribed social media to shut down all challenges to official narratives.

The US Supreme Court’s decision, a 9-0 decision, is expertly described here:

NATO Troops Might Deploy to Ukraine? They’re Already There and Getting Killed

from Strategic Culture:

French President Emmanuel Macron caused a furor this week by speculating that NATO troops may end up being deployed in Ukraine. Hold it. They have been for over a decade, that’s why the war in that country erupted two years ago.

It was comical – if not pathetic – to see the French leader speaking out of turn, trying to project a tough-guy image with his delusions of grandeur as if he was Napoleon or De Gaulle reincarnated.

Macron puffed out his boyish chest and declared Russia “must not win the war in Ukraine”; and he suggested that in order to prevent that assumed dreadful outcome Western soldiers would get their marching orders to enter the conflict. (Note the unbridled arrogance and how the logic of such false assertions is not even remotely explained or justified. It’s total diktat.)

BRICS and the Resistance Axis: A Convergence of Goals

by Pepe Escobar, The Unz Review:

MOSCOW – Last week, Russian President Vladimir Putin made a notable pit stop in the UAE and Saudi Arabia to meet, respectively, Emirati President Mohammad bin Zayed (MbZ) and Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman (MbS) before flying back to Moscow to meet Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi.

The three key issues in all three meetings, confirmed by diplomatic sources, were Gaza, OPEC+, and BRICS expansion. They are, of course, interlinked.

The 5 Places in America You Don’t Want To Be When Society Collapses


by Milan Adams, Lew Rockwell:

What would you say is the number one threat to lead to an end-of-the-world-like scenario? A terrorist attack? An EMP strike? A natural disaster? An economic collapse?

All of these are possibilities, but in each one, a thick population density will make it far worse. There’s no denying that people panic when a crisis occurs, and that panic is only multiplied when more people are living closely to one another.

Chaos Is a Choice

by Timothy Meads, Townhall:

Well, California’s rulers finally decided to clean up the junkie-strewn and poop-positive streets of San Francisco. But, of course, they didn’t do that because foul boulevards and medieval subways are a problem for normal people. California’s rulers did it because China’s Winnie-the-Pooh-looking dictator Xi is coming to town. You would think that the people of San Francisco would be insulted, but they’re not. Maybe they are into the city’s weird S&M scene on the masochist side, since they keep electing the people who force them to dwell in squalor. With basically a wave of a wand, and a bunch of cops with some support, their leaders cleared out the street vermin infesting the City-by-the-Bay overnight. They would do that for some commie potentate, but not for the people of San Francisco.

Here’s What Infrastructure Neglect and Political Instability Look Like

by Daniela Gonzalez, The Organic Prepper:

The 2019 Venezuelan blackouts were a series of power outages that affected Venezuela from 7 March to 14 March 2019. The blackout was the largest in the country’s history, affecting over 20 million people.

While some areas experienced only a few days without electricity, others suffered one whole week, and remote regions waited a grueling ten days for restoration.

Judge Arthur Engoron May Have Doomed New York City

by Martin Armstrong, Armstrong Economics:

QUESTION: You have not commented on Trump’s NY case. What do you think of this case?


ANSWER: It is a typical New York rigged trial. NOBODY ever gets a fair trial in New York. It is a cesspool of legal corruption. Judge Arthur Engoron is a national disgrace. When Trump’s lawyer Habba stood up to defend Trump, stating that the Engoron needed to “hear what he has to say.” The judge quickly scolded Habba, telling her, “I’m not here to hear what he has to say. He’s here to answer questions.”


from mariazeee:



from SGT Report:

Corey Lynn from returns to SGT Report to explain just how far the NWO TOTAL CONTROL GRID has come: Space & The New Frontier For The Central Control Grid

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VIDEO: Joe Biden uses D-Day speech to brag about killing Russians

by Leo Hohmann, Leo Hohmann:

Joe Biden traveled to Normandy, France, on Thursday to join world leaders for the anniversary of the D-Day invasion during World War II.

Biden used his D-Day speech to promote NATO’S war of aggression against Russia.

Biden probably doesn’t remember, but Russia was a U.S. ally during World War II. Without Russia, the Nazis would have almost certainly won that war and we would be living under Nazi rule today. Russia sacrificed more men in World War II against the Nazis than any other nation, by far. It basically wiped out a whole generation of Russian men who bravely defended their homeland against a massive ground invasion by Hitler’s troops. Many Russian civilians also died. A staggering 27 million Russian troops and civilians perished under the Nazi invasion.