Friday, July 26, 2024

Google Launches New Censorship Effort to Crack Down on ‘Toxicity’

by Frank Bergman, Slay News:

Big Tech giant Google is expanding its online censorship as the critical 2024 elections draw near.

The new crackdown is being led by Google’s Jigsaw censorship division.

Jigsaw, originally called Google Ideas, was launched under former CEO Eric Schmidt in 2010.

Schmidt’s idea sought to tackle “issues at the intersection of technology and geopolitics.”

However, the program was later deemed too “open and honest” and was reworked into Jigsaw by Google’s parent company Alphabet.

Globalist front man Klaus Schwab tells elitist followers they must ‘force’ humanity into a world ruled by AI and other dehumanizing technologies

by Leo Hohmann, Leo Hohmann:

World Economic Forum founder and director Klaus Schwab, speaking at the WEF’s recently concluded summer meeting in China, has informed his elitist followers that ushering in the globalist agenda will require humanity to be “forced” into a “collaboration” with the unelected organization. And the time for forced collaboration has now arrived.

Schwab made the declaration during his opening remarks at the WEF’s Annual Meeting of the New Champions, also known as the “Summer Davos,” in Dalian, China.

Archbishop Viganò’s case against the Pope

by Declan Hayes, Strategic Culture:

Stephen Karganovic’s recent article explains that Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò has “to answer accusations of committing three canonical offences: fomenting schism, questioning the legitimacy of the current Pope, and rejecting the Second Vatican Council of the Roman Catholic Church which was held sixty years ago and whose controversial reforms have been agitating traditionalist Catholics”, many of whom rallied around the late Archbishop Lefebvre, who was excommunicated, despite his decades of Trojan work for the Church.


from SGT Report:

Military Veteran, whistle blower and host of the Raising Cain show Nate Cain joins me to discuss stolen elections, treason and the Mayorkas/Biden FEMA Camps JJ Carrol is warning are being built in every state of the union, and they’re not for illegals, they’re for we the people.

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Nature’s Morphine? Medical scientist Clint Winters discusses the incredible pain relief effects of 100% Drug Free Conolidine:
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Larry Grathwohl on Weather Underground’s plan for killing millions of American

Supreme Court Thoroughly Rebukes Biden DOJ For Abusing Law To Go After Trump And His Supporters – This Could Affect Over 350 Political Prisoners

by Katelynn Richardson, All News Pipeline:

The Supreme Court held Friday that the Department of Justice (DOJ) interpreted an obstruction statute too broadly when using it to charge hundreds of defendants for their behavior in the Jan. 6 Capitol riot.

The court sided 6-3 in Fischer v. United States with a defendant who challenged the statute, Section 1512(c)(2), which holds up to 20 years in prison for anyone who “obstructs, influences, or impedes any official proceeding.”

“To prove a violation of Section 1512(c)(2), the Government must establish that the defendant impaired the availability or integrity for use in an official proceeding of records, documents, objects, or as we earlier explained, other things used in the proceeding, or attempted to do so,” Chief Justice John Roberts wrote in the majority ruling. “The judgment of the D. C. Circuit is therefore vacated, and the case is remanded for further proceedings consistent with this opinion.”

Political Forecasts – Macron in Trouble

by Martin Armstrong, Armstrong Economics:

Our computer’s political forecasts do not rely on polls. What is most interesting is that when you correlate the economy with politics, you get to see the major swings coming like never before. As I have said, our model has been showing that the 2024 election in the USA should be won by Trump. The Democrats will most likely draft Hillary to try to defeat this correlation whereby Biden would lose, and our computer interest had forecast back in 2020 that whoever won the 2020 election would not finish out the term. I had been concerned that if Trump won 2020, what was the computer forecasting – he would die in office or be assassinated? But the election was cleverly rigged in Congress itself with the help of the Deep State because Trump was anti-war. The previous anti-war president was Kennedy, and we all know what the CIA did back then.

Iran Warns of ‘Obliterating War’ if Israel Launches Attack on Lebanon

by Elizabeth Weibel, Breitbart:

Iran warned of an “obliterating war” if Israel launches a full-scale attack on Hezbollah, the Iranian-backed terror group in southern Lebanon.

The Iranian mission to the United Nations wrote in a post on X that if Israel embarked “on full-scale military aggression,” to “attack Lebanon,” there would be an “obliterating war.” Iran’s warning comes as several countries such as the United States, Germany, the Netherlands, and Canada have issued warnings for their citizens to avoid traveling to Lebanon.

WARNING: Controlled Financial Collapse Will Be Blamed On Trump

Russian military says the U.S. has moved biolabs to Africa [Congo]

from Smoke&Mirrors:


Grand Jury Finds Sacramento Cops Illegally Shared Driver Data

by Matt Agorist, The Free Thought Project:

(Electronic Frontier Foundation) For the past year, EFF has been sounding the alarm about police in California illegally sharing drivers’ location data with anti-abortion states, putting abortion seekers and providers at risk of prosecution. We thus applaud the Sacramento County Grand Jury for hearing this call and investigating two police agencies that had been unlawfully sharing this data out-of-state.

The grand jury, a body of 19 residents charged with overseeing local government including law enforcement, released their investigative report on Wednesday. In it, they affirmed that the Sacramento County Sheriff’s Office and Sacramento Police Department violated state law and “unreasonably risked” aiding the potential prosecution of “women who traveled to California to seek or receive healthcare services.”

Bill O’Riley Says They are Pulling Joe Biden

from The Salty Cracker:


Energy expert Alex Epstein debunks the bare-faced lie that we’re living through the hottest period in Earth’s history.

Finland Will Begin Vaccinating Humans For Bird Flu Next Week

by Mac Slavo, SHTF Plan:

Finland plans to offer preemptive bird flu vaccination as soon as next week to some workers with exposure to animals. They are going to administer these shots before any pandemic, epidemic or public health emergency has even been declared and without any evidence, this has even mutated to infect human beings.

Health authorities said on Tuesday Finland would be the first country in the world to give humans a “vaccine” for bird flu.

10 Signs That Global War Is Rapidly Approaching

by Michael Snyder, End Of The American Dream:

Are we on the verge of an apocalyptic global war in which billions of people could die?  Very few people anticipated that World War I would erupt, but it happened anyway.  And very few people anticipated that World War II would erupt, but it happened anyway.  All throughout human history, there have been wars.  Ever since the very beginning, it has just been a matter of time before major powers collide.  Unfortunately, even though very alarming warning signals are flashing all around us, most of the population of the western world seems absolutely clueless about what is really going on out there.  Leaders all over the planet seem to have come down with a really bad case of “war fever”, and preparations for apocalyptic showdowns are being made.  The following are 10 signs that global war is rapidly approaching…