Saturday, July 27, 2024

Killer Coverup — Scientists Misled Pentagon About Wuhan Research

by Dr. Joseph Mercola, Mercola:

  • Evidence suggests the lab leak theory has been intentionally ignored because individuals who had a hand in the creation of SARS-CoV-2 needed to cover up the fact that it was manmade to protect reputations and money flows
  • The lesson to be learned is that we cannot afford to allow this kind of research to continue

Experts Now Warn That Covid Could Trigger ‘Heart Failure Pandemic’

by Niamh Harris, The Peoples Voice:

Experts have issued a warning about a new, global healthcare risk.

They are, apparently, extremely worried that an ‘explosive’ increase in new covid cases could trigger a “heart failure pandemic”.

MSN reports: Several countries, including the UK, US and China, have seen a surge in Covid infections over recent weeks, largely due to the influx of a new strain known as JN.1. Health experts are warning this will increase the chances of potential heart issues for those who catch it.

Hong Kong’s ‘Vaccine Ambassador’ Drops Dead at 57

by Frank Bergman, Slay News:

Hong Kong actress Kathy Chow, who served as the Chinese Communist Party-controlled region’s Covid “vaccine ambassador,” has been found dead at just 57 years old.

The circumstances surrounding Chow’s sudden death have been raising suspicions after her medical records were leaked online.

Chow, who was known for her roles in broadcaster TVB’s television dramas in the 1980s and 1990s, died on December 11.

HOW TO AVOID MRNA MEAT! – The Fight Against Farmers Continues!

from World Alternative Media:



from SGT Report:

This is a 2030 year end wrap up: Gaslighting the Great Awakening – and 2024 will be even bigger. Merry Christmas to you and your family friends.

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BREAKING: FDA VACCINE COVERUP EXPOSED! – Court Allows FDA To Hide Vaccine Injury & Death Records!

from World Alternative Media:


House Set to Grill Fauci Next Month — Will He Come Clean About COVID Origins?

by Mike Capuzzo, Childrens Health Defense:

On Jan. 8-9, 2024, the U.S. House of Representatives Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic will interview Dr. Anthony Fauci about the origins of COVID-19 and the government’s pandemic response. Political commentator Kim Iversen this week called on Congress to hold Fauci accountable if he lies under oath.


from SGT Report:

Dr. Renata Moon continues to be persecuted by the state of Washington for daring to speak the truth about the experimental covid vaccines and “side effects” which are maiming and killing people around the world. Now these bioweapons are listed on the traditional child vaccination schedule in the United States, just imagine what horrors result from that horrific mandate. Dr. Moon’s courage and tenacity in the face of such evil should serve as inspiration to truth tellers and whistle blowers at Pfizer, Moderna and around the world.

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Jiabei Jesse Zhu – The Mastermind Behind Secret Chinese Biolab In California

from Great Game India:

Jiabei Jesse Zhu is the mastermind behind the secret Chinese bio lab in California, which contains thousands of vials containing infectious organisms such as coronavirus, chlamydia, E. coli, and more.

Further information on Jiabei “Jesse” Zhu, the individual in charge of the illicit biolab found in California, and his ties to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) have come to light as a result of an investigation.

Life Expectancy Drops: Can We Blame The “Vaccines”?

by Mac Slavo, SHTF Plan:

For the second year in a row life expectancy in the United States has taken a big hit. Many studies are blaming the opioid epidemic, but considering that impacts a small segment of the population, and over 70% of the U.S. population is considered “fully vaccinated” for COVID-19, the shots could be playing a major role.

Life Expectancy Data Shows One Thing: The Experts Are Killing Us

Fauci Buddies Peter Daszak and Ralph Barik Lied to DARPA to Conceal Their Involvement With Creating Covid-19

by Emily Kopp, Discern Report:

Editor’s Note: The incredible researches at watchdog group US Right To Know have done a fabulous job of exposing the dastardly deeds of scientists in America. They do so in a very “proper” and cautious manner, but it’s important to note up front that despite their muted tone in the article below, this is an absolute bombshell that highlights extreme degrees of misdeeds that almost certainly led to the development of Covid-19. I just don’t want the “proper” telling of the facts to disguise the greed and evil that drove the nation and the world to its knees. The original title of the article was, “American scientists misled Pentagon on research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology,” but I changed that too in order to highlight the blockbuster details of this report. With that said, here’s Emily Kopp from USRTK…

A Biolab in…. Montana?

by Fed Up Texas Chick, The Tenpenny Report:

What comes to mind when you think of Montana? Rugged landscapes and rugged people? Beautiful mountains? Elk? Biolabs?

Wait, biolabs?

Yes, that’s right. How many Montana residents know they have a biolab in their backyard? NIH boasts about their state-of-the-art biomedical research facility located between the Bitterroot and Sapphire Mountains in the small community of Hamilton, Montana. It is called the Rocky Mountain Laboratories (RML), and its most recent addition is a Comparative Medicine Center, to be completed in Spring 2024.


from SGT Report:

Al Gore is a world class piece of absolute shit. In fact, he’s a ManBearPig spewing his straw man about how YOU are bad for the environment and shouldn’t have access to fuel… while he flies private jets and lives in mansions. Beyond that, the news is just great, serf! Gonz Shimura returns to SGT Report to break this down and much more.

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from State Of The Nation:

SOTN Editor’s Note: As expected, it was only a matter of time before whistleblowers around the world would bravely start downloading Covid ‘vaccine’ data and information that would clearly prove the existence of a global depopulation scheme, WHICH IS STILL AT WORK!
The following video explains the latest data download and how it conclusively incriminates the Covid vax genocide perpetrators. The whistleblower is “a computer systems programmer at the Ministry of Health in New Zealand who designed the computer payment system for vaccine providers”, so the hard data is accurate and apparently has not been altered in any way.

With So Many People Going Into Cardiac Arrest, Should We Keep Aspirin In Our Preparations Kit? Finding Substitutes For Vital Medications For When Society Breaks Down And SHTF

by Alan Barton, All News Pipeline:

First up is the mandatory disqualifier; I am not a doctor so take anything said here as just my opinion (which it is regardless) and please ask your physician about any changes to your medications and possible alternatives.  The information that follows is a result of my own research for my own purposes only.

Salt.  Is it bad for you or is it good for you; the official opinion varies back and forth depending on what mood the authorities are in.  “They” say you will have health problems if you have too much or too little in your diet.  The generic claim is that commercial prepared foods have far too much salt and yet many who eat prepared foods have symptoms of too little salt.  I would argue that every bodies needs varies plus the more obvious fact that the current official views varies even more.  Too much salt may cause high blood pressure and heart disease while too little can also be harmful causing insulin resistance and hyponatremia ‘they’ say.  Decades of research have shown many and varied results possibly proving that the results of research are designed to fit the parameters of those paying for the research.  There really is no such thing as “blind” tests and objective analysis of those data sets therefore, well to put it mildly, lacks credibility.  To understand the results of any given announcement just look for who ultimately pays for that research.