Study: Trump Would Have Won Election without Mail-In Voting


by Martin Armstrong, Armstrong Economics:

A new study has found that widespread voter fraud amid the 2020 US Presidential election tipped the scales in favor of Joe Biden, whereas Trump “almost certainly” would have won if this were not the case.

“Had the 2020 election been conducted like every national election has been over the past two centuries, wherein the vast majority of voters cast ballots in-person rather than by mail, Donald Trump would have almost certainly been re-elected,” the report noted. The Heartland Institute conducted the study and calculated 29 different scenarios of an election without mail-in voting, whereby Trump would have been the victor in all but three.


Voter Turnout Array


I have discussed mail-in voter fraud over the years. Another recent study found that one-in-five people who voted by mail ADMIT to illegal voting practices. COVID was a convenient excuse to push people to vote by mail. The American public has no confidence in our elections, and over one-third do not believe Biden honestly secured 81 million votes.

Around 94% of people said that they would vote in-person if that were the only available option. The study believes that in-person voting WITH an ID is the only way to prevent this from happening again. The study suggests a notary or witness in the case of mail-in ballots, but believes states should limit who is eligible to vote by mail. Ballot harvesting must be outlawed, and unsecured election drop boxes must be forbidden. Moreover, states should implement harsher penalties for election fraud.

Where is the outrage? Look at the outcome of the last election – America is barely recognizable. Our quality of life has declined as the cost of living continues to rise, government is bleeding out money through hefty spending packages, millions of illegals are roaming the nation on tax-payer funds, and we are on the brink of a third world war. There is no reason to permit mail-in voting for the average civilian. Mail-in voting was a gift to the establishment as they were able to manipulate the results with minimal effort.

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