Saturday, June 15, 2024

No Evidence? No Problem! Four Proud Boys Found Guilty of ‘Sedition’ Over Jan. 6 Capitol Protest

by Chris Menahan, Information Liberation:

Four members of the Proud Boys were found guilty of seditious conspiracy on Thursday in a DC show trial as corrupt DOJ head Merrick Garland continues to push the limits of what’s possible when it comes to jailing your political opposition.

From American Greatness:

After six days of deliberation, jurors convicted Enrique Tarrio, Ethan Nordean, Joseph Biggs, and Zachary Rehl of seditious conspiracy and conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding. The jury deadlocked on those two counts for a fifth defendant, Dominic Pezzola. All five were found guilty of obstruction of an official proceeding, conspiracy to prevent an officer from discharging any duties, obstruction of law enforcement during a civil disorder, and one count of destruction of government property.

America’s globalist leaders are psychologically programming the public for World War III, nuclear Armageddon and climate LOCKDOWNS

by Ethan Huff, Natural News:

The world is being prepped by the globalists for some very soon, and very extreme, changes to the global economic order.

Lately, there has been a lot of talk about a “nuclear armageddon” and another round of lockdowns, this time to fight climate change and global warming. The daughter of Klaus Schwab, Nicole Schwab, has been pushing the idea of “climate lockdowns” for some time now, and many others are calling on fake president Joe Biden to implement the same.

WATCH: Cops Raid LEGAL Cannabis Farm and Execute Man’s Leashed Dog

by Matt Agorist, The Free Thought Project:

Trinity County, CA — In an infuriating and utterly horrifying incident that lays bare the problematic reality of America’s drug war, law enforcement authorities with a search warrant on a state-licensed cannabis farm in rural Trinity County near Hayfork, fatally shot the cultivator’s dog on May 2.

This glaring display of militarized policing in response to what is essentially a civil code violation is a chilling reminder of the inhumane costs of enforcing an immoral law about a plant that is legal in most parts of the country. Despite the victim having a valid state license, the county permit was a bone of contention that led to this brutal incident. The video of this appalling act has gone viral, leading to widespread outrage and backlash — especially since the dog was chained up.

United Nations Planning Digital ID Linked to Bank Accounts

by Frank Bergman, Slay News:

The United Nations (UN) is planning to introduce a global digital ID system that is linked to individuals’ bank accounts.

The plan, which is similar to the system developed by the World Economic Forum (WEF), is outlined in three new policy briefs from the UN titled, “A Global Digital Compact, Reforms to the International Financial Architecture, and The Future of Outer Space Governance.”

The goal of the briefs is to advance UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres’s “vision for the future.”

HUGE – Judicial Watch: CIA Involved in January 6 Response – Deployed Bomb Techs, Dog Teams, Texts Reveal

by Cristina Laila, The Gateway Pundit:

Conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch obtained a tranche of emails that further prove the CIA played a key role in January 6.

According to the records obtained by Judicial Watch through a June 5 FOIA lawsuit, CIA bomb technicians were sent over to the so-called ‘bombs’ found at the RNC and DNC headquarters. They also had dog teams on standby.

Per Judicial Watch: A heavily redacted series of text messages from redacted sources state, “Command post is at JERSEY and D St SE.” Three additional recipients are added to the text group at 1:21 p.m., one of whom reports: “Just made contact with [redacted] FBI is reporting an additional 3 possible devices for a total of 5 now.” A response follows: “Do you have the locations of the other devices?” The reply is: “Not yet, the FBI is going to pass it on. I believe one was located at the gates to the Power Plant.” The following text states: “LEO’s [Law Enforcement Officers] being attacked on the west side of Capitol with pieces of the restraining fence. Some officers injured.”


from NEM721:


WATCH: Crazed Cop Attacks & Falsely Arrests Kid But Unlike the Cop, The Video Doesn’t Lie

by Matt Agorist, The Free Thought Project:

Cody, WY — The disquieting reality of overzealous policing was recently displayed in Wyoming when a traffic stop of a local 17-year-old high school student led to a case of police brutality and exposed the arresting officer as a liar. The incident, captured on dash and body cams, was posted to the LackLuster YouTube channel. The video is yet another disturbing reminder of the misuse of power that’s all too common within America’s security force.

Watchlisted: You’re Probably Already on a Government Extremism List

by John W. Whitehead, Rutherford Institute:

In a closed society where everybody’s guilty, the only crime is getting caught.”—Hunter S. Thompson

According to the FBI, you may be an anti-government extremist if you’ve:

a) purchased a Bible or other religious materials,

b) used terms like “MAGA” and “Trump,”

c) shopped at Dick’s Sporting Goods, Cabela’s, or Bass Pro Shops,

d) purchased tickets to travel by bus, cars, or plane,

e) all of the above.

Germany: 87-year-old woman jailed for anti-migrant social media posts

from ReMix News:

A police statement said the pensioner was a “Reichsbürger,” a member of a right-wing extremist group and a repeat offender

Authorities in Germany have apprehended an 87-year-old woman who had gone into hiding for months after being convicted and sentenced to prison for provocative posts published on social media against migrants and asylum seekers.


from SGT Report:

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Watch: Blinken Tells Ukrainians There Will Not Be Elections In Their Country

by Steve Watson, Modernity News:

Then goes to the pub to play ‘Rockin’ In The Free World’ on guitar

US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken told Ukrainians Tuesday that there will not be democratic elections in their country in the foreseeable future.

Blinken was speaking at Kiev Polytechnic Institute, when he noted “We’re working with the government and civil society groups to shore up Ukraine’s election infrastructure.”

The Rise of the Global Police State

by Dr. Joseph Mercola, Mercola:

  • The United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals are not about sustainability. They’re tools to facilitate the implementation of a One World Government
  • The term the globalist alliance uses to describe its network is a “global public-private partnership,” or G3P. The G3P is composed of most of the world’s governments, intergovernmental organizations, global corporations, major philanthropic foundations, nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) and civil society groups. Collectively, they are the “stakeholders” that are implementing the SDGs

Zuckerberg’s Threads App Blocks Search Results for ‘COVID’ and ‘Vaccines’, As Traffic Continues to Plummet

from 21st Century Wire:

This latest news leave little doubt: Mark Zuckerberg wants to avoid anything that might be deemed as ‘hard news’ on his new virtual ‘safe space.’

Zuck’s new “Twitter killer” app rolled out its new Orwellian search function last week for US-based users, as well as in other western propaganda zones including the UK, Canada, Mexico, and India.

A search for COVID-related terms generated a pop-up link to the website of the de facto Ministry of Truth, the vaunted Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

The Fix Is In: New York Judge Merchan in Upcoming NY Trump Criminal Case Is Rabid Leftist Who Donated to Democrats and Sent Trump’s 75-yr-old Former CFO to Prison

by Jim Hoft, The Gateway Pundit:

Leftist judge Juan Manuel Merchan, who will oversee President Trump’s junk criminal case in New York City that is scheduled to start next month on March 25, made political contributions to a nonprofit fundraising platform for Democratic candidates and progressive groups.

This latest election interference case by the radical Democrats involves a payment Trump made to Stormy Daniels before the 2016 election. Trump has pleaded not guilty to the charges brought by far left Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg.


from SGT Report:

Harley Schlanger returns to SGT Report to discuss the panic in the Rothschild’s City of London as the BRICS expands and the move away from the Dollar accelerates. Will the demons take us into WW3 after they take out Donald J. Trump? Join us as we dig in to the REAL news.

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