What All of the Billionaires-Controlled ‘News’-Media Hide


by Eric Zuesse, The Duran:

Both of America’s political Parties are as corrupt as can be, and represent all of the corrupt industries that fund their winning politicians’ careers, and most especially these winning politicians represent Lockheed Martin and the other megacorporations which sell ONLY to the U.S. Government and its colonies (‘allies’), so that they need “perpetual war for perpetual ‘peace’”. This corruption benefits the funding billionaires (who control those ‘defense’ contractors) at the expense of the U.S. public; and, so, America — now that this country has become SO corrupt — needs a Second American Revolution, in order to disempower the gangsters (those living vampires) who basically control the U.S. Government.

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On August 21st, a great and patriotic American, Colonel Douglas Macgregor, was interviewed by the retired Judge Andrew Napolitano, “LIVE! – Col. Douglas Macgregor: How the Ukraine War Will End”, and Napolitano asked, and got honest and highly informed answers on, the most urgent problem in the world, which is: Can WW3 still be averted, and, if so, how? Here is that interview:


LIVE! – Col. Douglas Macgregor: How the Ukraine War Will End

On August 28th, I headlined “The U.S. Govt. Now Definitely Wants WW3 Against Russia” and cited a leading independent scholar of Russia, who quoted from a Russian military veteran who now is a member of Russia’s Senate, saying that the invasion of Kursk in Russia is by Ukrainian troops under U.S. command.

On March 7th, I headlined “Biden Now Seeks WW3 Against Russia, Says High U.S. Defense Expert”. That expert was virtually predicting the U.S. Government would get Ukrainian troops armed and guided by the U.S. to invade Russia and, from there, to blitz-attack The Kremlin. Now it seems to be what Washington (Biden) is planning. And it might happen very soon.

On August 14th, I headlined “The world is far closer to nuclear annihilation than the ‘Doomsday Clock’ shows”, and documented that the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists and their “Doomsday Clock” showing the consensus opinion of ‘atomic scientists’ regarding the current danger or threat-level or urgent warning about there soon being a WW3, is so fraudulent that even during the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis, the clock was not reset closer to “midnight” (WW3), and that it has never been at all “scientific,” but instead represents the U.S. Government, its own Deep State, which treats Russia — not America — as being the global aggressor-Government. It’s so crazy that even after the U.S. Government’s coup in February 2014 which replaced Ukraine’s democratically elected neutralist President by a U.S.-appointed rabidly anti-Russian leader of that nation, which has the closest border of all to The Kremlin a mere 317 miles from it, there was no mention of this cataclysmic event, which now is widely recognized to have created the war in Ukraine that threatens to trigger WW3. When the Clock was reset in 2015 after it, no mention was even made of Ukraine. The announcement “January 2015 Doomsday Clock Annual Statement” devoted almost all all of its 6 pages to global warming instead — an issue irrelevant to (and far less urgent than) what that clock had been set up to measure, which is WW3-risk. The rest of it bemoaned the lack of progress toward arms-control agreements. The actual hot war that America had started in 2014 against Russia was ignored. They couldn’t have done a better job for America’s ‘Defense’ firms if they had been hired by it. They are a ‘charity’ PR front for that industry, parading as-if they were peaceniks. Their track-record is scandalous. I wrote to them about this, requesting a response. They never replied.

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