Saturday, July 27, 2024

Citizen Journalist Describes Experience with Maricopa Election Official Who Reportedly Advised Her on Voting Twice

Why the Aggressor in Ukraine is America — NOT Russia

by Alex Christoforou, The Duran:

On May 12th, Germany’s Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock accused the Government of South Africa by saying, “Anyone who supplies weapons to the aggressor in a war is doing the opposite of ending the war.” But who is the aggressor in the war that is being waged in the battlefields of Ukraine?

To answer that question, the act that STARTED the war must first be identified.

2024 Grammys: It Had To Be All About Taylor Swift. It Just Had To.

from Vigilant Citizen:

Amid conspiracy theories about Taylor Swift being a “government psyops” who’s in a fake relationship with an NFL player, the 2024 Grammy Awards resolutely centered around … Taylor Swift. There couldn’t be a better way to prove the conspiracies right. Here’s a look at this highly symbolic ceremony.

NEW – Google is using its virtual monopoly as a search engine to “elevate liberal views, stifle conservatives and manipulate children,” according to a new report.

From the Rule of Law to Weaponized Law

by Paul Craig Roberts, Paul Craig Roberts:

In my book, The Tyranny of Good Intentions (2000), I discussed the weaponization of law in order to easier convict criminals.  Once this process begins, it expands.  In the 21st century we have witnessed a remarkable expansion in the weaponization of law. For example, the use of weaponized law against Trump rally attendees and against President Trump himself.  The weaponization of law has brought no protests from law faculties, bar associations, Congress, media, or federal judges. 

Consequently, we have become a society in which the function of law is to get someone or to achieve an agenda that cannot be achieved legislatively.  The person doesn’t have to be guilty of a crime.  Merely being demonized or disapproved of suffices.  Law now serves not justice but  political and ideological emotions and the agendas of the powerful. 

Money Is Destroying Science and Scholarship

by Paul Craig Roberts, Paul Craig Roberts:

Ron Unz is a voice of conscience for history and science.  In his essay — — Unz shows that science is governed by money and produces the explanations that money desires.  Consequently, in place of truth we get lies.  Unz reviews the AIDS controversy and finds that truth lost to money, and we were given in the place of truth an AIDS lie, just as we have been given a Covid lie.

Objective and honest scientists agree. Richard Horton, chief editor of The Lancet, wrote that financial considerations have become a central element of the scientific process.  In other words, science has been corrupted by money and can no longer be trusted to deliver truth.



from SGT Report:

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Bill Holter returns to SGT Report with some bad news, total collapse of the dollar, the supply chain and society is coming and it’s closer than you think

The West is fighting to hold onto its waning hegemony

by Veniamin Popov, New Eastern Outlook:

The Western nations are currently concentrating their efforts on preserving their dwindling supremacy by primarily retaliating against the actions of their biggest rivals, Russia and China.

At the same time, they are eager to push for a new model of world order in which they could be in control. The idea of population control and the establishment of a “world government” are strongly promoted by them in this regard.

The world’s demographics are changing: Europe is shrinking, China is shrinking, and India, a much younger country, is overtaking them as the world’s most populous power.



from SGT Report:

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Mike Adams, patriot and founder of Natural News and Brighteon returns to SGT Report to expose the demons in the Democrat party who are now fully beholden to… the demons in Hell.


from Diane Kazer:


Minnesota Insanity Is the Model of the ‘America’ Coming to Your State Soon

by Lew Rockwell, Lew Rockwell:

“Communism is what happens when Socialists realize that they want complete control over every aspect of human life.”

A.E. Samaan

Communism is not far away. It is as close as Minnesota, a state consumed by socialists, control freaks, and neo-Marxism; all in a post-modern communistic political state. Given the ridiculous and pathetic sensibilities of this current American population, I must clarify that my statements are general in nature, and not meant to ‘offend’ those self-conscious, weak, and easily insulted ‘conservatives’ and libertarian types, who live in Minnesota. This disclaimer should not be necessary given any amount of individual intelligence or confidence, but all in Minnesota should by now be aware of the state of affairs in this communal hellhole of socialism.

Episode #469 – ‘The Republic in Peril’ with guest Mitch Feierstein

from 21st Century Wire:

This week the SUNDAY WIRE broadcasts LIVE on Alternate Current Radio, with host Patrick Henningsen bringing you this week’s top stories, both domestically and internationally. In the first hour we’ll connect with special guest Mitch Feierstein, author of the book, Planet Ponziand on Substack, to discuss the incredible political targeting of Donald Trump by Biden’s Department of Justice as the country crosses a Rubicon that it never should’ve crossed, and the terminal death spiral that the American political economy currently finds itself in. Can the US pull back from the ledge, and what’s likely to happen in 2024? In the final segment we’re joined by Bryan McClain aka ‘Hesher’ host of ACR’s Boiler Room show and TNT’s State of the NationAll this and much more.

The Entire Israel/Arab Situation Is All Planned By The Banksters to Turn Everyone Against Each Other

from DollarVigilante:


Chairman Comer Reveals Joe Biden Pseudonym “Robert L. Peters” Used During Business Emails Selling Govt Influence

from The Conservative Treehouse:

Perhaps the mysterious “Peter the pedo” from the Hunter Biden laptop has just been discovered, as House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer reveals the committee discovery of a pseudonym used by Joe Biden during emails with his son and business partners. [HOC Link Here]

Chairman Comer is now writing a strongly worded letter to the National Archives and Records Administration, tracing the documents backward, and asking NARA to provide unredacted copies of official government records from the office of the former Vice President.