Saturday, May 18, 2024

Battleground EP 328: RFK Jr Turns Back On Mom’s For Liberty; China To Default Trillions Of Debt

from Bannons War Room:


US and European Commission Call for “International Framework” to Advance Geoengineering Research

by Derrick Broze, Activist Post:

Geoengineering is a controversial science of manipulating the climate for the stated purpose of fighting man-made climate change. There are several types of geoengineering, including Solar Radiation Management (SRM) or solar geoengineering. Stratospheric aerosol injection, or SAI, is a specific solar geoengineering practice which involves spraying aerosols into the sky in an attempt to deflect the sun’s rays. The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy is currently developing a five-year research plan on solar geoengineering.

Epstein Client List COVER-UP: JP Morgan Chase Pays Epstein Sex Trafficking Victims 290 Million

from Stew Peters Network:


Dig It! #192: Pride Month Recap, Free Speech Win, Ukraine, Nuclear & NATO

from Corey’s Digs :


Here’s What’s Really Behind the Global Reset and Sustainable Development Agenda 2030

by Chris MacIntosh, International Man:

Captive in the so-called 15-minute cities, eat bugs and no meat, immerse in the metaverse, and a never ending feed of pharmaceuticals, and all that by force, otherwise your universal basic income (UBI) gets cut off.

Energy? Dirty.

Lower motorway speeds and driving ban in plan to tackle oil reliance. Here’s an extract from Daily Echo article

Lancet Study on Covid Vaccine Autopsies Finds 74% Were Caused by Vaccine – Study is Removed Within 24 Hours

by Will Jones, Daily Sceptic:

Lancet review of 325 autopsies after Covid vaccination found that 74% of the deaths were caused by the vaccine – but the study was removed within 24 hours.

The paper, a pre-print that was awaiting peer-review, is written by leading cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough, Yale epidemiologist Dr. Harvey Risch and their colleagues at the Wellness Company and was published online on Wednesday on the pre-print site of the prestigious medical journal.

Sound of FREEDOM dominates, Elections compromised, Ukraine, over the TARGET, PRAY!

from And We Know:


Finance, power, integration: The SCO welcomes a new ‘Global Globe’

by Pepe Escobar, The Cradle:

The 23rd summit of the heads of state of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), held virtually in New Delhi, represented History in the making: three BRICS (Russia, India, China), plus Pakistan and four Central Asian “stans” (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, and Tajikistan), finally and formally, welcomed the Islamic Republic of Iran as a permanent member.

You Gonna Finish That? Meat, Plane Rides, and Clothes Are Gone in 2030, Say WEF Commie Prags

by Matt Margolis, PJ Media:

The World Economic Forum (WEF) is, thankfully, not being secretive about its plans to enslave us. Unfortunately for humankind, we are once again ignoring the tyrants looking to take over the world.

Our would-be masters at the WEF  have a detailed strategy regarding what you eat, where you go, how you get there, and what you’re going to wear. And they plan to kick their tyranny into high gear by 2030.

The Conspiracy Against Normality

by Paul Craig Roberts, Paul Craig Roberts:

Do your country a favor and ask yourself why the US corporate and financial world have organized to force straight Americans to celebrate sexual perversity for ONE MONTH?  Why do corporate executives and boards think we should be proud of sexual perversity?  Who organized this campaign against normality?  Why did corporate executives and boards put the self-serving interest of sexual perverts ahead of the interests of their stockholders and their own performance bonuses? Why aren’t we instead celebrating normality?

Nuclear War and The Invasion Of The Money, Mind And Body Snatchers

from DollarVigilante:


Why is malaria suddenly back in the U.S. after a 20-year hiatus?

by Ethan Huff, Natural News:

It has been around two decades since the last localized cases of malaria were detected in the United States. And now, suddenly, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is warning that the infectious disease is back, having recently reemerged in Florida and Texas.

We are told that four people in the Sunshine State and one person in the Lone Star State were recently treated for malaria, though the agency says the cases between the two states are unrelated. So, where did this new outbreak of malaria come from, and how is the government planning to deal with it?


from World Alternative Media:


Macron, NATO, and the Fate of the Empire part I

by Tom Luongo, Tom Luongo:

July began with a series of bangs that cannot be ignored. I’m not talking about the noise coming from both Russia and Ukraine over the ‘counter-offensive’ or who wants to blow up the Zaporizhia Nuclear Power Plant.

I’m talking about the downstream effects that conflict has brought about. The old world is breaking down along sectarian lines as we watch Russia continue to fight the West to a standstill along the banks of the Dnieper river.

And a standstill should be the most likely outcome on all of our geopolitical bingo cards.

In Bid to Compete With Twitter, Zuckerberg Launches Social Media App That ‘Collects All Your Data and Follows You Everywhere’

by Brenda Baletti, Ph.D., Childrens Health Defense:

Commenting on the new app — Threads — Journalist Kim Iversen said Zuckerberg is not “socially savvy, so I don’t know if he fully understands … why [people] want a censorship-free platform.”

One day after a federal judge temporarily barred key Biden administration officials and federal agencies from communicating with social media platforms about censoring specific online content, Mark Zuckerberg launched Threads — Meta’s new social media platform intended to compete with Twitter.