Sunday, September 1, 2024

I Wrote What? Google’s AI-Powered Libel Machine

by Matt Taibbi, Global Research:

Last night, after seeing chatter about Google/Alphabet’s much-ballyhooed new AI tool, Gemini, I checked for myself.

Any product rollout disastrous enough to cause a one-day share drop of 4.4% for a firm with a $1.73 trillion market capitalization must be quite a spectacle, I thought. Matt Walsh’s recap was worth it just for the look on his face.

New York Times in Panic Mode As ‘Hamas Mass Rape’ Hoax Implodes

by Chris Menahan, Information Liberation:

The New York Times is in panic mode because their fake story about “Hamas committing mass rape” on October 7th was debunked in real time and triggered an internal revolt in their own newsroom.

The atrocity propaganda tale was supposed to provide a pretext for Israel’s genocidal ethnic cleansing campaign in Gaza the same way Judith Miller’s lies about Saddam Hussein having WMDs in the NY Times were used to con America into the war in Iraq.

Dr. McCullough Sounds the Alarm on Stunning Act of Censorship by Medical Journal

by Dr. Peter McCullough, Vigilant News:

Retracting a fully peer-reviewed and published analysis on COVID-19 vaccination without adequate justification is an unethical act of scientific censorship.

In a stunning act of scientific censorship, a little known publication integrity staffer Tim Kersjes has retracted a manuscript authored by epidemiologist M. Nathanield Mead, MSc, after the paper drew global attention to the Springer Nature Cureus platform with record views/reads/downloads.

Obama laid the groundwork for U.S. media to become government-controlled propaganda tool

by Cassie B., Natural News:

The mainstream media has lost all credibility in recent years, with its coverage of the pandemic and election leaving little doubt about who is running things and where they stand. There are lots of places to pin the blame for how it reached this state, but one big factor is former president Barack Obama.

In fact, it was his move to repeal the Smith-Mundt Act, also known as the U.S. Information and Educational Exchange Act of 1948, that set the stage for the current propaganda machine that the national media has become. This move allowed propaganda to be used in broadcasting and took away the requirement for it to be credible. It essentially allowed the media to use propaganda against Americans.

Google Rolls Out ‘Pre-Bunking’ Censorship Operation To Kill Independent Media

by Sean Adl-Tabatabai, The Peoples Voice:

Google has announced a ‘pre-bunking’ censorship campaign which they say will eliminate the last remnants of independent media from the Internet before the 2024 election later this year.

According to Reuters, Google is preparing to launch an aggressive campaign aimed at killing off independent media outlets and creators. The campaign will begin in Europe and spread to America later this year:

“It’s Embarrassingly Hard to Get Google Gemini to Acknowledge That White People Exist”

by Chris Menahan, Information Liberation:

Google’s so-called “AI” Gemini (formerly Bard) is being manually programmed to erase white people.

They’ve done the exact same thing with Google Search so this is not surprising, nonetheless the depth of hatred they have to have to want a people to be erased is quite remarkable.


from Dr. Jane Ruby:



from Jordan Sather:



from SGT Report:

Former film producer, activist and survivor of childhood abuse John Paul Rice returns to SGT Report with a dire warning about cultural Marxism, wolves in sheep’s clothing and the fall of the Republic which very much mirrors the fall of Rome. Thanks for sharing this one far and wide.

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EXPOSED: Billionaire George Soros CAUGHT Buying 220 Radio Stations Ahead of 2024 Election

from The Gateway Pundit:


CNN Reporter Melts Down Over Tucker’s Russia Visit

from Glenn Greenwald:


Tucker Carlson Announces He’s In Moscow To Interview Vladimir Putin And Immediately Comes Under Fire From New World Order Globalists

by Geoffrey Grinder, Now The End Begins:

American pundit Tucker Carlson, who is currently on a visit to Moscow, has announced he is interviewing Russian President Vladimir Putin, Liberal globalists furious.

Wikileaks founder Julian Assange found out the hard way the price that gets paid for daring to reveal the truth about the inner workings of government and the political process, Edward Snowden did as well. Now Tucker Carlson, fresh out of Fox News and hitting it out of the park on X, has announced he’s in Russia to interview Vladimir Putin. Tucker promises to ‘reveal the truth’ about the Russia-Ukraine War, and if he does, he will learn about that price. It’s all fun and games until the New World Order shuts you down.

2024 Grammys: It Had To Be All About Taylor Swift. It Just Had To.

from Vigilant Citizen:

Amid conspiracy theories about Taylor Swift being a “government psyops” who’s in a fake relationship with an NFL player, the 2024 Grammy Awards resolutely centered around … Taylor Swift. There couldn’t be a better way to prove the conspiracies right. Here’s a look at this highly symbolic ceremony.

Dems “concerned” over Bukele’s landslide win in El Salvador and how “late night” ballot counts suddenly jumped in his favor…

from Revolver News:

The irony is thick: Dems, of all people, are raising eyebrows over the “constitutionality” of El Salvador’s recent election, where President Bukele secured a landslide victory with an 83-point victory. Talk about a plot twist, right? When Americans voice concerns over our sketchy elections, they’re branded as “election deniers,” told to zip it, and lectured that 2020 was the fairest election in the cosmos. Yet, when there’s a monumental landslide in a country that’s been totally transformed for the better, suddenly the Dems are wringing their hands and throwing side-eye at the results. The sheer audacity of these shameless shmucks is beyond belief.


from The Corbett Report: