Sunday, June 16, 2024

The Weaponization of Religion: Globalist Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing

from The New American:


The “Electric Vehicle Revolution” Is DOA

by JD Rucker, The Liberty Daily:

In the early days of the push for electric vehicles to replace gas-powered vehicles, they were novelties used for virtue signaling. As the push from government leftists ramped up quickly, millions worldwide jumped onboard willingly or reluctantly as it appeared that an EV future was inevitable.

Now that the market has matured, challenges are evident. Electric vehicles are unreliable. They are expensive to repair. The infrastructure to power them is insufficient today even though they only make up a tiny percentage of what’s on the road. Behind all of these roadblocks is an underlying reality: Far fewer people are joining the climate change cult than the powers-that-be had hoped.

Woke Harvard Asks: How Is Homeschooling Becoming Mainstream?


by Dean Bowen, America Outloud:

Since 2020, the exodus from the public school system has continued to be noticed by the elites while the talking heads pontificate on the reasons why. This article states the “rise in innovative schooling is under the microscope.” What type of schooling do they consider innovative? “Parent-operated co-ops, micro-schools, and classical academies.”

I would say these methods of schooling children are not innovative. They are the way education has been achieved for centuries, but now that parents want to take back education from the progressive left, these methods are “innovative.” Call them what you will; the bottom line is they work.

Large new study finds COVID jabs carry increased risks of heart, brain, blood diseases

by Calvin Freiburger, LifeSite News:

The study of 99 million jabbed people found ‘significantly higher risks of myocarditis’ after mRNA COVID shots, as well as increased risks of pericarditis, Guillain-Barré syndrome, and other diseases.

A new COVID-19 jab study being billed as the largest to date has found increased risks of rare heart, brain, and blood disorders, yet the organization behind the controversial shots continues to defend them.




EYEWITNESS: Warning Signs That Should Have Told Us the Collapse of Venezuela Was Near

by Daisy Luther, The Organic Prepper:

Looking back, there were warning signs. First, let me tell you what life used to be like before the Venezuelan economic collapse.

I usually wake up early in the morning, without too much complaint. When I was working in an oil facility 58 kilometers away from home, I had to be out of bed and ready for the bus at 5:20 AM. My wife took me to the bus stop, where the corporate bus would pick me up at 5:45. We were in the office by 7 o’clock.

Then, work all the day with one hour and a half for lunch, most of the times without leaving the company facilities, in the restaurant for employees. Then work until 4:30 PM and take the bus at 4:45. One hour later we were arriving to the city again, depending on the traffic.

Dig It! #192: Pride Month Recap, Free Speech Win, Ukraine, Nuclear & NATO

from Corey’s Digs :


America’s Housing Market Is In A Deep Freeze

by Michael Snyder, The Economic Collapse Blog:

This is a very bad time for those that work in the real estate industry.  Thanks to the Federal Reserve, mortgage rates are much higher than they were a couple of years ago, and this has deeply frozen America’s housing market.  Millions upon millions of U.S. homeowners are currently paying off fixed rate mortgages that were financed when mortgage rates were at historic lows.  If you are one of those homeowners, selling your current home and buying another home that will come with a mortgage at a much higher rate would be very painful financially.  So vast numbers of current homeowners feel “locked in” to their current homes.  At this point, the number of Americans that are selling homes has fallen to a depressingly low level, and the number of Americans that are buying homes has fallen to a depressingly low level.  This isn’t going to change until interest rates go down significantly, but the Federal Reserve is very hesitant to reduce interest rates because of the nightmarish cost of living crisis that we are facing.  So our housing market will probably continue to be in a deep freeze for the foreseeable future.

What Could Go Wrong? Robot Dogs Are Getting ChatGPT (AI) “Brains”

by Mac Slavo, SHTF Plan:

A team of artificial intelligence engineers has equipped a Boston Dynamics robot dog with OpenAI’s ChatGPT and Google’s Text-to-Speech voice, giving the robot an AI “brain”. This is what creating a real-life Skynet-like robot looks like.

The ruling class has already used these robot dogs to make sure people stay in line and don’t dissent.

NYPD Deploys Robot Dog To Catch “COVID Violators”

So what could possibly go wrong?

Russia Discussing Integration of Payment Infrastructure With BRICS

from Sputnik News:

MOSCOW (Sputnik) – Russia is discussing with other BRICS countries the integration of national financial message transmission systems, and currently 159 foreign participants from 20 countries have already joined the Russian platform, Russian Central Bank Head Elvira Nabiullina told Sputnik.

True Story of the “Mutiny” Begins to Emerge

by Paul Craig Roberts, Paul Craig Roberts:

Both US and Russian media have set in stone the false narrative of “Prigozhin’s mutiny.”  By publicly agreeing, Putin has validated the neoconservatives’ propaganda that he is weak and tottering and that the US can win in Ukraine if the US acts more forcibly. 

Nevertheless, the real story is coming out bit by bit.  Prigozhin’s protest march was directed at Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu and chief of Staff Valery Gerasimov who were forcing Prigozhin to turn the Wagner Group over to the Russian military command by July 1.—lawmaker-1111544635.html 

Decentralised Data For a Decentralised Future

by Matt Agorist, The Free Thought Project:

The Codex organisation is innovating around decentralised data storage. The org and the blockchain community are building solutions to decentralise data storage and guarantee robust data durability. This article examines the current problem with modern data storage techniques, including their weaknesses and challenges. The piece further explores solutions in the form of decentralised data storage and erasure coding, the hurdles of implementing it, and what the future holds in an era of a more decentralised, open, and fault-tolerant internet landscape.

Episode 3021: Challenging Eric Adams; 14th Amendment Wont Bar Trump From Running

from Bannons War Room:


Shorting Evil

by Robert Gore, Straight Line Logic:

Evil is in a topping formation.
Evil is completely dependent on the good it attempts to destroy. When good discovered fire, invented the wheel, and started planting seeds, evil invented government. Evil produces nothing, it only commands, coerces, enslaves, destroys, and murders. Gigantic tombs loom over Egypt’s desert, built by slaves millennia ago, monuments to rulers’ vanity. A single farmer working the Nile’s alluvial soil produced more than any pharaoh, yet the former had to send a portion of his crop to the latter. Nothing has changed since then. How do the production and lives of the good become the property of evil?

The War Upon ‘The Family’ And The Planned Extermination Of Humanity Are Accelerating With US Cities Showing The Devastation Of Democrat Policies While Millions Die Prematurely

by Alan Barton, All News Pipeline:

As Monty Python puts it; “and now for something completely different”.  (Note the hyperlink to the 1971 trailer of that movie.)  This was one of those columns where I started out with an idea and it got completely turned around by the time I was ready to assemble the parts of it, but that is OK because this one is a bit easier to handle.  And as this being a holiday as writing begins, and with the noisy ones out of the house for a little bit, perhaps we can concentrate on it better now.  We began by searching for safest places in the US to live, including FEMA and others ideas, and came across a bunch of stories about a year and a half ago on their ideas but noted that it was primarily on natural disasters and the likelihood of problems from them from floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, fires, earthquakes and more as well as useable escape routes and so forth.  I initially planned on including violence (riots, crime), safety from nuclear fallout whether from war or power plant meltdown, accessibility of life sustenance items (water, food, shelter et.), ease of escape from them and items of that nature to determine the safest places to live.