Sunday, June 16, 2024


from SGT Report:

Major Matt Gary returns to SGT Report to shine the light of truth on the 2020 COUP which culminated in the betrayal of America in the people’s house on January 6th when the traitors in DC voted to certify a stolen election. And then Pelosi, the demonrats, RINOs and mockingbird whore media blamed Trump and the people in the ultimate gas lighting act of treachery.

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The Secret Covenant:


from SGT Report:

The W.H.O. Plandemic “treaty” isn’t dead yet, in fact it’s looking like the WHO got pretty much what they wanted. James Roguski is back to explain what just occurred and what’s next. The good news is, if the people refuse to comply with the state or with ANY tyrannical order from ANY body, we win. Period.

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COVID Vaccines Should Be Classified as GMO Products

from childrenshealthdefense:


LA City Council Removes ‘Homophobic’ No U-turn Signs

by Steve Watson, Modernity News:

Removing road safety signs because of a few disturbed people’s hurty feelings

Los Angeles City Council has removed No U-turn signs from Silver Lake, claiming that they are homophobic.

How exactly is a road sign homophonic? Well, a long time ago there were some signs alongside the No U-turn ones that said ‘No cruising’.

University Migrant Smart Hubs, Private Equity and The Leveraged Buyout of America

by Corey Lynn, Corey’s Digs:

Resettlement, repurposed, and replaced may be the best way to sum up what is taking place at colleges and universities across the U.S. The protests are assisting as smokescreens to recreate the underbelly of these indoctrination camps, turning them into resettlement campuses, micro smart cities or “innovation districts,” and a funnel system for captured endowments that all leads to policy change and potential training grounds for agitators to bring the U.S. to its knees. This not only has a drastic impact on college students and so-called “higher education,” but on cities and towns that anchor these hubs, ultimately affecting everyone.

UK SHOCK POLL — Nigel Farage’s Reform UK Is For The First Time Now AHEAD Of The Conservatives

from Bannons War Room:


BREAKING: 2025 NDAA authorizes mandatory military draft of WOMEN across America… as Pentagon pursues global NUCLEAR war with both Russia and China at the same time

by Mike Adams, Natural News:

The FY 2025 National Defense Authorization Act initiates mandatory selective service registration for American women, putting in place the mechanism for a mandatory military draft of those women. This is mentioned alongside other highlights in the United States Senate Committee on Armed Services executive summary document posted by the US Senate at this link.

This news comes on the heels of the US House Armed Services Committee just approving an amendment to the NDAA that automatically registers all American males (within the draft age window) for the Selective Service System. This means all American males of draft age can be involuntarily drafter into war. This House vote was approved on May 22nd of this year, as seen in this US HASC video. The automatic draft registration was pushed as a way to “cut government red tape” and skip any requirement for men to “proactively register.”

Kate Middleton Caught Sending SOS to World: ‘They’re Going To Kill Me’

from The People’s Voice:


Germany could soon be screening 18-year-olds to boost military recruits

by Denes Albert, ReMix News:

Germany wants to add over 20,000 new troops by 2030

The war in Ukraine has Europe on edge, and German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius is proposing a new model of military service. He wants compulsory screening of potential recruits to strengthen the army in a context of heightened risk.

Under the draft, presented by Boris Pistorius to the defense committee of the Bundestag, the lower house of Germany’s parliament, young people who have reached the age of 18 will be required to answer a questionnaire on their willingness and ability to serve in the army. Young women will also receive it, but without the obligation to complete it, sources said.

California introduces tax-by-the-mile plan as state revenue from fuel tax drops due to electric vehicle usage

by Rhoda Wilson, Expose News:

Buyers of electric cars in California may not have been aware of the new tax-by-the-mile plan before they decided to purchase their vehicles. Had they known about the potential added cost, they may have made a different decision. But regardless of personal choice, California law mandates that all new car sales be electric by 2035.

“This pay-to-drive scheme essentially turns your car into a rental,” Patrick Wood said.  After quoting from a course on technocracy in 1934, he added, “Don’t tell me that Technocracy is not in play here.”

We would add, do you remember the World Economic Forum’s threat “you will own nothing”?

London blade runners continue cutting down the ULEZ cameras.

Democrats Are Angry Donald Trump Now Embraces Bitcoin

by M Dowling, Independent Sentinel:

Initially, Donald Trump was highly suspicious of cryptocurrencies, going back a few years, but he has since changed his mind. He has embraced them, impressing a younger fan base and their deep-pocketed investors.

Hours after meeting with bitcoin miners at his Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida on Wednesday, the former president said on his Truth Social media platform that cryptocurrency users should “vote for Trump!” because he will stand up to “Biden’s hatred of Bitcoin.”

“President Trump, please don’t allow our soldiers to walk around wearing red, high-heeled shoes.”


Flash Flooding Florida, Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, June 15, 2024

from Dane Wigington:


Top Study Confirms UN’s ‘Climate Crisis’ Claims Are a Hoax

by Frank Bergman, Slay News:

A top study has confirmed that fearmongering claims made by the United Nations (UN) to support the “climate crisis” narrative are a hoax, directly contradicted by data.

Despite claims from the UN and other unelected globalists, the study has found that alleged “climate disasters” are not increasing.

In fact, eminent Italian researchers Gianluca Alimonti and Luigi Mariani found that the environment has been significantly improving in recent years, with climate-related events decreasing.

However, the researchers found that, while “climate disasters” have been decreasing, fearmongering studies and corporate media reports linking “global warming” to weather events have increased dramatically, creating the illusion of a “crisis.”

Israel is slaughtering anybody that they perceive to be in the way of them finishing off the genocide of the Palestinian people and securing their land-grab of Gaza. 🇵🇸🇮🇱