Saturday, July 27, 2024

EXCLUSIVE: Capitol Police Chief Called Jan 6 Events ‘A Cover Up’ in Tucker Carlson Interview HIDDEN By Fox News

by Raheem Kassam, The National Pulse:

Former Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund told then-Fox News host Tucker Carlson that events surrounding the January 6th riots at the U.S. Capitol appear to have been a “cover up,” in never-seen-before footage published exclusively by The National Pulse.

In the hour-long interview, Sund laments the behaviors of then House Speaker Nancy Pelosi as well as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley, who he says had intelligence to suggest problems on Capitol Hill, which they failed to communicate with Sund and his cops on the ground.

CNN: Calling the US a Republic Is “A Conspiracy Theory”

by M Dowling, Independent Sentinel:

Democrats don’t like to refer to the USA as a Constitutional Republic because they are turning us into a socialist democracy. We finally have a CNN reporter spilling the beans. He ordains that calling America a Republic is “an attack on democracy.” It’s probably homophobic, xenophobic, and racist too.

CNN also calls it a conspiracy theory to call America a Constitutional Republic.

MSM Ramps Up “Next Pandemic” Rhetoric

by Mac Slavo, SHTF Plan:

The mainstream media is ramping up the “next pandemic” rhetoric and setting the official narrative for it. It is apparently on its way, driven by Disease X, and will kill millions of people.

According to a report by The Daily Mail, in order to combat Disease X,  as the World Health Organisation ominously calls it, we will once again need vaccines to be engineered and delivered in record time. But, as things stand, there is absolutely no guarantee that will happen.

Meta’s Threads ‘Bombs’ As Daily Active Users Halved

from ZeroHedge:

The hype surrounding “Threads,” the new social network launched by Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg, has collapsed. Threads has unraveled so quickly that new data shows active users have been halved.

Threads launched in the US on July 5 and reached over 100 million sign-ups by that weekend. Shortly after, Zuckerberg wrote in a post, “Can’t believe it’s only been five days!”

Zuckerberg appears to have prematurely taken a victory lap because early last week, we noted data from SensorTower and SimilarWeb showing an exodus of users and a plunge in engagements. The note was titled Threads Unravels: So-Called ‘Twitter Killer’ App Sees Exodus Of Users, Plunge In Engagement.

Media Blackout: Ten News Stories They Chose Not to Tell You This Week – Episode 1

from mariazeee:



from SGT Report:

68-year old Gold Star mom Tina Peters is facing 20 years in prison for the crime of exposing what appears to be Dominion voting machine election rigging. Tina made a copy of the evidence and for that supposed “crime” she is being persecuted by the State of Colorado and the local whore mainstream media who want to see her do hard time behind bars for standing up for the Republic.

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“Nothing to See Here”: Members and the Media Panic as the Biden Scandal Mounts

by Jonathan Turley, Jonathan Turley:

Below is my column in the New York Post on the last ditch effort of the members of Congress and the media to get the public to just “move on” from the Biden corruption scandal. The message has been clear and amplified, as former U.S. Senator Claire McCaskill (D-Mo.) insisted on MSNBC, “Everybody needs to back off!” As evidence and public interest increase, it is a bit late for spin or shiny objects. This week, the scandal is likely to be even more serious for the Bidens and the country. The media is increasingly taking on the appearance of Leslie Nielsen in Naked Gun yelling that there is “nothing to see here” in front of a virtual apocalyptic scene of fire and destruction.

The ‘Crisis’ in Mainstream Media Is Due to the Rise of Independent Journalism and the Reporting of Truth

by Matt Funicello, RedState:

With the recent news of massive layoffs, an exodus of senior editorial staff, and rumors of additional layoffs looming, some believe that the Los Angeles Times is on the brink of collapse. Last week The Messenger, a relatively new entrant to the news landscape, which was populated by “experienced journalists from POLITICO, the New York Post, the Los Angeles Times, NBC News, Reuters and elsewhere,” suddenly shuttered, and the Wall Street Journal laid off 20 staffers in its Washington, D.C. bureau.



from Lunar Landing Discussions:


Hmm: A French Film Released Last Year Depicts Muslims Rioting After a Teen Was Killed by Police

by JD Rucker, Discern Report:

Some will say it’s a coincidence. Others will attribute it to “predictive programming.” I believe the French movie “Athena” released last year simply put on screen a scenario that has always been likely when imbalanced multiculturalism is forced upon a western nation.

The current riots in France are literally burning down parts of the nation. They were prompted by the police killing of a 17-year-old Muslim boy, Nahel M. What started as protests in the beginning of the week has escalated to what some are calling a mini-civil war.


from SGT Report:

As the noose from despots tightens around the neck of the Republic, Patriot and FREE man on the land Brent Johnson returns to SGT Report with a warning for all tyrants and would-be slaves.

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Ashley Biden’s Diary May Help Bring Down MSM

from Moonbattery:

If there was any doubt even after Hunter Biden’s laptop that the media establishment has no credibility and serves only to secure the power of the Democratic Party, Ashley Biden’s diary has put it to rest:

In 2019, Ashley Biden, the then 37-year-old daughter of President Biden and his wife Jill, wrote in her journal about showering with her father at an inappropriate age as well as her fears that, as a child, she was sexually abused. …

After undergoing treatment in rehab, Ashley moved to a halfway house in Florida, where she left the diary under a mattress.

It was released to the public. Astonishingly, the media has refused to report this bombshell story, even in light of Biden’s incessant inappropriate behavior around little girls. The New York Times would acknowledge only that the diary was stolen but not what was in it.


from SGT Report:

Melody K returns to SGT Report to share the REAL news about the pure evil in the oval office, and the race to enslave humanity. And stay tuned for some of the most unimaginable woo we have ever shared. Thanks for tuning in.

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Kate Middleton’s Ring Disappears

from AlexandraBruce: