Friday, May 3, 2024

Useful Tools For The Homestead


by Sarah Latimer, Survival Blog:

I love reading about homesteading back in the late 1800s thru the 1940s. I also like to study photos from earlier times, especially kitchens to see what they used. Back then there was no microwave, Kitchenaids or food processors. What you had was what you had and it better be durable as there was no Walmart around the corner to replace what you just broke. Most household kitchen countertops today are cluttered with all kinds of machines designed to make our lives easier. Today’s homesteader can spend a lot of money on “essential” tools only to sell them off for pennies at the next yard sale. Having been a homesteader for over 15 years, I will go over some of tools, appliances, and gear that have worked well for us.

EXCLUSVIE: Globalist Leaders Moving To Bunkers Ahead Of World Collapse


from The Alex Jones Show:



from World Alternative Media:


7 Assumptions About the SHTF

by Daisy Luther, The Organic Prepper:


We make them all the time.  Mostly unconscious, like the grocery store will be open, fully stocked of bread, milk, toilet paper, and our favorite ice cream.  The gas station will be up and running to gas up our vehicles and maybe get a hot cup of coffee or a fat pill (doughnut).

Then there are other conscious assumptions we make about things,  like our retirement accounts doing well, plenty of money available for presents under the Christmas tree, or not having to resort to using a credit card to make the monthly bills.

Bugging Out: Some Realities


by Mr. Zipph, Survival Blog:

I recently relocated from a rural suburb in a purple state to a much smaller community in a very red state. I had long-term plans to make this move, but an unexpected career change enabled me to move sooner than expected. While my new home is not a compound deep in the woods, it does provide me with more security, more privacy, the ability to expand my gardening efforts, the option of raising some chickens and/or rabbits in the future, abundant wildlife, and a smaller community where people go to church and value their freedom.


by Jim Quinn, The Burning Platform:

We know 9/11 was used by the Deep State to impose totalitarian surveillance measures on the American people. This organized, planned and funded invasion of our southern border is being used to further enslave the country in debt, chaos, and civil strife. It’s purposeful, traitorous, and evil. “They” are creating the environment for a violent push back, which will be used to impose a military dictatorship and cancel the 2024 presidential election. This is a plan.

My Solar-Powered Ham Shack Setup


by BMB, Survival Blog:

There are many things we need to prepare for before the ball drops, (SHTF, TEOTWAWKI, or whatever term you want to use) like water, food, shelter, bullets, medical supplies, aetc. But another item I feel is very important is communication with my family group. This article is about how I got into amateur radio, how I setup my basic solar-powered ham radio shack, and how I stay in practice with my equipment in my shack.

Assembling a Stealth Prepper Group – Part 1


by PrepperDoc, Survival Blog:

On the wonderful pages of SurvivalBlog, I have read article after article about hardy souls setting up individual homesteads and gaining hard-won knowledge at significant cost. But also, of course, of people bemoaning the out-sized risks of “loners” in a truly desperate time, and the need to find some way to establish a like-minded group. That adventure is fraught with risks, as leadership, membership, and governance are sticky but important issues.

A Nuclear Attack Quick Actions Checklist


by Anon-6, Survival Blog:

I’ve been a prepper since 2012 and was born in the early 60s. I started prepping when Obama was reelected and realized we’re on our own to protect our families from the hazards of a dangerous world. One of my first purchases was a 1-ounce silver Eagle that stays in my pocket to this day as part of my EDC kit – a small metal cigar case that works nicely (maybe a future article on that). From there, research and then purchasing food, water storage, comms, medical supplies, guns, and getting trained.

Advanced Urban Survival Skills EVERYONE Should Have


by Daisy Luther, The Organic Prepper:

Streets and public spaces in large cities present a vast set of dangers and threats, even in more civilized and safer countries. That’s because criminals, predators, and deranged and evil people are present in greater numbers in urban agglomerations; the higher density of people and infrastructure means more opportunities for lawbreakers.

That’s becoming more evident today with the masses of “cultural enrichers” invading North America, the UK, and mainland Europe. But that’s not all: people everywhere are also losing their minds, thanks to the crisis and instability, causing friction and violence to rise. I believe this mass insanity will get worse as time passes.