Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Russia Puts Out Arrest Warrant For Senator Lindsey Graham Over Comment ‘Celebrating Russians Dying’

by Chris Menahan, Information Liberation:

Russia issued an arrest warrant for Senator Lindsey Graham on Monday over his comments praising US aid to Ukraine as “the best money we’ve ever spent” and celebrating that “Russians are dying.”

Graham said he will wear the arrest warrant as a “Badge of Honor” in a statement on Twitter but also told Reuters on Monday that his comments were taken out of context by Ukraine.

Biden’s History of Lying EXPOSED

from Mr Reagan:

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It Was Always Only About Power With the Left

by Victor Davis Hanson, American Greatness:

For the left-wing elites, the cause is but a means to personal and professional power.

Why do so many liberal climate-activist grandees fly on private jets? Or why do those who profited from Black Lives Matter have a propensity for estate living? Or why do the community-activist Obamas prefer to live in not one, but three mansions?

The Shocking Vaccine Study That Obliterates The COVID Narrative (Ep. 2020)

from The Dan Bongino Show:

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Medvedev guarantees Russia will NUKE America if Biden deploys F-16s

from Health Ranger Report:

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Kissinger at 100: More Than Half a Century of Treachery, Betrayal, and Treason

by William F. Jasper, The New American:

Henry Kissinger, the much-celebrated eminence grise of the globalist Establishment, marked his 100th birthday on May 27. Media fanfare, commentary, bouquets, and brickbats poured forth as expected. Kissinger — former national security advisor and secretary of state, political savant, and globetrotting adviser-at-large to the world — is both revered and reviled by constituencies across the political spectrum like few other “elder statesmen” in history.

How the Democrats are Destroying Large Cities

by Paul Gottfried, American Thinker:

Kevin Williamson has published a commentary in the NY Post dealing with the “blue wave” that’s moving through metropolitan areas. In cities like Denver, Omaha, Dallas, and Salt Lake City, the Republican Party has ceased to be even competitive. According to Williamson, “there is no Republican-led US city with a population of one million or more.” In Salt Lake City, Omaha, Denver, and Dallas, elections are now held between left-of-center Democrats and more radical members of the same party.  Williamson is understandably concerned that if urban politics in areas that we expect to be relatively conservative continue to move in a blue direction, they will cease to give their populations “real political choices. Cities need real political competition to create incentives for policy innovation.”

The Great Silence

by Jeffrey Tucker, Daily Reckoning:

The kids are two years behind in education. Inflation still rages. White-collar jobs are disappearing thanks to the reversal of Fed policy. Household finances are a wreck. The medical industry is in upheaval. Trust in government has never been lower.

Major media too is discredited. Young people are dying at levels never seen. Populations are still on the move from lockdown states to where it is less likely. Surveillance is everywhere, and so is political persecution. Public health is in a disastrous state, with substance abuse and obesity all at new records.


from SGT Report:

Ben Armstrong from the New American and the Ben Armstrong Show returns to SGT Report with a startling breakdown of the satanic Left’s Marxist agenda to enslave humanity to a future which is sure to be hell on earth for those who survive the depopulation effort which is currently underway. And stay tuned for a surprise at the very end which I shot in Nuevo Vallarta Mexico on the evening of May 24th.

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Worse Than Anyone Realizes: Eliminating the Debt Ceiling Is the Catalyst for Our Nation’s Demise

by JD Rucker, Discern Report:

The debt ceiling was not raised. It was temporarily eliminated. This opens the door to horrible things that go far beyond the existential threats we’re currently facing.

For the last two years, I’ve been watching minions of the powers-that-be to see when they would make their big move. They installed Joe Biden for a reason and it isn’t just because he has been the most compromised man in Washington DC for at least a decade. They needed someone who they could fully control with no reservations. If the handlers assigned to him by the globalist elite cabal told him to nuke Moscow, there would be Trident IIs in the air within minutes, no questions asked.

Pfizer – The New Evil Empire?

by Martin Armstrong, Armstrong Economics:

I warned that our computer was projecting that Pfizer was making a major peak. Many could not see how that forecast would be correct. Here we are and Pfizer is not a company you want to work for or invest in. Seriously, anyone who has a family member working at Pfizer should cash out before it is too late and people start drawing them out and hanging them on the street as they did to the bankers during the Panic of 1869 giving rise to the real term – Black Friday.

Russia Launches Pre-Dawn ‘Kamikaze’ Drone Attacks On Ukraine Capital Ahead Of ‘Kyiv Day’ Celebrations

by Geoffrey Grinder, Now The End Begins:

Russia unleashed waves of air strikes on Kyiv overnight in what officials said appeared to be the largest drone attack on the city since the start of the war, as the Ukrainian capital prepared to celebrate the anniversary of its founding on Sunday.

The war between Russia and Ukraine is well into its ‘second season’, and it shows little signs of stopping anytime soon, or for that matter, even slowing down. In Ukraine, Zelensky has used the conflict to bring in over $200 billion in cash and munitions, becoming a sort of ersatz ‘celebrity‘ in the process. In Russia, Putin is doing, well, no one really knows what Putin is doing, but he’s doing a lot of it. As Ukraine prepared to celebrate ‘Kyiv Day’, Russia was pleased to provide the fireworks.

Russia Claims They Collected Evidence of Avian Flu Pathogens with Lethality Rate up to 40% in Humans at US Biolab in Ukraine

by Jim Hoft, The Gateway Pundit:

It wasn’t that long ago that Mitt Romney was threatening former Rep. Tulsi Gabbard for suggesting the US was funding biolabs in Ukraine.

Back in March 2022, RINO Senator Mitt Romney accused former Democrat Rep. Tulsi Gabbard of spreading ‘treasonous lies’ for simply talking about the US-funded biolabs in Ukraine.

Taxation as a Weapon against Prosperity

by Mac Slavo, SHTF Plan:

This article was originally published by Lipton Matthews at The Mises Institute. 

The Economist magazine in a recent editorial painted a rather positive image of the American economy. After encountering setbacks, the American economy often registers a buoyant recovery. Despite competition from rivals, America has retained her position as the world’s top economy. Some are bewildered by America’s enduring prosperity, but is it reasonable to expect less from a country designed to do business?

The Check For Vote-Buying Is On The Table

by Karl Denninger, Market Ticker:

As they say…. oops.

Democrat politicians have been buying votes for the last two decades with two policies:

  • Sanctuary cities.  That is, come here, legal or not, access services which cost taxpayers money, and its fine.  Whether that’s education, medical care, housing, whatever.
  • Reparations.  The premise that black people today are owed something due to the legacy of slavery.

I’ve dealt with the absurdity of the latter several times in my column and see no particular reason to go back through all of it here.  It is simply sufficient to note that when it comes to both over-allocation of resources (e.g. dollars-per-pupil on education) and per-capita spend on welfare black people have gotten more and paid less for the last 50+ years to the tune of trillions of dollars.  Anyone who wishes to argue for such has to deduct all of that out first and its entirely possible you might find that if you do black people owe everyone else, not the other way around.