Saturday, July 27, 2024

Fauci Had Knowledge of Gain-of-Function Research Being Conducted at Wuhan Lab: Newly Revealed Emails

by Kyle Becker, Becker News:

The House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic on Thursday made public an email that raises concerns regarding Anthony Fauci, former White House coronavirus task force advisor and director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID). The email, shared on the subcommittee’s Twitter account, indicates that Fauci was aware of gain-of-function research being conducted in Wuhan, China.

Ed Dowd Explains Why Theres A Rise In Claims For Blood Disorders In The UK in 2020-2021

from Bannons War Room:


Greenwald: Ex-Spies Run Censorship Operations for Tech Giants

by Brenda Baletti, Ph.D., Childrens Health Defense:

On a recent episode of his show ‘System Update,’ journalist Glenn Greenwald explained how the ‘censorship-industrial complex’ merges corporate media, big tech and the security state to crack down on dissent.

Globalists Planning Chemical False Flag Attack? FLASHBACK: NYC Ran Drill Releasing Gas In Subways

from Stew Peters Network:


“The Greatest History Never Told”

by Dr. Joseph Mercola, Mercola:


  • Ivor Cummins interviews Jacob Nordangard, a Swedish researcher and author, about The Great Reset and plans for a totalitarian future
  • The interview takes you on a journey from the late 19th century to present day, laying out the nefarious path of how we ended up in the place we are today, on the verge of takeover by a corrupted few
  • Nordangard is the author of “Rockefeller: Controlling the Game,” a book that explores how this prominent family funded and shaped key aspects of society, from environmental and climate research to education, medicine, politics and agriculture, all using propaganda techniques

Looks Like Costco Won’t Restock Bud Light

from Moonbattery:

Just a few months ago, Bud Light was the top-selling beer in the USA. Then, after many years of ramming LGBTism down customers’ throats, Anheuser-Busch added the straw that broke the camel’s back by plastering Dylan Mulvaney’s creepy face on cans. The resulting boycott has cost them $billions. Bud Light is not even in the top 10 anymore. If rumors that Costco will stop stocking it turn out to be true, the brand has entered a death spiral:

Toe-curling emails reveal how former JPMorgan exec Jes Staley ‘simpered to Jeffrey Epstein about their ”profound friendship” and told child sex abuser he’d like to RETIRE on creep’s infamous Pedo Island’

by Harriet Alexander, Daily Mail:

Powerful: Jim Caviezel Responds to Fake News Smears in Interview With General Michael Flynn “I Do Not Fear You at All, You Should Fear God”

by Jim Hoft, The Gateway Pundit:

The Gateway Pundit reported on Jim Caviezel’s  passionate and fiery speech on Steve Bannon’s War Room, where he railed against the media, federal agencies, and what he believes to be a corrupt global elite during promotions for the film ‘Sound of Freedom.’

Caviezel joined General Michale Flynn to address warnings he has received after shining light on the “three letter agencies that have gone along with this wickedness” and the smears directed at him, and the film, from the far-left mainstream media.

Kamala Harris Roasted After Suggesting Population Reduction To Help The Environment

by Leif Le Mahieu, Daily Wire:

Vice President Kamala Harris was roasted this week after she said that population reduction was a way to ensure that future generations would be able to have clean air and water.

Harris made the remarks at Coppin State University in Baltimore, Maryland, during a speech where she discussed the designation of $20 billion toward green energy projects.

Britain’s Public Finances Crippled by Huge Rise in People Off Work Due to Ill-Health After Lockdowns

by Will Jones, Daily Sceptic:

Britain’s public finances are being crippled by a steep and sustained rise in the numbers of people of working age who have left the jobs market because of ill health following the pandemic and lockdowns, the Office for Budget Responsibility has warned. The Telegraph has more.

Lockdown wreaked havoc across the economy, devastating children’s education, hammering the public finances and piling pressure on a health service already struggling with the ageing population.

🔥 MEP Christine Anderson Issues Stark Warning to World Health Organization: “We Will Bring You Down!”

America’s Nursing Schools Forcing COVID Vaccines

by Nurse Michele, RN , America Outloud:

Nursing students all over America have been facing unconstitutional mandates within their nursing programs. Medical facilities are prohibiting nursing students to fulfill their required clinical rotations within hospital systems simply because they choose not to receive the COVID-19 vaccination. Though many want to believe Covid is behind us, it is anything but behind us! Let 2023 be a season for pursuing justice! We must expose these medical institutions who have forgotten that this is the United States of America, not communist China. American citizens have a right to choose not to have medical procedures and injections done to them against their will. Americans should not be required to go through lengthy explanations of their sincerely held religious belief for some other American citizens to be able to Lord over they are words and deem whether or not their religion is truly a sincerely held belief. Who do they think they are!?! Only the creator of the universe knows the sincerity of anyone’s religious sincerity.

Woke Neo-Marxist Hard Left Declares First Amendment a Psychological Disorder


by Jerome R. Corsi, American Thinker:

A 2020 article published by a World Health Organization-affiliated medical doctor in Nepal gains new relevance in light of the recent disclosure that the Biden administration’s FBI worked with a Ukrainian spy agency to take down social media posts that Ukraine considered “spreading Russian disinformation.” The “woke” leftists’ ambition to censor as “disinformation” any communication they consider harmful to their neo-Marxist agenda may well be just the first step to designating as “mentally ill” any dissenter to their views who dares to exercise free speech rights under the First Amendment.