Saturday, August 31, 2024

Google Throws Its Support Behind Australia’s Online “Misinformation” Censorship

by Cindy Harper, Reclaim The Net:

Big Tech supporting the government.

Google’s recent endorsement of the Australian government’s proposal to bolster the powers of the media watchdog, aimed at countering online “misinformation,” unfolds a narrative much larger than what meets the eye. The discourse transcended beyond its original intent during a Senate inquiry on Tuesday, which saw representatives from tech behemoths delve into the implications of amplifying the regulatory might of the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA).

NEW – Social media traffic to the “top global news sites” has collapsed over the past year, according to data from Similarweb — Axios

Canada To Create Registry Of Podcasters In Potential Censorship Initiative

from ZeroHedge:

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is taking Canada down a dangerous path of censorship to regulate streaming services and social media platforms. The next regulation phase comes as some podcasters will soon have to register with the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission.

The Online Streaming Act, formerly Bill C-11, goes into effect on Nov. 28, meaning any online streaming service that operates in Canada and generates revenue of more than $10 million in a given year will have to register with CRTC.

Are The Viral Photos of a Once-Pregnant Michelle Obama Real?

by Michael Schwarz, Western Journal:

A number of photos of a supposedly pregnant Michelle Obama have gone viral, leaving many asking if the former first lady is pregnant.

The answer to that is no. Each photo is a fake.

As for what the viral hoax might reveal about the Obamas and others around them, that story runs much deeper.




MSM Ramps Up “Next Pandemic” Rhetoric

by Mac Slavo, SHTF Plan:

The mainstream media is ramping up the “next pandemic” rhetoric and setting the official narrative for it. It is apparently on its way, driven by Disease X, and will kill millions of people.

According to a report by The Daily Mail, in order to combat Disease X,  as the World Health Organisation ominously calls it, we will once again need vaccines to be engineered and delivered in record time. But, as things stand, there is absolutely no guarantee that will happen.


by Jim Quinn, The Burning Platform:

Anyone capable of critical thought knows this entire globull warming/ climate crisis/ health emergency narrative is false, contrived by the ruling elite/globalist cabal billionaire class as a further means to gain control, increase their already ungodly wealth, tax us into oblivion, lock us down in their 15 minute cities, and dole out our daily allotment of bug protein.

Their narrative is filled with lies, misinformation, and holes so big you can drive a Tesla through them. They have faked the temperature data for decades. CO2 is not a pollutant. Eating meat is not destroying the planet. Cows farting is not ruining our environment. Of course, Chris Christie farting may be harming the planet. This fake narrative is dutifully spewed by the corporate regime media 24/7, as they are funded by Gates, Soros, and the WEF to do so. Lies, lies and more lies.

Americans Are Being Led By a Lying Media and Corrupt Political Class

by Philip Giraldi, The Unz Review:

Each morning I do a quick scan of the headlines coming over the wire services, clear my emails and Facebook entries, and then take a closer look at The New York Times online, paying particular attention to the opinion pages. I usually am not disappointed in my belief that the President Joe Biden Administration as well as ex-President Donald Trump, have been and continue to be collectively destroying what was once an admirable nation, something like flushing us repeatedly down the toilets of their ambition and greed.

JUST IN – YouTube has “suspended monetization” on Russell Brand’s channel for “violating” its “creator responsibility policy” — BBC

Criticize the drug companies, question the war in Ukraine, and you can be pretty sure this is going to happen.

NEWS Host Faces Jail For Reporting the NEWS

from Reese Report:


Court Rules Biden Admin Violated First Amendment Rights Of COVID Critics

by Matt Agorist, The Free Thought Project:

Censorship is not just an attack on the free speech rights of the speaker; it is a coordinated effort against you, the citizen, and your right to information. It aims to perpetuate power by silencing dissent and destroying opposition.

The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals reaffirmed this principle on Friday night when it ruled that the White House, the FBI, and the CDC violated the First Amendment by encouraging and coercing social media companies to suppress free speech.

Top criminology prof who ‘proved’ systemic racism in U.S. fired for faking data


from WND:

A criminology professor who “proved” racism in America and whose work was cited thousands of times now has been fired – for fakery.

A report at the Post-Millennial explains Eric Stewart was informed of his termination by Florida State University Provost James J. Clark, who said, “The damage to the standing of the university and, in particular, the College of Criminology and Criminal Justice and its faculty approaches the catastrophic and may be unalterable.”