Sunday, September 1, 2024

Brookings County SD begrudgingly allowed “election denier” Rick Weible 5 minutes to voice his concerns on election software being used. It only took him 4 to drive a truck through their illusions of what they thought was a secure system.

Google and Election Interference

by Martin Armstrong, Armstrong Economics:

Anyone with access to the internet from 2019 to 2020 can tell you that Google did, in fact, meddle in the 2020 US Presidential Elections in favor of then-candidate Joe Biden. Media Research Center found that Google interfered 41 times over the last 16 years, which is a drastic underestimation. Google continues to interfere in politics by using its algorithm to favor pro-Biden and anti-Trump results; even its failed AI system, Gemini, refused to criticize the Biden regime.

The issue is that Google is the most popular search engine. “Google” has become a verb; “Google” [insert search criteria here] for information. Not many realize that the information they are seeking on Google is censored, filtered, and deliberately presented to users in certain areas to align with its interests. Google heavily lobbies governments globally, but has an extreme sway over politicians within the establishment on the right and left.

“F**king Clown Show”: Unsealed Court Docs Reveal Biden DOJ Colluded With National Archives To Target Trump, Jack Smith Tried To Conceal

from ZeroHedge:

Newly unsealed documents in Donald Trump’s classified documents case reveal that the Biden White House colluded with the National Archives (NARA) and the FBI to concoct a case against the former president.

Journalist Julie Kelly has been all over this:

ActBlue Exposed: Texas Donors Shocked by Unauthorized Donations, AG’s Office Investigating

Study: Trump Would Have Won Election without Mail-In Voting

by Martin Armstrong, Armstrong Economics:

A new study has found that widespread voter fraud amid the 2020 US Presidential election tipped the scales in favor of Joe Biden, whereas Trump “almost certainly” would have won if this were not the case.

“Had the 2020 election been conducted like every national election has been over the past two centuries, wherein the vast majority of voters cast ballots in-person rather than by mail, Donald Trump would have almost certainly been re-elected,” the report noted. The Heartland Institute conducted the study and calculated 29 different scenarios of an election without mail-in voting, whereby Trump would have been the victor in all but three.

It’s Game Over for Election Fraud Deniers!

Carl Higbie Exposes the DNC’s “Smurfing” Scandal – $200 Million in Irregular Donations, Disguised to Appear Like Small Donors

from The Conservative Treehouse:

Newsmax Carl Higbie has done a deep dive on FEC reports using the “number of donations” as the datapoint to track.  What he discovered about donations to Act Blue might surprise the people assigned to the contributions. {Direct Rumble Link}  WATCH BELOW

“This is verifiable data. Whoever is choreographing this volume is doing it in such small donations because they thought those wouldn’t get flagged by watchdogs and FEC officials. The way this is brought to our attention was not by the dollar amount, but rather by the number of donations per person. That’s where they messed up. But my question is, if these people whose names are on the FEC report are not making these donations, who is? Where’s the money coming from?”

BREAKING: The Arizona Republican party has filed a BOMBSHELL lawsuit against the Secretary of State for violations of the National Voter Registration Act after discovering between 500,000 to 1.3 Million ILLEGAL voters on the voter rolls, including dead people & nonresidents

Over 5,200 Biden Donors Are Bankrolling Nikki Haley’s Campaign

by Jack Montgomery, The National Pulse:

Nimarata ‘Nikki’ Haley’s failing presidential campaign is being bankrolled by over 5,200 former donors to Joe Biden’s 2020 presidential campaign, lending credence to Donald Trump’s contention that she is only remaining in the race to try and damage him ahead of the general election.

The Biden donors underwriting Haley include 1,600 people who donated over $500,000 in January alone — her biggest month for donations ever, despite the fact she was crushed by Trump in Iowa, where she placed third, and New Hampshire.

I have zero faith in election integrity at this point.

PROOF: 92% of Elections Globally are Controlled by ONE Evil Corporation w/ Dr. Robert Epstein

from Man in America:



from SGT Report:

Google whistleblower Zach Vorhies has moved mountains to help educate and motivate Texas to SUE GOOGLE in Texas jurisdiction in order to bring the criminal company to heel as they continue to work feverishly to rig the November election. Zach and I also discuss the Luciferian Great Reset, Pizzagate and much more, thanks for tuning in.

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MAJOR FRAUD EXPOSED: Democrats Caught Committing Major Finance Crimes in Indiana

from The Gateway Pundit:


BOMBSHELL: Michigan Law Enforcement Caught Covering Up Massive Election Fraud Scandal

from Bannons War Room: