The Global Fertility Rate Is Dropping Dramatically As The Effects Of Abortion And Man-Made Global Pandemics Creating A ‘Demographic Winter’


by Geoffrey Grinder, Now The End Begins:

The world is at a startling demographic milestone. Sometime soon, the global fertility rate will drop below the point needed to keep population constant. It may have already happened.

Years ago, we told you about something called The Georgia Guidestones, stone tablets that were mysteriously set up and graven with what appeared to be the constitution of the coming kingdom of Antichrist. At the height of the pandemic in 2022, The Georgia Guidestones were just as mysteriously demolished in the middle of the night. You might say that whoever did that was getting rid of the evidence of the depopulation agenda espoused by the global elites. Eugenicist Bill Gates is very happy about today’s news of a rapidly-declining global population, something he’s spent billions to help create.


Between 1973 and 20121, abortion in America reduced our population by an eye-popping 63,459,781 souls! We are 20% smaller than we would have been had those babies been allowed to be born. This sad fact has been repeated around the world thanks to the Gospel of Bill Gates promoting his Hitlerian eugenic ideas. Take Social Security for example. All the money paid into it has long-since been taken and spent by past corrupt administrations, and the only thing keeping it alive is the new money from workers coming in. But when you reduce the number of workers, everything else drops as well. The global elites have already built their bunkers in which they hope to ‘ride out the apocalypse’, but far from keeping them safe, it will be their last step on a path that ends in the pit of Hell.

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