Monday, May 20, 2024

Dr. Ed Group from GHC unpacks the biowarfare mechanisms now targeting humanity

from Health Ranger Report:


A Government at War with Its People

by J.B. Shurk, American Thinker:

Warfare requires deception.  The federal government habitually lies to the American people.  Consider that an admission that it sees itself at war with those it claims to serve.

You might have noticed that the word “propaganda” has been somewhat retired from polite conversation.  Occasionally, some State-allied news corporation will apply the term to a public statement coming from inside Russia, but otherwise, the idea that governments promote falsehoods cloaked as official truths has quietly disappeared.

Welcome to Dystopia: From Wildfires, to Flooding, to Serial Banking Crises and Crypto Frauds, It’s All Too Surreal

by Pam Martens and Russ Martens, Wall St On Parade:

Yesterday, news headlines blared that New York City had the worst air quality in the world, as an eerie brownish-orange haze enveloped the city and Long Island. Photographs that looked more like scenes from a sci-fi movie popped up all over Twitter. Daytime took on a nighttime quality as streetlights automatically flipped on.

Outdoor activities of all kinds were cancelled: the New York Yankees and Philadelphia Phillies cancelled their home games that had been scheduled for Wednesday; schools banned outdoor activities on playgrounds; millions of Americans living in the Northeast United States were cautioned to remain indoors.

How the US Gov. Is Using Digital MK ULTRA Against Us — Fmr. State Dept. Official Interview

from Man in America:


The Aliens are Already Here: Learn the Truth About Extraterrestrials Visiting Our World

from AlexandraBruce:


Climate Change Agenda Threatens Food Supply – Ireland to Kill 200K Cows

by Martin Armstrong, Armstrong Economics:

The push toward net zero emissions contains a sinister undertone – depleting our food supply. Ireland announced that they will murder 200,000 cows to adhere to Agenda 2030, ultimately reducing cow cattle by 10% in the coming years. Adding to the push for Universal Basic Income, Ireland is telling farmers that they can murder their livestock as a “retirement exit scheme,” decreasing the number of available farmers altogether. This outline will reduce available dairy and meat in Ireland, but demand will not decline, forcing the country to rely on costly exports.

Tucker Carlson’s Twitter Show Destroys Cable News Forever!

from The Jimmy Dore Show:



by Joseph P. Farrell, Giza Death Star:

There’s a lot of focus on banks out there right now, and deservedly so. Nor do I need rehearse all the reasons why that focus and concern is well deserved, nor could I do so even if I tried.  I’m not a finance or investment expert, and when it comes to such things I leave them to my friend and colleague in this alternative media and research field, Catherine Austin Fitts.  But we all probably have more or less the same list of factors: the financial meltdowns of 2008, the mortgage fraud, the credit default swaps, the bundling of ever larger amounts of ever more dubious securities in larger and larger tranches, the unmentionable derivatives crisis, so-called digitial, or crypto-currency and all the scams associated with it:

WEF Bans Natural Conception: All Babies Must Be Lab-Grown by 2030

from The People’s Voice:


Moscow Says Ukraine Blew Up The Kakhovka Dam As Revenge

by Mac Slavo, SHTF Plan:

Russia is accusing Ukraine of blowing up the Kakhovka dam as “revenge” for a failed offensive. The act of sabotage may lead to “very serious consequences,” Kremlin spokesman Peskov has warned.

The dam was partially destroyed early on Tuesday morning, sending a surge of water downstream and flooding towns and villages along the path of the Dnieper River.  Over 1300 people were evacuated after the dam failed.

Ukrainian forces have sabotaged the Kakhovka hydroelectric dam in Russia’s Kherson Region in a bid to deprive Crimea of drinking water and distract from Kyiv’s faltering counteroffensive, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov claimed on Tuesday according to a report by RT. 

“There Is A Sophisticated Disinformation Campaign Targeting The U.S. Populace Which Is Extremely Unethical And Immoral”

by Michael Snyder, End Of The American Dream:

Highly advanced aircraft of unknown origin have been flying around in our skies for a long time, and now a whistleblower has come forward with claims that the U.S. government has actually been able to retrieve “intact and partially intact vehicles”.  If what is he is alleging turns out to be accurate, it has the potential to change everything.  But this whistleblower is also warning that there has been a concerted effort by elements inside the intelligence community to keep this information away from Congress and away from the U.S. population as a whole.  They don’t want us to know the truth, and that should greatly alarm all of us.

Snowden and the Fight for American Privacy

by James Bovard, Lew Rockwell:

Edward Snowden did heroic service in awakening Americans to Washington ravishing their privacy. Snowden’s “reward” is to be banished in Russia without a snowball’s chance in hell of a fair trial if he returns to America. But as he courageously declared, “I would rather be without a state than without a voice.” He explained why he leaked classified information: “I can’t in good conscience allow the U.S. government to destroy privacy, internet freedom and basic liberties for people around the world with this massive surveillance machine they’re secretly building.”

Trump Indicted in Classified Doc Probe

by Matt Vespa, Townhall:

UPDATE: Trump says he’s been indicted.

It’s official now: Trump says he’s been indicted. We should have been bracing for it ever since the Bragg indictment over the Stormy Daniels payments. If they can stretch the legalese as they did in that case, Trump will be screwed in all legal actions he’s currently facing, which is part of the Democrats’ plan. It’s to keep this man and the presumptive Republican nominee, as of now, entangled in endless legal drama and render the GOP incapable of effectively campaigning across the board. You can’t do that when your presidential nominee is facing multiple trials.


from Infowars:


Trump: “I Have Been Indicted”

from ZeroHedge:

Former President Donald Trump on Thursday posted on Truth Social that he’s been indicted, “seemingly over the Boxes Hoax,” and that he’s been summoned to appear at the Federal Courthouse in Miami on Tuesday at 3pm.

According to the NY Times, Trump faces seven charges, and is expected to surrender himself to authorities in Miami on Tuesday.