Friday, May 24, 2024



from TheCrowhouse:


URGENT: Huge new study shows mRNA Covid jabs sharply raise the risk of severe vaginal bleeds

by Alex Berenson, Unreported Truths:

The researchers then tried to downplay their findings; welcome to the age of vaccine-apologetic science

Women 45 and over had a high risk of severe vaginal bleeding after receiving mRNA Covid shots, Swedish researchers found after studying almost 3 million women.

The increased risk lasted for at least three months after women received a shot and was even higher after the third shot than the first two. That finding suggests what scientists call a “dose-response relationship,” strong evidence the link was not coincidence.

NATO to Draw Up ‘Russia War Plans’ for First Time Since Cold War

from 21st Century Wire:

NATO is drawing up plans on how to fight a war with Russia for the first time since the Cold War.

According to Reuters, at the upcoming NATO summit in Vilnius this July, alliance leaders will approve thousands of pages of secret military plans that will detail how to respond to a Russian attack.

The plans will be vastly different than anything drawn up during the Cold War as NATO has expanded from 16 members to 31 since the dissolution of the Soviet Union and the Warsaw Pact. The documents will also outline how NATO members should upgrade their forces and logistics.

Smoking Gun: mRNA Vaccines Destroy Fertility and Your Gov. Knew it in 2017

from The New American:


Historical context for Pilot Incapacitations


by William Makis, MD, Covid Intel:

Pilots have been suffering from COVID-19 mRNA vaccine injuries. Pilot incapacitations and cardiac arrests are on the rise – the question is, how does the data look historically? This excellent substack article takes a deep dive. –

Pilot Incapacitation Events seem to have been receiving extra attention. We at US Freedom Flyers have been collaborating with Dr Makis on Pilot Incapacitation Event data (Covid Intel). Each event is news and noteworthy, but is the number of Pilot Incapacitation Events in 2023 actually on track to exceed historical averages? While we certainly hope this is not the case, the current data should be examined against the available statistics. To provide this context, we can turn to some prior studies conducted by the FAA.

Biden’s Running Out of Ukraine Money? Good.

by Ron Paul, Ron Paul Institute:

When the smoke finally clears, President Biden’s Ukraine debacle will go down – along with Afghanistan and Iraq – as one of the greatest foreign policy disasters in US history. Hundreds of thousands have been killed on both sides in the service of the US neocons’ long standing desire to “regime change” Russia.

And let’s not forget that $100 billion authorized by Congress to finance the neocons’ “Project Ukraine.”

With Russian control established in the strategic city of Bakhmut over the weekend, the neocon Ukraine project – like all neocon foreign policy projects before it – looks to be progressing rapidly toward failure. But that won’t stop the Biden Administration from attempting to extort more money from an America already teetering on the brink of economic collapse. And let’s not forget the battle over the “debt limit” raging in DC.

Documented Proof: George Soros Is CIA and the Agent that Recruited Him

from AlexandraBruce:


Was Dr. Rashid Buttar just assassinated to send a “loud and clear” message to anti-Covid vax physicians?! (IMPT UPDATE)

from State Of The Nation:

Submitted by The Armchair Conspiracy Realist
Make no mistake, whatever appears on any VIP’s Wikipedia page is what the New World Order globalist cabal is most concerned about … in either a positive or negative way.
Therefore, it’s very important to note that recently deceased Dr. Rashid Buttar’s Wikipedia page begins with the sentence shown above which states: “who is a known anti-vaxxer”.

Most Americans still waiting for that white knight to swoop in and save us from our insane government

by Leo Hohmann, Leo Hohmann:

History teaches us that both major parties are good at one thing — advancing the interests of the globalist administrative state and its perpetual lust for war

The date of November 5, 2024, is less than 18 months away and I dread it.


Because Americans waste a lot of energy every four years focusing on presidential elections, and many still hold the dream of there being one man out there who will swoop in and magically return us to that shining city on a hill. Mr. Fix It is waiting in the wings. This has become a four-year cycle of distraction. An exercise in theater. I have no time for it.

Deep State Psyop? Dude Puts Nazi Flag in U-Haul, Then Rams Barrier Outside of White House

by J.D. Rucker, The Liberty Daily:

It seems the Deep State is running out of ideas after years of failing to get their coveted white-supremacist-domestic-terrorist predictions to come true across the country. They appear to have opted for a headline-grabbing incident with visuals and, of course, a video.

Corporate media is already having their fun with this fake news. According to NBC News:

Klaus Schwab Brags WEF Can ‘Fact Check Your Subconscious’ by ‘Hacking Your Dreams’

from The People’s Voice:


WATCH: Tucker Carlson’s Biographer Chadwick Moore Says Fox News Booted Network Star Same Day He Would Debunk More Jan 6 Lies, Discuss Ray Epps, As Part Of Dominion Settlement


by Shane Trejo, Big League Politics:

There has been a lot of speculation behind why Tucker Carlson was booted from Fox News during the height of his cable television career.

Over the past few weeks, new facts and theories have emerged, many of which have to do with the network’s recent settlement with Dominion.

According to Chadwick Moore, Carlson’s biographer and friend, the Fox News mega star was fired on the same day he was planning to talk about Ray Epps.

Moore shared the details of this move in a Twitter video that amassed a million views in less than one hour – WATCH:

It’s OFFICIAL! Putin just ENTERED the most dangerous phase of the war | Redacted with Clayton Morris

from Redacted News:


Gateway Pundit Exclusive: MAJOR FRAUD EXPOSED – Democrat Donations Harvesting Operation Confirmed in Missouri – With Video Proof


by Jim Hoft, The Gateway Pundit:

Investigative journalist James O’Keefe III broke his first major investigation in March since the launch of O’Keefe Media Group.

The legendary journalist released video from his investigation of the Democrat’s VAST NETWORK of donation harvesters.
The investigation involved: