Saturday, July 27, 2024

MEP Rob Roos: Nuclear Energy vs. Climate Communism

by Veronika Kyrylenko, The New American:

The climate change policies of the European Union are driven by the ideology of “climate communisms,” whose goal is to degrow the economy and instill China-style societal control over society, says Rob Roos, the member of the European Parliament representing the Netherlands.

In this interview with The New American, Mr. Roos discusses the recent panel discussion he hosted at the EU Parliament on the importance of nuclear energy and the EU’s debate over the composition of its energy section, describing the advantages of nuclear energy compared to renewable sources such as solar and wind. The MEP said that while the EU is trying to effectively satisfy the block’s growing demand for energy while also addressing high energy prices and air pollution, nuclear power has the strong potential to solve these issues and that renewables are “mathematically and physically” unable to do that.

Israeli Politician Suggests Israel Will Use Nukes If America Stops Supplying Weapons Aid

by Chris Menahan, Information Liberation:

Israeli MK Nissim Vaturi, a representative in Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s ruling Likud party, issued a not-so-veiled threat on Saturday suggesting that if America doesn’t supply Israel with weapons aid then Israel will use nuclear weapons.

“In the event of a conflict with Iran, if we do not receive American ammunition – we will have to use everything we have…” Vaturi ominously said.

Israel assassinated a high-ranking Iranian Brigadier General and 15 others in an airstrike on an Iranian embassy building in Syria on April 1 and Iran has pledged to retaliate.

Hospitals In The UK Now Promoting Breast Feeding For Trans Women Using The Newman-Goldfarb Protocol

by Geoffrey Grinder, Now The End Begins:

‘For transgender women on estrogen-based, gender-affirming hormone therapy, the ability to nourish their infants through production of their own milk may be a profoundly gender-affirming experience.’

How far will this dystopian and hellish nightmare continue to play out and go on? Are transgender women actually women? No, they are men. They are men on the inside and they are men on the outside, no amount of makeup or surgery will ever erase those distinctions. Allowing trans women to raise children is bad enough by itself, but to then promote the breastfeeding of those babies at the teats of biological men is downright demonic.

Consolidating Control

by Dr. Joseph Mercola, Mercola:

  • In an interview with Whitney Webb, finance guru Catherine Austin Fitts discusses how central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) will consolidate control of the financial system
  • Corporate media pushes the idea that you must put all your money with major banks to keep it safe, but this is a dangerous move
  • The big banks the media are trying to drive consumers to are engaged in criminal activities and allowed to operate above the law
  • When you have small, local banks and credit unions flourishing, it translates into healthy small businesses and small farms in the community
  • The most important thing you need to do to prepare financially is get yourself out of the control grid

The JFK Autopsy Skull X-rays Prove The Government Knew Oswald Wasn’t a Lone Gunman

by Jerome R. Corsi, American Thinker:

We now know that the three extant JFK autopsy skull X-rays in the National Archives collection are forgeries, altered to mask evidence of two frontal headshots.

The evidence for this proposition is thoroughly presented in a new book, The Assassination of President John F. Kennedy: The Final Analysis, which I have recently published with Dr. David W. Mantik, M.D., Ph.D. Armed with a Ph.D. in physics and a medical practice extending over five decades as a radiation oncologist, Dr. Mantik has seen the JFK autopsy skull X-rays more than anyone else. Using a densitometer, he measured the light coming through the X-rays millimeter-by-millimeter (with some measurements at a tenth-of-a-millimeter calibration).

The Precious Metals Jump Higher, But Are Capped Once Again


by Ed Steer, Silver Seek:

The gold price crept quietly sideways in GLOBEX trading overseas on Friday — and that lasted until around 12:30 p.m. China Standard Time on their Friday afternoon. It began to crawl higher from there until the 8:20 a.m. COMEX open in New York, where it was tapped a bit lower until the 8:30 a.m. EDT jobs number came out. It then blew higher, but ran into a DXY ‘rally’ and ‘da boyz’ five minutes later. It was sold lower for the next thirty minutes, but then away it went to the upside until a couple of minutes after the 11 a.m. EDT London close. The commercial traders of whatever stripe in New York then had the market to themselves — and they proceeded to engineer its price quietly lower until shortly before trading ended at 5:00 p.m. EDT.

Almost Like Metaphysics: Democrats Use Issues to Push for Total Control

by P.F. Kelly, Jr., American Thinker:

The Democrats are playing a game of hide-and-seek with voters.

The party hides what they are up to, and voters do very little seeking. The game revolves around the philosophical mystery at the core of the party.

Who are the Democrats?

No, It’s Not A Coincidence (Ep. 2149)

from The Dan Bongino Show:


How Central Banks Can Use Gold Revaluation Accounts in Times of Financial Stress

by Jan Nieuwenhuijs, Gold Seek:

Because central banks are the root of the modern money tree, they can use entries in their gold revaluation accounts to turn into capital, pay for expenses, or transfer it to their respective Treasuries. In addition, gold revaluation accounts can be used to cancel government bonds held on central bank balance sheets to lower the public debt.

Multiple large central banks are currently operating at a loss while public debt levels are elevated. In this article we will examine how central banks’ gold revaluation accounts can offer solace in these challenging financial environments. Central banks’ accounting rules are but fictional obstacles, as these are self-imposed and can be discarded.

UKHSA Suddenly Discovers There is No Good Evidence on Lockdowns

by Carl Heneghan and Dr Tom Jefferson, Daily Sceptic:

In the early summer of 2020, masks were introduced in the U.K. Thereafter, there was a mishmash of weird and wonderful measures that didn’t prevent further restrictive measures or lockdowns. According to Rishi Sunak’s statement to the Spectator, not even Cabinet Ministers were aware of the rationale for this merry-go-round.

As most of the important people making decisions, or at least communicating them, flip-flopped at approximately the same time on both sides of the Atlantic, were we treated to (or should we say, were we victims of) some clockwork change of course?

Episode 3604: Wasteful Spending To Just Buy Votes

from Bannons War Room:






‘Tidal Wave’: More And More Detransitioners Are Taking The Fight To The Doctors Who Ruined Their Lives

by Sarah Weaver, Daily Caller:

A “tidal wave” of detransitioners have sued their doctors over the transitions they received as minors, with many more to come, lawyers told the Daily Caller.

The law firm Campbell Miller Payne was established in 2023 by lawyers Jordan Campbell, Ron Miller, Josh Payne, and Daniel Sepulveda. The lawyers represent detransitioners in a number of high-profile cases, including Prisha Mosely and Soren Aldaco. Despite the newness of the firm, Campbell tells the Caller that they “average about one potential new client a week.”

Dutch MEP Rob Roos Slams Globalists ‘Great Food Reset’ Policy: ‘No Farmers, No Food, No Future’ (Video)

by Amy Mek, RAIR Foundation:

Roos’s call to protect and cherish our farmers and demand transparency in our food labeling is a clarion call to action.

In a recent speech at the European Parliament, Dutch politician and current Member of the European Parliament, Robert “Rob” Roos, spoke out against the EU’s “Great Food Reset” policy, which he claims is leading to harrowing scenes in the Netherlands. Roos argued that farmers have been producing food for centuries and are an essential part of Europe’s heritage and culture. However, the EU and United Nation’s trade agreements are inundating the market with products from half the world, even as farmers are being killed off with legislation aimed at climate action, including the ban of nitrogen fertilizer, an essential component of modern agriculture.