Saturday, August 31, 2024


from SGT Report:

Dr. Len Horowitz returns to SGT Report with the truth about water, music, miracles and God. Don’t miss this important broadcast. In fact, pass it on!

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EXCLUSIVE: Archbishop Viganò confirms he has not and will not attend Vatican ‘schism’ trial

by Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, LifeSite News:

‘I therefore wish to make it clear that I did not go to the Vatican yesterday, and that I have no intention of going to the Holy Office on June 28, and that I have not delivered any statement or document in my defense to the Dicastery, whose authority I do not recognize,’ Viganò wrote.

(LifeSiteNews) — The reports spread by certain media outlets, stating that I presented myself yesterday, Thursday, June 20, at the Palace of the Holy Office, as intimated to me by the Decree of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith, is devoid of any foundation. These reports are completely false.

A Miracle? Shooter’s Gun Jams As He Tries To Murder Pastor In Church

by Paul Joseph Watson, Modernity News:

Divine intervention?

Video footage shows a man trying to shoot dead a pastor as he gave a sermon in a Pennsylvania church Sunday, but remarkably the gun jammed, prompting many to claim a miracle had been witnessed.

Pope Francis Says That ‘Climate Change Deniers Are Stupid’ As He Preaches The Gospel Of Gaia And New Age Paganism To Bible Illiterate Catholics

by Geoffrey Grinder, Now The End Begins:

Pope Francis has denounced the arrogance of those who seek dominion over nature, which leads to the degradation of the environment.

Imagine calling yourself the ‘Vicar of Christ’, a Roman Catholic title which means whoever holds that position is the personification of Jesus Christ on this Earth. Wow, how awesome that must be. You might well imagine that someone called the Vicar of Christ would be a veritable storehouse of Bible knowledge and scripture references, just like the real Jesus is in the Bible. Yet somehow, Pope Francis, the current Vicar of Christ, doesn’t seem to know any Bible at all, and when he mentions things like the Holy Spirit, they are very often in complete disharmony with the biblical Holy Spirit. It’s like walking into McDonald’s and walking out with an Impossible Burger, something just doesn’t add up.

Pope Francis Authorizes WEF To Rewrite ‘Fact Checked’ Holy Bible

from The People’s Voice:


The Left’s Planned Destruction of the Judeo-Christian World

by Al Bienenfeld, American Thinker:

What is now occurring in Israel is no act of happenstance or the result of failed policy. It is the execution of a premeditated plan of destruction that Obama began, and Biden is trying to finish. The American left has long desired to eliminate Judeo-Christian followers. Their reasoning is simple: you cannot conquer, subjugate, and enslave a population that refuses to accept the rule of an earthly authority.

Archbishop Viganò: Davos elite motivated by Satan’s hatred, not just wealth and power

by Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, LifeSite News:

 Dear Dr. Frost, dear Friends,

At the beginning of this new year, allow me to address my best wishes to all of you. I am grateful to have this opportunity to share with you some thoughts regarding the present situation.

For the past four years, we have been witnessing the implementation of a criminal plan of world depopulation, achieved through the creation of a false pandemic and the imposition of a false vaccine, which we now know to be a biological weapon of mass destruction, designed with the aim of destroying the immune system of the entire population, causing sterility and the onset of deadly diseases. Many of our friends and acquaintances have died or been severely damaged by the adverse effects of this experimental gene serum. Many have discovered, too late, that they have been the victims of a global plan with a single script under a single direction.

Biblical Views About the End Times


from Reese Report:


Zionist Christians Get Wake-up Call: New Law Defining “Antisemitism” Means Denying the Biblical Record that Jews Condemned Jesus to Death!

by Brian Shilhavy, Health Impact News:

There are more Zionists among Evangelical Christians than there are among Jews.

President Donald Trump made this very clear during his presidency, admitting that he would never have been able to move the U.S. Embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem without support from Evangelical Christians, and that he has far more support from Evangelical Christians than Jews.


from SGT Report:

Brothers and co-hosts of the Days of Noah podcast Peter and Luke join me to discuss the assault on Christianity and on our beloved Republic by the Godless ones who most certainly worship Lucifer. Thanks for tuning in.

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The Days of Noah Podcast:

Biden administration’s 2023 Thanksgiving address leaves out God

by Ashley Sadler, LifeSite News:

Biden’s EEOC Is Waging War on People of Faith

by Michael Barclay, PJ Media:

Nearly every person of faith is aware that there is an overt war on religion and that the attacks have radically increased under the Biden administration. The faithful have been fighting back, and we have lately been winning in the courts. As a result, new and more covert anti-religious measures are being enacted by the left, and these too must be exposed and fought against.


from SGT Report:

Washington DC is a cesspool of corruption because it’s a foreign occupied territory controlled by international bankers, intelligence agencies and deep state puppets. The majority of these child trafficking murderers despise God which makes them enemies of the people AND of our Creator. But guess what? God will NOT be mocked. Scott McKay returns to SGT Report to help me expose the TRUTH about these demon creatures and traitors – and what lies ahead for them.

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He claims that the pope’s goal is to dismantle the Church and replace it with an organization inspired by Masonic principles.

Millstone Report: ATTACKS On Churches SURGE 800%, Left Thinks Everything Is Christian Nationalism