Monday, June 17, 2024

Globalist Elites Provoking Bloody Conflicts And Coups – Putin

from Great Game India:

During his Victory Day Parade speech on Red Square in Moscow, Putin said that globalist elites are provoking bloody conflicts and coups.

Western elites have forgotten the consequences of the Nazis’ “insane ambitions,” Russian President Vladimir Putin has said during his Victory Day Parade speech on Red Square in Moscow.

America Is Being Invaded

by Michael Snyder, End Of The American Dream:

In less than two and a half years, the Biden administration has released nearly five million illegal immigrants into this country.  That number is greater than the population of 28 different U.S. states.  When they were processed, those illegal immigrants were given court dates, but only a very small minority of them ever show up.  Once they have gotten in, most of them disappear into our communities and are never heard from again.  America is literally being invaded, and now the end of Title 42 is going to make things a whole lot worse.  If you are not familiar with Title 42, the following is a pretty good summary from Fox News

The Kennedy Assassination That No One Ever Talks About

from State Of The Nation:

JFK and RFK are not the only sons of Joseph P. Kennedy Sr. who were brutally assassinated by the Khazarian Mafia

Submitted by Revisionist Historians for World Peace
SOTN Exclusive

Who doesn’t know that Joseph P. Kennedy Sr. ardently wanted his eldest son — Joseph P. Kennedy Jr. — to become the first Catholic president of the United States?

James Comer Says 9 out of 10 Biden Crime Witnesses are in Jail, Court or Missing

from The Conservative Treehouse:

House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer reappears with Maria Bartiromo today to update on the status of the Biden crime family investigation. {Direct Rumble Link Here}

During the interview Chairman Comer informs Ms Bartiromo that nine out of ten people that would be considered material witnesses for the intent of the committee investigation are either in jail, in court, or missing.  Additionally, Comer states those who do have information are intimidated and fear for their lives. WATCH:

Vera Sharav – Holocaust Survivor Says Smart Cities Are Modern-Day Concentration Camps

from mariazeee:


Deliver Us from Reality

by Roger Kimball, American Greatness:

The only silver lining in this minatory storm cloud is the fact that such movements, though unconscionably cruel, arbitrary, and destructive, are also astonishingly fragile.

That’s the answer one has to give to those who ask how Alvin Bragg, a local district attorney in office by the slimmest of margins—and then only because of a huge subsidy from the anti-American billionaire George Soros—can get away with antics like indicting Donald Trump, a former (and, possibly, future) president of the United States, and, now, with charging former Marine Daniel Penny with manslaughter because he (along with at least two others) intervened to stop Jordan Neely from attacking fellow passengers on a New York subway.

DeSantis Bans ‘Digital Dollar’ in Florida, Blocks Credit Card Companies Tracking Gun Purchases

by Frank Bergman, Slay News:

Republican Governor Ron DeSantis has banned the federal government from introducing a “digital dollar” to replace traditional money in Florida.

DeSantis signed legislation into law this week that bans a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) from ever being introduced in the state of Florida.

Democrat President Joe Biden has been pushing hard for the federal reserve to replace the dollar with “digital cash.”

Play it Again Uncle Sam… Debunked Syrian Chemical Weapons Card in Ukraine

by Finian Cunningham, Strategic Culture:

The CW card is a complete dud. That Western media are playing it shows that their role is as sinister as mass drug-dealing.

Western media are now accusing Russian forces of preparing to use chemical weapons (CW) of mass destruction in Ukraine, thereby making the case for greater NATO military intervention.

The CW card is a complete dud. That Western media are playing it shows they are also complete duds, and that their role is as sinister as mass drug-dealing.

Yellen & Biden Should be Impeached to Save America?

by Martin Armstrong, Armstrong Economics:

Janet Yellen has become way too partisan to be a trustworthy government official. Since Biden now says he will nominate a Latina for Fed governor regardless if they are qualified or not is precisely why SVB failed for starters. Everyone just wants to be WOKE and hire people based entirely on their race or gender preference. SVB hired risk managers to check a box – not for qualifications. Had they simply subscribed to Socrates they would have been hedged.

Neighborhood Watch Out: Cops Are Incorporating Private Cameras Into Their Real-Time Surveillance Networks

by Matt Agorist, The Free Thought Project:

Police have their sights set on every surveillance camera in every business, on every porch, in all the cities and counties of the country. Grocery store trips, walks down the street, and otherwise minding your own business when outside your home could soon come under the ever-present eye of the government. In a quiet but rapid expansion of law enforcement surveillance, U.S. cities are buying and promoting products from Georgia-based company Fusus in order to access on-demand, live video from public and private camera networks.

It. Doesn’t. Get. Any. Bigger. Than. This.

from State Of The Nation:

Surely people everywhere are now asking themselves why things have gone to hell in a handbasket — SO QUICKLY — over the past few years.


There are volumes of hard scientific evidence and astronomical data which prove that the entire Solar System is undergoing a radical and rapid transformation.

“Bold Goals”: Biden’s EO Will Have Us Bioengineering Everything

by Marie Hawthorne, Activist Post:

In September 2022, President Biden released an Executive Order on Advancing Biotechnology. Then, in March 2023, he released a document entitled Bold Goals for U.S. Biotechnology and Biomanufacturing, outlining specific areas of focus in this bioengineering manifesto.

The goals in these documents sound very nice.  They’re all about using new technology to fight climate change, increase the food supply, cure diseases, and strengthen national security by increasing domestic manufacturing.

Coronation of the New World Order, and the Pedos, Prostitutes, Perverts and Pinheads in Charge

from DollarVigilante:


Oversight Chairman James Comer: FBI Whistleblower on Biden Family Crimes Has Gone Missing – FBI Won’t Look Into This (VIDEO)

by Jim Hoft, The Gateway Pundit:

Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer joined Maria Bartiromo on Sunday Morning Futures this morning.

During their discussion Comer told Maria that NINE Biden family members received foreign payments totalling more than $10 million. Comer then dropped this bomb — The FBI whistleblower has gone missing.

Chairman Comer then added this, “We have evidence that Joe Biden when he was Vice President was involved in a quid pro quo with a foreign country in exchange for foreign aid. This is a very serious accusation. All the FBI has to do is say, ‘Yeah, we looked into it and it wasn’t a credible informant.’ But they won’t answer our questions.”