Saturday, June 15, 2024

Dutch Doctors Now Euthanizing Patients with Autism


by Frank Bergman, Slay News:

Several Dutch citizens who had autism or other intellectual disabilities have been euthanized by doctors in the Netherlands under the authority of the nation’s globalist government.

In recent years, a number of Dutch patients have died by physician-assisted suicide after doctors determined their afflictions were untreatable obstacles to a normal life, researchers found.

According to a Kingston University investigation of Dutch euthanasia cases, nearly 40 people who were identified as being autistic or intellectually disabled were legally euthanized in the Netherlands between 2012 and 2021.


from Health Ranger Report:


Biden Administration Rule Would Ban Nearly All Portable Gas-Powered Generators

from The Epoch Times:

After seeking to reduce the use of gas stoves, the Biden administration is pushing a proposal to ban the sale of almost all portable gas generators—which some experts have said would be disastrous for the millions of Americans who rely on such generators during power outages.

The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) has proposed a policy (pdf) that would remove nearly all existing portable gas generators from the market. The new rule restricts the amount of carbon monoxide that generators can emit by forcing these generators to switch off when they reach a certain level of emissions.

“Tony Fauci Knew That Remdesivir Would Kill You”


Human-Trafficking, Mind-Control and the CIA

from Reese Report:


New BRICS Currency Boosts Gold & Destroys Dollar – Jim Rickards

by Greg Hunter, USA Watchdog:

Seven-time, best-selling financial author James Rickards predicted in his most recent best-seller called “Sold Out” why broken supply chains would cause big inflation.  He was right, and he still contends, “Supply chain problems and inflation are not over.”  For an example of the supply chain still being in fragile shape, look no further than the failed grain deal between Ukraine and Russia last week.  Rickards points out, “Putin has been very patient about this.  He had a deal. Ukraine was not living up to their end of the deal.  Putin says we are the ones getting attacked, so, screw the deal.  What’s that going to do to the price of grain?  It’s going to send grain prices up, and it’s already up 10% just in a matter of days.”

The Death of Free Speech Is the Beginning

by Martin Armstrong, Armstrong Economics:

Tunisia is actually criminalizing free speech under the claim that it is spreading “fake news” to end free speech in the country. The problem is this is the trend in the aftermath of COVID. Anything disagreeing with the government narrative is increasingly moving toward criminalization. This was the very same trend that the LEFT took under Marxism. I find it ironic that all we hear is that China is this horrible communist government that suppresses free speech when the United States is doing the same. I went behind the Berlin Wall before it fell with a friend to visit his family trapped there. If anyone was close to us, the rhetoric of how wonderful the government was became the speech. Then came the truth when we were alone. This is where we are headed.

CEO Of Tech Company OpenAI Says To Prepare Yourself For The Coming ‘World ID’ Using Iris Scan Technology Via A Device Called ‘The Orb’

by Geoffrey Grinder, Now The End Begins:

Alex Blania, CEO of Worldcoin, a company that wants billions of people to scan their irises to create a global system of authentication, says that a global form of ID is coming ‘whether you like it or not’.

When I worked at Citibank back in 2013, we were forced to go in and out through the high-security areas using iris scanning machines that allowed or denied us access. Iris scanning technology is not new, but the CEO of OpenAI and ChatGPT wants to make its use mandatory for anyone online through the form of a ‘World ID’ and a device they’ve invented called ‘The Orb’. Reminds me of the the crazy glowing orb that Donald Trump put his hands on when he visited Saudi Arabia in 2017.


by Joseph P. Farrell, Giza Death Star:

We end this week’s blogs with an unusual story entirely unrelated to planet Earth’s financial schemes and woes.  In fact, this story was spotted in so many versions by so many of you, that it actually immediately was filed in my “finals” folder for this week’s blogs. Indeed, I think I can safely say that this story may have been one of this websites all-time top ten stories, judging by the numbers of emails from different people  that shared it (over 30!).  So I’m going to concentrate on the Zero Hedge version of the story which first reached my inbox from E.E. and G.P.(though many others of you shared the same version of the story):

Laurel and Hardy: Finally I get it; Biden, with his gaffes and pratfalls


by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News:

Biden is Stan Laurel. Where is Oliver Hardy? That’s the problem. Stan would say something ridiculous or weird and Oliver would react. He’d come down on Stan like a ton of bricks.

Biden’s act is falling flat. He’s got no Stan.

Does he need, say, Newman from Seinfeld? How about Charles Barkley?

I think it’s Trump.

Identity of CIA Agent Who Checked Lee Harvey Oswald’s Mail Months Before JFK’s Assassination Revealed, Previously Reported UFO Sighting, and Bizarrely Died On 30th Anniversary of JFK’s Assassination

by Anthony Scott, The Gateway Pundit:

As The Gateway Pundit previously reported, on June 27th the Biden administration released over 1,000 documents pertaining to JFK’s assassination in accordance with the President John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Collection Act.

The New York Times in an exclusive report was able to find a gem in the newly released documents and discovered the name of the CIA agent who was checking Lee Harvey Oswald’s mail just months before President John F. Kennedy’s assassination.

BEHOLD: Unearthed 2020 electoral theft plot by John Podesta & Co. to hand election over to Biden (in Michigan of all places)…

from Revolver News:

An eye-catching Twitter thread by Mike Benz, Executive Director of the Foundation for Freedom Online, is stirring up quite a buzz. As you’re probably aware, Dana Nessel, the radically anti-Trump Michigan Attorney General has brought conspiracy charges against 16 “grandparents” for serving as “alternate electors” in the contentious 2020 election.


from SGT Report:

The world’s industries runs on base metals, while big tech relies on silver and the monetary system returns to gold. So what happens when geopolitics become so tumultuous that nation states begin to hoard their resources and gold vaults to 3, 4 or $5,000 per ounce? The President and CEO of Callinex Mines Max Porterfield returns to SGT Report to discuss.


This video was produced on behalf of Callinex Mines Inc, and was funded by Gold Standard Media LLC and/or affiliates. For our full disclaimer, please visit:

Watch: Transgender Rachel Levine Claims Children Face ‘Wrong Puberty’

by Alana Mastrangelo, Breitbart:

Some American children are “going through the wrong puberty,” says Rachel Levine, the self-described “transgender” assistant secretary at the Department of Health and Human Services.

“Adolescence is hard and puberty is hard. What if you’re going through the wrong puberty? What if you inside feel that you are female, but now you’re going through a male puberty?” Levine said during a recent appearance in the first installment of the ABC Nightline series, Identity Denied: Trans in America.