Monday, June 17, 2024

DNA contamination and cancer-causing agent SV40 found in Pfizer’s covid injections


by Rhoda Wilson, Expose News:

It’s not just the spike protein and the mRNA that are a problem. Both Pfizer and Moderna covid injections also have DNA contamination and Pfizer’s covid injection contains SV40 promoters. 

Microbiologist Kevin McKernan pioneered research on testing some of the covid vaccine vials and discovered unacceptable levels of double-stranded DNA plasmids floating around.  This is DNA contamination.  He found the contamination in Pfizer and Moderna vials.

Weaponizing Government, Attacking Doctors: Dismantling the Control Structure

from Sarah Westall:


Sunday Talks – Neil Oliver, The Climate Change Ideology as Pushed Doesn’t Match Reality as Evidenced

from The Conservative Treehouse:

For his weekend monologue, British pundit Neil Oliver turns his attention back toward the climate change agenda and the subsequent fear narrative as it is being promoted.  Oliver notes we are approaching a moment when the truthfulness of the climate change debate needs a full and public confrontation.  Either there is truth, or the foundation of the claims are built upon lies.

Oliver has discussed this topic before; however, when contrast against the collapse in trust based on conduct during the pandemic, and when overlaid against the wholesale collapse in trust toward almost all government institutions, perhaps now really is the best time to confront the fraud known as “climate change.”

Get Ready for World ID and WorldCoin Universal Basic Income Offering Free Money in Exchange for Your Eyeball Scan

by Brian Shilhavy, Health Impact News:

While the American public and even some U.S. politicians have been sounding the alarm recently over the dangers of the potential future rollout of Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs), and the loss of all privacy in any financial transactions, a new blockchain financial network that was launched in 2019, before COVID, has been gaining momentum here in 2023 and is now being used in dozens of countries around the world with over 1.5 million users.

GLOBAL UPRISING AGAINST WEF! – 200 Cities Protest Against Great Reset! – London Speaks Out!

from World Alternative Media:


Vaccines cause autism

by Steve Kirsch, Steve Kirsch’s newsletter:

Executive summary

According to one of the world’s most respected authorities on autism, all, or nearly all, of the world’s top 100 scientists in the autism field know that vaccines are the primary driver behind the autism crisis in America. They just aren’t allowed to talk about it in public. If they did that, they would lose their funding, their job, and be the subject of intimidation techniques from their peers. So they keep quiet and nobody knows what they really think.

There’s Something Strange About the Durham Report

from Rudy Giuliani’s Common Sense:


The Durham Report; Doing What’s Right Instead of What’s Easy

by Tom Renz, Esq., America Outloud:

I’ve been finding myself speaking frequently about integrity and how few people have it in today’s society. We have to continue to do what’s right, as opposed to just what’s easy. My entire life, I have always had a deep desire to fight injustice; I’ve always stood up to bullies and fought to right wrongs, even as a kid. I was never someone who could sit back and say and do nothing. God has put me on this path since I was a young man, and when people ask me what I do, the best way to describe it is, I am an anti-corruption attorney and an activist.

The Federalist put out a great piece on the recently published Durham report titled, “Don’t Miss The Most Damning Durham Finding.” The author, Margot Cleveland, did a great job of highlighting the important aspects of this 306-page Durham report. In Durham’s introductory comments, he states that he “does not recommend any wholesale changes in the guidelines and policies.”

Gorsuch Condemns Attacks on Civil Liberties During the Pandemic


by Steve Byas, The New American:

“Since March 2020, we may have experienced the greatest intrusions on civil liberties in the peacetime history of this country. Executive officials across the country issued emergency decrees on a breathtaking scale,” wrote Neil Gorsuch, associate justice of the U.S. Supreme Court, in a fiery condemnation of the contraction of civil liberties during the recent Covid-19 pandemic.

The issue before the Court was whether Title 42, an emergency measure to curtail immigration during the pandemic, could be continued now that the emergency has been officially declared over. “As I explained … I do not discount the States’ concerns about what is happening at the border, but the current border crisis is not a COVID crisis,” Gorsuch wrote.

Pfizer Knew Their Injections Damaged Teens: They Covered It Up and Kept Going Anyway


from The Vigilant Fox:


Is Collectivism Inevitable?


by Jeff Thomas, International Man:

The quote above may cause the reader to nod his head, as throughout much of the world today, we are witnessing a distinct lack of choice in “democratic” elections – a “damned if you do; damned if you don’t” choice of equally incapable and even dangerous candidates.

However, the quote is from 1841 and was made by New York Assemblyman Clinton Roosevelt, a distant cousin of Franklin Roosevelt.

Jeffrey Epstein Threatened to Expose Bill Gates’ 2010 Affair with Russian Bridge Player

by David Hawkins, Slay News:

New evidence has emerged that suggests Jeffrey Epstein was threatening to expose Bill Gates’s affair and was demanding favors from the Microsoft co-founder in return for keeping the secret.

The Wall Street Journal is reporting that Epstein tried to blackmail Gates after learning about an affair he had with a young woman.

Epstein learned that Gates had an affair with a Russian bridge player in 2010.

Banking System Stress Persists as Deposits, Loans Decline Again


from The Epoch Times:

Deposit outflows at U.S. banks accelerated recently, driven by the larger and smaller commercial financial institutions, according to new data from the Federal Reserve.

For the week ending May 10, total U.S. commercial bank deposits declined by $26.4 billion, or 0.15 percent, to roughly $17.123 trillion, the lowest level since July 2021. That represented the third consecutive week of rising deposit outflows as the fallout from the banking turmoil in early March persists.


from SGT Report:

Jason Bermas returns to SGT Report to discuss the Durham report, treason and the future of our fallen nation, which was once regarded as a Democratic Republic by and for the people.

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