Sunday, May 5, 2024

Gee, Thanks America! U.S. Sanctions Make Russian Economy Stronger and Precipitate Multipolar World

from Strategic Culture:

The paradoxical thing is that U.S. and European sanctions against Russia while intended to cripple the Russian economy have made the stronger.

Russia’s economy is performing strongly, according to recent forecasts from the World Bank and International Monetary Fund. The outcome defies earlier predictions by the United States and its European allies which held that Western sanctions would bring the Russian economy to its knees and force it to submissively “Cry Uncle”.

Espionage Act & Abuse of Power

by Martin Armstrong, Armstrong Economics:

Many people have written in and asked how can Trump be charged under the Espionage Act. There is probably no other Act that has been so abused than this statute. It has been responsible for witch hunts and the deliberate execution of people the prosecutors knew were innocent. This Act has silenced people, been used to imprison people for speaking against the government in times of war, and even imprisoned Japanese for simply being Japanese under nothing more than an executive order Public Proclamation No. 4, 7 Fed.Reg. 2601. And on May 19, 1942, eleven days before the time a Japanese petitioner was charged with unlawfully remaining in the area, Civilian Restrictive Order No. 1, 8 Fed.Reg. 982, provided for the detention of those of Japanese ancestry in assembly or relocation centers. One of the top 5 worst decisions of the Supreme Court declaring Blacks were just property in Dred Scott v. Sandford 60 U.S. 393 (1856), but so was the imprisonment of Japanese Americans during World War II solely based on their race –  Korematsu v. United States, 323 U.S. 214 (1944)


by Joseph P. Farrell, Giza Death Star:

You will want to pay attention to this story shared by V.T., because it seems that depositors are abandoning American banks in unprecedented numbers:

Now, the reasons being given by this article are intriguing, and, I think, only a part of the story:

New numbers from the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) show Americans are pulling their money at a pace not seen in yearly four decades.

Tina Peters On Colorado’s 2020 Election Fraud: FEDS PERSECUTE Election Integrity Whistleblower

from Stew Peters Network:


Federal Budget: TTM Deficit Surges by an Incredible $980B YoY

by Peter Schiff, Schiff Gold:

The Federal Government ran a deficit last month of $240B. Revenue continues to be at or below levels last year while expenses continue to grow.

The chart below shows the month of May historically. This is the second largest May deficit ever, falling only behind May 2020 during the peak of Covid stimulus. As the chart below shows, revenues have dropped significantly YoY since the peak in 2021. At the same time, expenses dropped last year but have bounced back this year.

Episode 2812: The Growing Threat Of Cyber Attacks

from Bannons War Room:


Vaccine Cancer Causing Components & Antibiotic Resistance, Intent to Harm

from Dr. Jane Ruby:


The Escalating Persecution of Truth Tellers

by Paul Craig Roberts, Paul Craig Roberts:

I have in a number of articles explained the fate of truth tellers. They live a high risk, low reward life. Chris Hedges explains in his article below what is happening to Matt Taibbi, formerly Rolling Stone magazine’s top attraction.  Taibbi, is a leftwinger who told the truth and was punished for doing so.  Today he is being persecuted by the IRS for reporting the Twitter files released by Elon Musk which show that the FBI pressured Twitter to censor truth tellers.

The suppression of truth is occurring everywhere in the Western “democratic” world.  Julian Assange has been in prison for a decade without due process of law simply because he reported leaked documents that revealed US war crimes and US deception of its allies.

DHS is Running the Modern Slave Trade

from AlexandraBruce:


DYSTOPIAN NIGHTMARE special report – Here’s our dark future if we don’t stop tyranny NOW

from Health Ranger Report:


America Needs To be Recaptured Under The Banner Of Liberty

from Reese Report:


The WHO Treaty and COVID Origins: Renz Was Right Again

by Tom Renz, Esq., America Outloud:

Every day we are continuing to find out how we were right on everything. The WHO treaty is being pushed by Klaus Schwab, Yuval Noah Harari, and all the other sick globalist monsters. It’s all about control. They want to control global health and are pushing this with every intention for it to happen. The UK Times published an article on COVID origins and what happened at the Wuhan lab weeks before COVID. It regurgitates everything we’ve been putting out for the past two years, Fauci and our DOD-funded gain of function research at the Wuhan lab, and EcoHealth Alliance carried out the work. We know they were creating bioweapons, and we know they’ve lied to us about everything. If Fauci’s mouth is moving, he’s lying. So at what point do we stop going along with the narrative that COVID was released accidentally? Do we really think this was all an accident?


from reallygraceful: