Saturday, July 27, 2024

15 State Officials Warn Bank of America About ‘De-Banking’ of Christians

from The Epoch Times:

The bank scored a ‘meager 8 percent’ in the Viewpoint Diversity Score Business Index, revealing institutional disregard for free speech.

A group of 15 financial officials from 13 states sent a notice to Bank of America, raising concerns about the institution’s “de-banking” of Christians.

“We write to express our concerns over Bank of America’s troubling track record of politicized de-banking. Bank of America’s de-banking policies and practices threaten the company’s financial health, its reputation with customers, our nation’s economy, and the civil liberties of everyday Americans,” the officials wrote in an April 18 letter to Bank of America CEO Brian Moynihan.


from Jim Crenshaw:


Attacks On Churches Are Up 800 Percent, But That Is Only A Small Preview Of What Is Coming In 2024 And Beyond

by Michael Snyder, End Of The American Dream:

Anti-Christian violence in the U.S. has risen dramatically in recent years, but what we have seen so far is nothing compared to what is coming if the 2024 presidential election goes a certain way.  You see, the truth is that most of the violence being directed at Christian churches is being done for political reasons.  Whether it is accurate or not, many on the left consider evangelical Christians to be Donald Trump’s most hardcore supporters, and church buildings are the most visible representation of the evangelical movement.  Since church buildings are not guarded most of the time, they are easy targets, and they are being attacked at a frequency that we have never seen before in the entire history of this country.

Don’t Let Stress Steal Your Joy This Holiday Season

by Dr. Joseph Mercola, Mercola:

  • Many people report increased stress during the holidays due to extra obligations, financial pressure and family drama
  • Practicing relaxation strategies can help relieve stress and help you focus on what really matters during this holiday season

Ancient gold coin discovered has unique moniker for Jesus

from WND:

Estimated to be 1,000 years old

An ancient gold coin, estimated to be some 1,000 years old, has been found in Norway, and carries an image on one side of the figure of a man holding a Bible, with the slogan “Jesus Christ, King of Those Who Reign.”

It is CBN that documented the discovery by an individual using a metal detector, according to a report by Innlandet County Municipality.

Jesus Replaced With “Cuckoo” Because Sensitivity

from Moonbattery:

The War on Christmas often goes over the top in Europe, with climate kooks painting Christmas trees orange and Islamic colonists beheading manger displays or setting them on fire. But it can also be relatively subtle, as when kids are made to replace Jesus with the word “cuckoo” in Christmas carols in Italy:

The episode took place in a primary school in the municipality of Agna, where fundamental changes were made to the lyrics of a song for the annual Christmas party. Instead of “Jesus will soon be born”, the children had to sing “Cuckoo is made from above”. And furthermore, the passage “Where the angels prepare Jesus’ birth” was replaced with “All together prepare a feast in the blue sky”.

The Prince of Peace — Jesus of Nazareth


by Jim Drummey, The New American:

Jesus Christ, whose birthday is celebrated throughout the world on Christmas, has had a greater impact on human history than any person who ever lived. Though he died at the age of 33, the year in which we live is dated from his birth. Though he lived in an obscure corner of the Roman Empire 2,000 years ago, more than one billion people today call themselves followers of Christ. Though he never wrote a book, tens of thousands of books have been written about his life and teachings.

Mel Gibson: Global Elites Will Keep Dying To Make Way For The Antichrist

from The People’s Voice:


Gold & Silver in the Bible


by Joel Baumann, Schiff Gold:

The Bible features more than 700 references to gold and silver, emphasizing their timeless significance. The term ‘gold’ alone appears in 47 of the 66 books of the Bible.

Beyond their current cultural relevance, these precious metals play a crucial role in scripture, highlighting three key attributes: their divine origin, intrinsic value, and monetary quality.

Neil Oliver Christmas Message


from The Conservative Treehouse:

U.K Pundit Neil Oliver uses his weekly monologue to remind us of the humanity behind the Christmas message.  For the greatest hope within the birth of Jesus Christ, a child’s birth that represents all hope, the purest hope.

…”people feel the cold, and not just the cold of winter. But the cold of an antihuman ideology that would take everything from us, including each other, including everything that makes Christmas so important.  In all circumstances it is possible, vital, to remember the light; to remember that light and warmth are real.  We can resist in simple and fundamental ways, like keeping lights lit and fires warm wherever it is possible – by keeping Christmas.  Here’s the thing, day follows night; winter follows summer and autumn; but winter, even the darkest winter, knows that the spring is coming… that the spring, always comes!”

Jesus’ Birth and Christian Nationalism


by Ben Voth, American Thinker:

One of the many pathological critiques offered by our corrupt intellectual culture is an urgent warning about impending Christian Nationalism.  This is the latest expression of a decades-long tradition that demonizes Republicans as coming to implement The Handmaid’s Tale and a fierce violation of a treasured canard of secularism:  the separation of church and state.  Christmas is more and more the cultural centering of Christianity as a cultural and political message. Now is an ideal time to arm ourselves against the serpents of false knowledge to better understand Jesus’ political message.

The satanic roots of the left’s all-out war on Christian America

from WND:

Back in 2009, President Barack Obama scandalously claimed that Americans “do not consider ourselves a Christian nation.” He was lying, of course. But then, throughout his presidency Obama lied as easily as breathing, just as his puppet “successor” Joe Biden does today.

For in reality, America was founded as an explicitly Christian nation, and for many generations remained the freest, most prosperous, powerful, altruistic and Christian country on the face of the earth.

Where Is The Ark Of The Covenant Today, And Will It Be Revealed To The Entire World Soon?


by Michael Snyder, End Of The American Dream:

When the discovery of the Ark of the Covenant is publicly announced, it will be hailed as the greatest archaeological bombshell in the history of the world, and it will also be extremely significant spiritually.  But getting it out of the chamber where it is hidden will not be easy.  There are at least 45 major tunnels directly underneath the Temple Mount, and many of them are very unstable.  Any efforts to do any sort of major digging could cause one or more of those tunnels to collapse.  In addition, securing approval from all of the necessary authorities to take anything out from under the Temple Mount would be exceedingly complicated.  And once the Ark is revealed to the world, that will likely spark massive riots throughout the Islamic world.  So at this moment, there is a lot standing in the way of the Ark seeing the light of day.

Millstone Report: ATTACKS On Churches SURGE 800%, Left Thinks Everything Is Christian Nationalism

from Stew Peters Network:


God’s Secret Wisdom vs. Satan’s Secret Societies

by Brian Shilhavy, Health Impact News:

The English words “secret” and “mystery” refer to knowledge that is “hidden”, and that needs to be discovered.

When dealing with the spiritual world, as opposed to simply the physical world, the method of discovering these “mysteries” or “hidden knowledge” is often referred to as “illuminating”.

It is like entering a dark room where one’s physical eyes cannot see what is in that room due to the darkness, so a light must be turned on in order to see everything clearly.