Monday, May 13, 2024

Are You Willing to Starve for the Greater Good?

by MN Gordon, Economic Prism:

Central planners are pulling double shifts.  Contriving plans and proposals to control what you consume, how you travel and cook, where your money is spent, and much, much more.

You know who we’re talking about.  The Davos WEF crowd.  The UN, IMF, World Bank, and central bankers.  Washington lobbyists, NGOs, public/private partnerships, technical advisory committees, nonprofits, and everything in between.  We’re also talking about your meddling neighbor, and many others.

This Is Why So Many People Are Suddenly “Panic Buying” Rice All Over The United States…

by Michael Snyder, End Of The American Dream:

Rice is one of the most important staple foods for more than 3 billion people around the world, and the nation of India accounts for approximately 40 percent of all global rice exports.  So if India decides to start placing restrictions on rice exports, that is a really big deal.  Unfortunately, that is precisely what just happened on July 20th.  Less than a week ago, India “banned the export of non-basmati white rice”, and that has created a tremendous wave of panic all over the planet…

A Primer For American Patriots And Preppers Facing An Uncertain Future

by Brandon Smith, Alt Market:

The average patriot (or prepper) is usually a middle class conservative or libertarian with a tendency towards independent thinking and some experience with economic struggle in their past. Most of us have made something of ourselves from very little, or, we had parents that made something of themselves from very little and we watched as children while they climbed their way up the ladder through hard work and merit.

The Hard Truth About Storing Fuel


by Daisy Luther, The Organic Prepper:

We all have read the stories from our favorite post-apocalyptic authors where our hero has stored a huge amount of fuel for his or her vehicles in a facility. To keep warm in the winter, scout in the 4×4, looking for marauders, fueling the generator while a snowstorm outside roars without mercy.

Very romantic. As much as we can enjoy this idea, reality is way different these days. Truth is hard, as most of them are: we can´t store enough fuel for as long as we would like to.

Day One of TEOTWAWKI: A Written Plan – Part 1


by St. Funogas, Survival Blog:

Last year I did a 10-day test of my preps. (Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4) It was the most important prepping activity I’ve every done and a real eye-opener to say the least. I found it an enjoyable experience that required a lot of problem-solving. For 2024, I highly recommend such a test of our preps, even if only for a few days. How about during a week’s vacation? I promise it’ll be one of your most memorable and educational.

Adaptive Gardening: How to Grow Food When You’re Not Fit and Flexible

by Amy Allen, The Organic Prepper:

Gardening is a very physical activity. Between planting, weeding, pruning, watering, and many other chores, it’s good exercise! It gets to be challenging when one factors in various kinds of disabilities, up to and including old age. That’s where adaptive gardening comes into play.

I learned about adaptive gardening the hard way.

I remember when my back went out in 2017. I had three slipped disks, two lumbar and one thoracic, one of which liked to hit a nerve when I was sleeping too well. In the first year, getting out of bed was a challenge!

12 Basic Actions To Make It Through the First 12 Weeks of TEOTWAWKI – Part 2


by Michael X., Survival Blog:

(Continued from Part 1. This concludes the article.)


We have a super-efficient wood stove in our basement that can heat our entire cabin. We can vent heat into various parts of the house. We have two propane fireplaces that do not use any electricity. I put all these in when we built the cabin as our electricity as always spotty and my belief is that electricity is going to be a problem in almost every society fail scenario.

Psyop Incoming – The coming water crisis is something that everyone will get on board with.



from FM8:


Homesteading – A Cautionary Tale – Part 3


by SaraSue, Survival Blog:

(Continued from Part 2. This concludes the article.)


It’s really fun to watch videos of the perfect “permaculture” setup.  It’s quite another to implement it.  Sitting down and thinking it all through is a great idea, even drawing up plans – which will require you to know the lay of your land, the slopes, the direction the wind comes from, where the morning sun comes up, what shadows are thrown during the day, the climate and growing zone, etc.  But, what if you have no idea what you’re doing?

A Prepper’s Guide to Personal Hygiene When the SHTF


by Daisy Luther, The Organic Prepper:

When I think of prepping, I often envision the usual topics of discussion: stockpiling food, raising crops, accumulating weapons, and methods of water purification. These are all very important subjects that need to be discussed and expanded upon. However, one of the least discussed preparedness topics is maintaining good personal hygiene when the SHTF. While it may not be the most riveting problem to face, it’s still an important issue we’ll all be forced to reckon with during an SHTF event.

Should Tennessee Be Ranked #1 For Survivability For Preppers That Want To Survive The Cataclysmic Times That Are Coming?

by Michael Snyder, The Economic Collapse Blog:

If you are planning to relocate in anticipation of the extremely chaotic times that are rapidly approaching, there are four primary factors that I think people should be focusing on.  First of all, you will want to go some place where you will be surrounded by like-minded people.  Secondly, you will want to avoid locations that have a high population density.  Thirdly, you will want to avoid regions that are at high risk of experiencing natural disasters.  Lastly, it is important to consider how the area you are considering will fare during a nuclear conflict.  Of course these are not the only factors that need to be considered, because choosing to relocate to another part of the country is a complicated decision.  Ultimately, you need to make whatever choice is right for you and your family at the time.

Advanced Urban Survival Skills EVERYONE Should Have


by Daisy Luther, The Organic Prepper:

Streets and public spaces in large cities present a vast set of dangers and threats, even in more civilized and safer countries. That’s because criminals, predators, and deranged and evil people are present in greater numbers in urban agglomerations; the higher density of people and infrastructure means more opportunities for lawbreakers.

That’s becoming more evident today with the masses of “cultural enrichers” invading North America, the UK, and mainland Europe. But that’s not all: people everywhere are also losing their minds, thanks to the crisis and instability, causing friction and violence to rise. I believe this mass insanity will get worse as time passes.

7 Assumptions About the SHTF

by Daisy Luther, The Organic Prepper:


We make them all the time.  Mostly unconscious, like the grocery store will be open, fully stocked of bread, milk, toilet paper, and our favorite ice cream.  The gas station will be up and running to gas up our vehicles and maybe get a hot cup of coffee or a fat pill (doughnut).

Then there are other conscious assumptions we make about things,  like our retirement accounts doing well, plenty of money available for presents under the Christmas tree, or not having to resort to using a credit card to make the monthly bills.

Some Last-Minute Purchases and Preps – Part 2


by M.M., Survival Blog:

(Continued from Part 1.  This concludes the article.)

#6   12-volt deep cycle batteries and at least two battery charges. (I prefer the 2-,6-, and 10-Amp chargers. I do have a 50-amp charger, but it is hard on a battery. The slower the charge, the better the life expectancy of the battery). These are extremely important and are actually my #2 priority item only after fuel. Get several if they are available. You can build a light system for your property using 12-volt lights or buy an inverter that switches to A/C  use. For outside lighting go to an RV/off-road store and pick up several light bars that go on vehicles. I have one about 15 inches long on my boat that is both a spot and a flood light combination.  I can see several hundred feet at night. and it has a wide field of view with the flood light.  You can also use the inverter to run your computer. You can plug in your survival blog archive stick and look up thousands of articles from the past. on how to articles.  Inverters use power and can drain your battery so use accordingly.