Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Ancient gold coin discovered has unique moniker for Jesus

from WND:

Estimated to be 1,000 years old

An ancient gold coin, estimated to be some 1,000 years old, has been found in Norway, and carries an image on one side of the figure of a man holding a Bible, with the slogan “Jesus Christ, King of Those Who Reign.”

It is CBN that documented the discovery by an individual using a metal detector, according to a report by Innlandet County Municipality.

The Return To Judeo-Christian Values Like Family and Self-Reliance

by Col. John Mills Ret., America Outloud:

Professor Dave Brat has been a remarkable figure in public service academia and as an advocate for the America First Economy. Economic Security is National Security. The American system and economy worked for close to 200 years before Big Government intervened. Debt spending is now driving the American economy and system off the precipice of no return. Simply cutting taxes and growing the economy out of debt will no longer work.

The formula is simple: America must cut spending and return to Judeo-Christian values like family and self-reliance. Big Government aligns with globalism, socialism, and now the Chinese Communist Party. Re-establishing the Great American Economy secures the family, the community, and America from these mortal threats to the American ideal based on the clear statements of the Constitution.


from SGT Report:

Nathan Reynolds returns to SGT Report with for a scorching conversation about the nature of spiritual warfare and the demons which are being unleashed in our fallen world. Please support Nathan and his family, get a signed copy of the book here: https://snatchedfromtheflames.com/book/

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Consumer Watchdog Lists 5 ‘Woke’ Companies To Avoid During Holiday Buying

Biden administration’s 2023 Thanksgiving address leaves out God

by Ashley Sadler, LifeSite News:


from SGT Report:

Dr. Len Horowitz returns to SGT Report to discuss the mind virus and radical intelligent evil which has taken hold of the minds of so many Western leaders who are now fomenting World War 3.

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Biblical Views About the End Times


from Reese Report:

TRUTH LIVES on at https://sgtreport.tv/

The Left’s Planned Destruction of the Judeo-Christian World

by Al Bienenfeld, American Thinker:

What is now occurring in Israel is no act of happenstance or the result of failed policy. It is the execution of a premeditated plan of destruction that Obama began, and Biden is trying to finish. The American left has long desired to eliminate Judeo-Christian followers. Their reasoning is simple: you cannot conquer, subjugate, and enslave a population that refuses to accept the rule of an earthly authority.

THE DRAGON & BLOOD — Nathan Reynolds

from SGT Report:

The war mongers hunger for the blood of vengeance, manipulated into repeating the sins of their fathers and their father before them. Hungry for war knowing not what hell it will bring back upon them. Nathan Reynolds returns to SGT Report with a warning for humanity: Return to your senses, seek not revenge, or be devoured by the Beast.

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Biden’s EEOC Is Waging War on People of Faith

by Michael Barclay, PJ Media:

Nearly every person of faith is aware that there is an overt war on religion and that the attacks have radically increased under the Biden administration. The faithful have been fighting back, and we have lately been winning in the courts. As a result, new and more covert anti-religious measures are being enacted by the left, and these too must be exposed and fought against.

Archbishop Viganò: Catholics must seriously consider the possibility that Francis isn’t the pope


from LifeSite News:

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò has released the following statement on the ongoing theological debate over the status of Pope Francis and the papacy. In many ways, this is his most pointed criticism yet. His Excellency argues that given the devastation caused by “Jorge Mario Bergoglio” on the universal Church — which stems from his embrace of the “cancer” of Vatican II — and given the role the Saint Gallen mafia played in the 2013 conclave, Pope Francis does not have and never did have the intention of serving as the head of the Catholic Church. Rather he hid his intentions from electors with the end goal of using the authority of the papacy to undermine the Church and to make it the “handmaid” of the New World Order. “I believe instead that his acceptance of the papacy is invalidated, because he considers the papacy something other than what it is,” Viganò remarks. He continues: “I would like us to take seriously … the possibility that Bergoglio intended to obtain the election by means of fraud, and that he intended to abuse the authority of the Roman Pontiff in order to do the exact opposite of what Jesus Christ gave a mandate to Saint Peter.”

Mel K & Roseanne Barr | Uniting in Prayer: In God We Trust


from The Mel K Show:

TRUTH LIVES on at https://sgtreport.tv/

Controversial And Decidedly Non-Christian AI App Called ‘Text With Jesus’ Depicts Satan As A ‘Champion Of Love, Respect And Understanding’, Stay Away!


by Geoffrey Grinder, Now The End Begins:

Welcome to the AI app world of ‘Text With Jesus,’ where you’re just a tap away from a conversation with the holy – and, for a price, the not-so-holy like Satan.

One of the greatest evils to rise up in our technology-saturated time in which we live is AI, otherwise known as artificial intelligence, and Elon Musk was quite correct when he said that using it would be akin to ‘summoning the demon’. A new smart phone app called ‘Text With Jesus’, built on AI, allows you to have a ‘text conversation with Jesus’, and if you so desire, with Satan himself. But this is, obviously, not the Jesus of the Bible, and it is also obviously not the Satan of the Bible, either. The Satan on this app prepares you to receive Antichrist if you miss the Pretribulation Rapture of the Church.

Bible studies now banned at American senior center

from WND:

‘Some were purportedly offended’

A senior center in Missouri is facing a massive fight after it abruptly halted – and banned – a Bible study being held by residents.

The Christian Post reported the American Center for Law and Justice indicated a lawsuit might be needed.

The situation developed at a senior living center in Missouri after residents had organized and held a weekly Bible study over the course of several months.

UN Declares Christians Who Don’t Accept MAPs Will Be Excluded From Society

from The People’s Voice:

TRUTH LIVES on at https://sgtreport.tv/

WarRoom Battleground EP 351: Christian Resurgence In Europe; Holding Congress Accountable

from Bannons War Room:

TRUTH LIVES on at https://sgtreport.tv/